Barry Switzer Net Worth

He was making around $1 million per season in Dallas over 4 seasons, so he roughly made $4 million in the NFL. Take out taxes, agents fees and whatever else and he probably netted $2 million. His salary at OU was under $100K per year at the height of his college career. I'd say having a current net worth of $5 million is pretty good considering he has probably lived a fairly full life.
Yeah 5M net worth isn't bad. But it seems kind of low for who he was IMO. Remember, net worth is everything, not just available cash. My net worth is around 1M and I have accomplished nothing. Just my house alone is worth around 400k.

Well considering he is 83 years old and probably hasn't made any serious income in the last 10-15 years it's not bad
He made 5 million from the Cowboys. That's worth about 8.5 million of today's dollars. Considering he hasn't worked in 20 years, that isn't bad.
Those net worth pages are garbage. They only have access to publicly available information like his coaching salaries. They have no idea what he's invested in, land holdings, or how he's grown his money. I'd imagine Barry is worth quite a bit more than 5M given his connections and the opportunities that come with it.
Does it surprise anyone else that Barry is only worth 5 million? I figured taking the Cowboys to the Super Bowl and actually winning would be worth a lot more than that. Kind of a shame to see a guy who contributed to this teams legacy making pennies compared to a guy who won a few playoff games over a career 3-4x as long. Anyone know what he’s up to these days?
can't feel bad for a dude worth $5mil.
He was a cfb Star coach before those salaries went berserk....I doubt he made more than some college LBers coaches make now...

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