Bears DT Tank Johnson suspended for first 8 games of season

Vintage;1518786 said:
Because it is certain we will have to face Chicago in the playoffs? Please, provide me a link where it says so.

The link is ...www.[U]preparation.[/U]preparation.commonsense!

Should not your coaches (at least I know they are anyway), be prepared to play anyone (to include the "Bars"), in the playoffs? ;)

I'm not going to win this dialogue with you I?
Super, as usual you are acting like a lawyer. Pacman has acted as a thug for years and FINALLY he is paying the price. Good for the Commish. Tank Johnson did not have numerous other incidents. Add to that -whether or not it is posed or a front- he has shown remorse and contrition and is making lots of movement towards not doing it again. Meanwhile your good buddy pacman was at a strip joint the NIGHT before meeting the Commish. Does not exactly make anyone think he is going to change.
But frankly I have grown tired of this arguement. I am very proud to be among the 90% that think you are all wet on this. And I will enjoy the knashing of teeth and heartburn you will go through as you see Goodell merrily sail along and Pacman get suspended and almost certainly do something else stupid.
superpunk;1518792 said:
Welcome to "10%".

Sweet. I love arbitrary stats just like I love arbitrary punishments. Don't you?

None of it makes any sense. Goodell is out of hand, and it won't be long (if he continues this way) before the players union takes away his arbitrary power and forces him to set clear standards for punishment. He cannot legitimately function like this.

For right now, the marriage is new. The couple (Goodell and the Players) are experimenting with each other. Its exciting for them, etc.

But sooner or later, the marriage is going to get rocky.

The players/coaches want to clean up the league. As a result, Goodell has the green light for just about anything right now. The real test will be when things have settled down and if these kind of abitrary punishments still continue.
Phoenix-Talon;1518800 said:
The link is ...www.preparation.preparation.commonsense!

Should not your coaches (at least I know they are anyway), be prepared to play anyone (to include the "Bars"), in the playoffs? ;)

I'm not going to win this dialogue with you I?

Yeah, undoubtedly our team is preparing for the Bears in the playoffs.

Its not a foregone conclusion that the Bears make the playoffs this year. Or that we will make the playoffs. Or that even if both teams make the playoffs, we'll meet in the playoffs.

The only thing we know for certain is that we WILL be playing the Bears in week 3.
burmafrd;1518801 said:
Super, as usual you are acting like a lawyer. Pacman has acted as a thug for years and FINALLY he is paying the price. Good for the Commish. Tank Johnson did not have numerous other incidents. Add to that -whether or not it is posed or a front- he has shown remorse and contrition and is making lots of movement towards not doing it again. Meanwhile your good buddy pacman was at a strip joint the NIGHT before meeting the Commish. Does not exactly make anyone think he is going to change.
But frankly I have grown tired of this arguement. I am very proud to be among the 90% that think you are all wet on this. And I will enjoy the knashing of teeth and heartburn you will go through as you see Goodell merrily sail along and Pacman get suspended and almost certainly do something else stupid.


Superpunk said he isn't defending PacMan. He made that clear. He is saying he wants fair punishment. There is a difference.

As for the rest of this post....

burmafrd;1518801 said:
Super, as usual you are acting like a lawyer. Pacman has acted as a thug for years and FINALLY he is paying the price. Good for the Commish. Tank Johnson did not have numerous other incidents. Add to that -whether or not it is posed or a front- he has shown remorse and contrition and is making lots of movement towards not doing it again. Meanwhile your good buddy pacman was at a strip joint the NIGHT before meeting the Commish. Does not exactly make anyone think he is going to change.
But frankly I have grown tired of this arguement. I am very proud to be among the 90% that think you are all wet on this. And I will enjoy the knashing of teeth and heartburn you will go through as you see Goodell merrily sail along and Pacman get suspended and almost certainly do something else stupid.
Let's be honest for a second.

You're a computer program, that doesn't actually read anything anyone actually writes. You just ignore everything, and continue to drone on and on about the same tired nonsense, never responding to any actual points or using the quote function.

You apparently cannot use the advanced search function either, as you have yet to provide me with a link to my defending PacMan, although you continue to suggest I support him, despite my clear statements to the contrary.

You have no idea what logic is, or how to employ it.

These are the facts, and they are irrefutable. Quit acting a fool and actually respond to something people say once in a while, instead of this random non-quote-using nonsense that you continue to push out there. I have made my points clearly, and quite pointedly - and if we're using your appeal to popularity fallacy (which you continue to employ, no matter how stupid it is) there is actually noone who disagrees with me in this thread. (yet)

I've set the argument for why Goodell is abusing his power out there clearly. Either respond to it, or get out of the thread. What you are continuing to type has no bearing on anything I have said. Put your critical thinking cap on and get to work - if you're able.
Vintage;1518806 said:
The only thing we know for certain is that we WILL be playing the Bears in week 3.

Wrong ...know also that You will play the Eagles twice; perhaps thrice this year.
Phoenix-Talon;1518790 said:
Operant words ..."he can work out." ...and he will be in shape when the consequences of his behavior have been exhausted.

But I clearly hear your point. My only point was to the one poster who thought JJ would have a cake walk throughout the season because Tank (he called him Stank) was not going to play at any point.

Listen, Tank isn't "all that," ...but he is certainly "some of that." Don't ocunt him out before the count of six, or eight ...or ten!:rolleyes:

You said he wouldn't have any catching up too do because he could practice while on suspension. I was just pointing out that he couldn't practice with the team so he won't be ready to just line up and play.
Phoenix-Talon;1518813 said:
Wrong ...know also that You will play the Eagles twice; perhaps thrice this year.

What do the Eagles have to do with this discussion?

We were talking about the Bears. My bad for assuming you had the intelligence to differentiate. I almost went back and edited after I saw what I posted and realized I didn't explicitily state "The only thing we know about the Bears." I thought you would be able to infer the "about the Bears."

I assumed you had enough common sense/reading comprehension/deductive reasoning skills to infer that the discussion was about the Bears since that was what our discussion was about (since you quoted me in a reply to you).

I was wrong. From now on, I will s-p-e-l-l things out for you.

Clearly, its needed.
Vintage;1518804 said:
Sweet. I love arbitrary stats just like I love arbitrary punishments. Don't you?

For right now, the marriage is new. The couple (Goodell and the Players) are experimenting with each other. Its exciting for them, etc.

But sooner or later, the marriage is going to get rocky.

The players/coaches want to clean up the league. As a result, Goodell has the green light for just about anything right now. The real test will be when things have settled down and if these kind of abitrary punishments still continue.

So far only Henry, Pacman and Tank have fallen under these suspensions. They are the extreme cases of off field behavior. Are any of their cases truly arbitrary?

It is not truly a new marriage. These types of suspensions could have been handed down under older rules. There is just a push to be more diligent in suspending players for their off field actions.
Vintage;1518817 said:
What do the Eagles have to do with this discussion?

Same question I could ask you about your post #40 ...

Vintage # 40 - PT, shouldn't you be worried about the key loss of Stallworth this season? Its going to hurt you guys losing him....a weak WR core got weaker.

I thought Stallworth now plays for the Patriots ...not the Bears!

Vintage;1518817 said:
We were talking about the Bears. My bad for assuming you had the intelligence to differentiate.

I'm intelligent enough to know that these dialogues should never control me enough to have to resort to insulting the intelligence of some who is supposed to be engaged in a "fun" dialogue.

I've enjoyed the dialogue with you up to this point - you win, Have a good day. I choose not to insult you back.
Phoenix-Talon;1518855 said:
Same question I could ask you about your post #40 ...

Vintage # 40 - PT, shouldn't you be worried about the key loss of Stallworth this season? Its going to hurt you guys losing him....a weak WR core got weaker.

I thought Stallworth now plays for the Patriots ...not the Bears!

I made that comment and you didn't reply, so I dropped it. I didn't bring it up again until AFTER you brought the Eagles back into the discussion. Anyone with a clue could tell I was ONLY talking about the Bears in that post. You thought you'd be "clever" and sneak in with an "actually, we know you will play the Eagles twice this season" while undoubtedly patting your back over your lame attempt.

Nice try.
Vintage;1518864 said:
I made that comment and you didn't reply, so I dropped it.

You dropped it!

I've enjoyed the dialogue with you up to this point - you win, Have a good day. I choose not to insult you back.
burmafrd;1518698 said:
Actually Pacman was convicted (plead guilty) to that mess in Aug of 05, I think it was. that one where if he behaved for 6 months it would be stricken. The other charges are still winding their way through the courts. I am amazed after OJ and everything else that has happened over the last 10 years some people seem to think that being convicted or not being convicted means anything. Or are some here really trying to say that 9 times he was brought in and in dispute he was INNOCENT all 9 times? or even HALF of them?

I am not slamming you, but a plea of guilty does not necessarily equate to a conviction. In most jurisdictions, a deferred sentence, which requires a plea of guilty (or equivalent), it is NOT a conviction. Moreover, the entry of a plea is not even necessarily an admission of guilt. I realize this may seem like splitting hairs, but, I am just stating the facts. I don't know if Pac Man has received a conviction, or not.
superpunk;1518811 said:
Let's be honest for a second.

You're a computer program, that doesn't actually read anything anyone actually writes. You just ignore everything, and continue to drone on and on about the same tired nonsense, never responding to any actual points or using the quote function.

You apparently cannot use the advanced search function either, as you have yet to provide me with a link to my defending PacMan, although you continue to suggest I support him, despite my clear statements to the contrary.

You have no idea what logic is, or how to employ it.

These are the facts, and they are irrefutable. Quit acting a fool and actually respond to something people say once in a while, instead of this random non-quote-using nonsense that you continue to push out there. I have made my points clearly, and quite pointedly - and if we're using your appeal to popularity fallacy (which you continue to employ, no matter how stupid it is) there is actually noone who disagrees with me in this thread. (yet)

I've set the argument for why Goodell is abusing his power out there clearly. Either respond to it, or get out of the thread. What you are continuing to type has no bearing on anything I have said. Put your critical thinking cap on and get to work - if you're able.

You will probably have to just give up at some point. Some posters on this forum cannot understand that the mere fact that you criticize "how" punishment is determined and meted out does not mean you are on Pac Man or Tank's bandwagon. For what it is worth your point was articulately made, but you are wasting your breath.
Its an arguement that only those with a disconnect with the real world of real people will make. Like the comment about pleading guilty is not the same as a conviction. Its admitting you are GUILTY. Now sometimes a deal is made and that is what happens. BUT the bottom line is that you admit you were GUILTY of something. So splitting hairs and saying that is not a conviction is to once again show how divorced you are from the real world. Its like those that claim being convicted is the same as being guilty; and not being convicted is the same as being innocent. With our legal system- it means nothing. Now pleading guilty does say somewhat more- but not a whole lot.
What Goodell is doing is punishing behavior and conduct. And that is fine with me and about 90% of the players and fans. So the 10% that whine and cry and suck their thumbs do not matter. Happily.
And frankly, like on the dogfighting issue, those defending Vick are in the end defending that attitude and conduct. Just like those now that are criticising Goodell for dropping the hammer on Pacman and company. You are defending Pacmans actions and conduct. That is how it looks in the real world. Maybe that is not fair- but that is the way it is.
burmafrd;1520057 said:
Its an arguement that only those with a disconnect with the real world of real people will make. Like the comment about pleading guilty is not the same as a conviction. Its admitting you are GUILTY. Now sometimes a deal is made and that is what happens. BUT the bottom line is that you admit you were GUILTY of something. So splitting hairs and saying that is not a conviction is to once again show how divorced you are from the real world. Its like those that claim being convicted is the same as being guilty; and not being convicted is the same as being innocent. With our legal system- it means nothing. Now pleading guilty does say somewhat more- but not a whole lot.
What Goodell is doing is punishing behavior and conduct. And that is fine with me and about 90% of the players and fans. So the 10% that whine and cry and suck their thumbs do not matter. Happily.
And frankly, like on the dogfighting issue, those defending Vick are in the end defending that attitude and conduct. Just like those now that are criticising Goodell for dropping the hammer on Pacman and company. You are defending Pacmans actions and conduct. That is how it looks in the real world. Maybe that is not fair- but that is the way it is.

See what I mean Superpunk? Making a point to a mental midget will not accomplish anything. It would be futile to point out that, for example, when one makes an Allford plea, that he is basically saying, I am not guilty, I did not commit the acts alleged, but I am willing to enter a plea to avoid the chance that a jury might find me guilty. It would also be fruitless to point out that on a deferred sentence that it is not a conviction.

People like this will never appreciate what you are saying until they, or someone they care about is falsely accused of something and then they will change their tune. Pac Man and Tank are thugs in my mind, and I am sure they have done a heck of a lot more than they have been caught doing. On the other hand, if someone falsely accused Tony Romo of something next week and the Commish suspended him for a year based on mere allegations the complaining in this forum would be deafening.
Just keep it up. You are happy being in the 10%. Fine with me. WIll love to see you grind your teeth as Goodell keeps getting kudo's from just about everyone. Love how it will make you feel.
burmafrd;1520435 said:
Just keep it up. You are happy being in the 10%. Fine with me. WIll love to see you grind your teeth as Goodell keeps getting kudo's from just about everyone. Love how it will make you feel.

Does continuing to spout off your incredibly made up and blatantly false "statistic" give you some sort of pleasure?

You have no idea what is being discussed here. I don't know if that's because you can't understand it, or you just don't want to. You ought to at least try to figure it out, though, and drop your nonsensical ramblings.

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