Some people can look past there homeristic views and appreciate football greatness for what it really is...and some just aren't mature enough to handle that reality.
While this game would never settle a debate on who the absolute greatest of anything can at least quantify some of the integrity and merit each individual voter holds, or lack thereof.
I'd like to especially thank Thumper for at least presenting fundemental knowledge of the game and it's past, for taking the time and effort for shedding some intellectual light on the subjects presented. He exemplified exactly what I was hoping could take place. And it's not like I say that because I agree with him on everything, as our voting records will attest that we don't.
But it was just great to try and reason out some rational thinking, and not just he's the greatest because he was a Cowboy. But that's how the big boys do it, I'll leave the rest to the adolescent mindset.