Best Fight Scenes

Return Of The Dragon came out in 72, Enter the Dragon came out in 73, I personally liked Enter The Dragon better
You're right, Enter and Return are two different movies.
I can't remember what the other name for Return was.
Completely forgot the fight scene in the racist church while freebird is playing in the background in the first Kingman movie
It was a crap movie (Undisputed), but the boxing scene bw Ving Rhames and Wesley Snipes was pretty good.
That opening Blade scene in the "blood rave" still sticks out as ahead of its time like CTHD
"What taxes?":D
Very low budget cheesy movie,but I remember "The Toxic Avenger" had the restaurant robbery scene .3 robbers and 2 of the robbers were horrible,but the last one was actual pretty good in the fight scene. The white druggie looking guy I think his name was Rico. He you could tell had a martial arts background. Toxic Avenger ended up putting his hands in the French Fries grease vac.
Alan Ladd has some great fight scenes in those old film noirs. Maybe the best one...although be it,it’s just one punch is “The Public Enemy” with James Gagney. The director told the other actor to really sock him good in the kisser,without notifying Gagney. What you see in that scene is really him getting hit and falling down. But the beauty of James stays in character and plays it out. He lost a tooth in that btw. The bullets are also real in that film. A sharp shooter is firing at the wall. No squibs folks....that’s the real thing. Darned if he didn’t earn his money on that film.
Another great movie with great fight scenes is The Deadlands, about Maori warriors, brutal weapons, tongues sticking out, hakas, it's pretty cool. We need more Maori warriors movies.

"Creed" has some excellent fights in it. There's one in particular which is one long take or at least they made it appear so (I'm not sure).

Alrighty fellas here it is.....the famous punch scene of “The Public Enemy.” The other actor felt awful about it,(a real nice man BTW) but the director “Wild Bill” Wellman made him do it,who wasn’t so nice. Great director,but a feisty one,who’d knock you in the face if he didn’t like what you said to him.

On a side note: There are 2 great male lead actor talents in Hollywood...who I have as the top two actors of all I’ve studied. Cagney and Mickey Rooney. They had more talent than a man has a right to.

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