Best hooters in Big D


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I am flying into Dallas to see americas team and I need to know which Hooters has the hottest ladies..."How bout them Cowboys"
JJboys23 said:
I am flying into Dallas to see americas team and I need to know which Hooters has the hottest ladies..."How bout them Cowboys"
When you get to Texas Stadium, you can go to The Corral (at Gate 8), which is a big official tailgate tent with live music and a Hooters inside of it. Hooters girls walk around and take your order. They also have TVs inside to watch the other games going on.

It's $3 for a Corral ticket and it's open 3 hours before and 2 hours after the game and you can come and go as you please. I went last week and it was lots of fun. The only downside is that you're paying "stadium prices" for beer and food. That means $6.50 beers and a $6 hamburger.
Do they allow you to get autographs inside the stadium and how good are the seats at the 20 in the 2nd level?
JJboys23 said:
Do they allow you to get autographs inside the stadium and how good are the seats at the 20 in the 2nd level?
Those seats should be fine. Texas Stadium isn't very big, and the upper deck is pretty close to the field, relatively speaking (comparing it to FedEx here in DC, for example).

I have no idea about autographs. Others would probably know better.

Have fun at the game!
JJboys23 said:
Do they allow you to get autographs inside the stadium and how good are the seats at the 20 in the 2nd level?

Its been a few years since I have been there, but typically the players don't wander over and fraternize with fans during warm ups. However, they if you go down to the first row, you can get some good pictures.

When I went there once before (1998, its been awhile), I went to the Corral, as mentioned by Danny White. After the game, Drew Pearson did a radio show and during commercial breaks he would come out and sign autographs. Its probably worth checking out. I also went in there early before the game and the Hooters girls were kind enough to pose for a picture with me.
JJboys23 said:
I am flying into Dallas to see americas team and I need to know which Hooters has the hottest ladies..."How bout them Cowboys"

Having only been in one-- the one in Irving, by the mall-- I'm not qualified to judge which has the best, but I can tell you that the ladies in that one are REAL easy on the eyes... they're also generous hearted lasses, me and my cousin wandered in there not long before last call, and wound up getting invited over to an after hours place in Euless (The Yacht Club, IIRC)... got nicely toasted on good anejo with a waitress name of Sherry, who then taught me how to two-step... I'm told I got pretty good at it, though I can't remember how to do it today... :D

And no, this is NOT an X-rated story... we partied with these good folk until nearly 3, then went back (alone) to our hotel to get some sleep...

It was one of my most pleasant memories from my one trip to Texas Stadium... this was September, 1992...
HeavyHitta31 said:
I support any establishment that supports boobies and food

Most of the boobs aren't even very well supported

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