Be honest, who wants to see Tom Brady get hurt tonight?

If Dak tears his ACL and some Troll Giant fan posts good for him ha ha. Etc. You would be the first to explode on the person. So please be careful what you wish for.
If Dak tears his ACL and some Troll Giant fan posts good for him ha ha. Etc. You would be the first to explode on the person. So please be careful what you wish for.
I've never cried for an injury, and my teams have been affected by many of them. Just part of the game. Doesn't mean I wish it on anybody. Some people just can't take a joke. Oh well
I kinda like Tom.
A friend of a friend has family in Key West that are Riding the Storm Out. They said that all the boats that were in the harbor are now gone. Not washed up on land either, they are either a float somewhere or are sunk. Over 800 boats. Some very big ones too.
Come on, be honest. Who wants to see Tom Brady get hurt tonight. Nothing life threatening, just enough to miss 16 games.
I want him to get hurt any night, even non game nights, forget this generic "I dont want to see anyone hurt" stuff people feel the need to say. Sure I dont want a fellow human to feel pain, but from a fan point of view sure you wish ill on teams you dont like, why not

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