Best WR in the NFC East?

Moss has had 1 good year...Roy has had 1 good year...

I'll give Moss the slight edge for now but Roy will have a much better QB this year and it shouldn't even be a question after next year.
CATCH17;2725578 said:
Who is the best in our division?

For as much heat as Roy Williams is taking i'd say he is the best with TO and Plax now gone.
the best player in the NFC East plays in the AFC East now..

2nd best would probably be...not a WR: Jason Witten or Brian Westbrook.

But if it had to be a WR, probably Desean Jackson or Santana Moss

Cripes...hadn't realized just how pathetic the WRs in the division are.
DeSean Jackson is the most dangerous altho not experienced enough followed by Moss who disappears at times. RW should be number one. Austin is a wild card and can't be introduced for lack of production so far IMO.
Mainly because his competition is so-so.

silverbear;2725611 said:
Miles Austin... he's gonna catch 100 this year, just watch...
Where's the sarcasm button, I know you meant to use it.

I'd say DeSean Jackson. I think he will have a "next level" year after fiddling around with teams last year, he's skinny but he has a combination of speed/quickness/ and he's just a dangerous open-space runner.
receiver in the EAST is no doubt Santana Moss. Second would be Roy Williams. Third is Kevin Curtis. Fourth, believe it or not, is a tie between Reggie Brown and Patric Crayton.

Patrick Crayton has loose lips and sometimes he says things that are annoying, but alot of people are understimating his production despite never being higher than the 4th option on the passing game.
WoodysGirl;2725644 said:
I consider it two different scenarios.
If it was after he was in NE before he came here, then I'd go with Randy. But if it was after he came from Oakland, then I might still go with Santana. Randy was a major dog in Oakland. .

Nothing personal, but that's completely insane. I don't care what happened in Oakland, by the time Randy Moss got to the Raiders he was 3/4th of the way to the HOF. He had accumulated over 9,000 yards and 90 TDs before he got to the Raiders. That's probably more than half the receivers who are currently in the HOF

Santan Moss, to this day, still hasn't reached 7,000 yards or 45 touchdowns.
ThreeSportStar80;2726529 said:
Santana Moss is the most proven WR in the NFC right now. Roy Williams needs to show me in 2009.

NFC East.. Not NFC..

There's this guy named Patrick Fitzgeralds who currently holds the throne, and his counter part ( this other guy named Bolden ) is also wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyy better than S.Moss. There are also Steve Smith ( Carolina ), who's better than S.Moss.

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