LaTunaNostra said:
OK, can we please let it go now? I have been reinstated and everyone's honor seems to be intact.
I mean, let it go until our victory posse tomorrow night?
I'm with you... it is funny... we don't make a big deal out of the COWBOYS/skins rivalry over here... mainly because recently it has been a non-rivalry for us...
THey have whole threads over there picking out threads about us saying it is a "no-rivalry" situation... saying we are denying the inevitable rise of them to the top over us...
They are saying we are in denial about the rivalry... the last one I saw about this said the thread had floated to page 7 on the Zone I think... and they were STILL talking about it...
I am no trekkie... but in this rivalry I see us as Kirk and them as Khan... from that Wrath of Khan Star Trek movie...
Khan (skins fans): From hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.
Kirk ('boys fans): Ummmm... not sure who you are... but would you bring me another beer from the fridge?