So annoying. Jerks design their web pages so that they hijack your browsers back button. Then when you want to back up to your original search, you can't. I guess they think it keeps you on their web page and then they'll make more money. In reality, that BS makes me DESPISE them and guarantees I'll never buy anything they're selling.
Does anyone know of a browser plugin that will get override their back button hijack? It sucks that so many pages employ this obnoxious tactic. Browsers I use are FireFox, Chrome, and Opera.
Most sites don't do that on purpose. The problem is that a lot of sites are shifting from back-end to front-end content and data control. What this means is that as you click on links, buttons, etc. pages are updated within the same page rather than your browser actually switching to a new URL and requesting/loading a new page from the site's server(s).
Basically, they're trying to turn web sites into web apps. The problem is that web browsers using the HTTP protocol were designed for page/URL-based document viewing, not web-apps. The development community really should have found a new system to implement this development but they knew that if people had to install new app OSes, interpreters, wrappers, etc. to run their apps, most people wouldn't. So they basically hijacked the HTTP protocol to do this. That would be fine if the browser developers would actually add dual-support or at least dual-functionality to browsers to support both types of site development.
Think of it like this, imagine someone places a 5 level parking garage in the middle of a highway. You are on the highway and enter the garage (site) and proceed to go to level 3. Now, you want to go back, so you put your car in reverse. However, the car (browser) doesn't know if you want to go back to level 2 or back to before you entered the garage (site). The car (browser) would have to discern whether in that particular moment which BACK you are wanting, and it usually guesses wrong or it simply only knows how to do one or the other, not both, so it uses the one it knows how to do.
As for disabling javascript, the development community has been pushing this transition for the last few years to where more and more sites require javascript to function. In the past, you could just disable javascript int the browser and then you would only lose a little added functionality here and there. Now, on many sites, if you disable javascript, the site stops working, because it is generated by javascript which means it requires it to work.
My point is that sties are not doing this intentionally for some nefarious reason. It's a byproduct of bending the page/URL-based HTTP protocol to do something it wasn't designed to do and either they are not worrying about BACK button legacy support or they simply cannot offer that functionality.