Be honest, who wants to see Tom Brady get hurt tonight?

I don't play sports video games but Madden has looked the same to my untrained eyes for years.....
nah, to see him hang on too long and get embarrassed before he quits will be just fine. I want to beat him should the event every happen fully healthy.
Why do people hate Brady? i can understand them hating Belicheck but Brady is the greatest QB to ever play the game
After spygate/deflategate and now our very own Zekegate, I think Cowboys and patriots fans can come together on one front and that's F** YOU Roger Goodell!!!
Not Understanding the hate on here.
The guy is the goat. And I envy what they have done the last 16 years.
I do envy them. Their organization is what we used to be like. Every year we expected to be in the playoffs and a bad one was when we didn't reach a SB.
IMO the best in any sports are rarely humble.They are totally driven individuals to win and be the best.
Probably why I don't like Arron Rogers either. lol I don't ever remember any of our QBs being arrogant but I guess they were never considered the best. They must get arrogant after hearing the media praise them so much. lol

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