Video: Big Mike fuming in the post game interview


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Mike starts at 3:33

Talking about how frustrating the ending of the game was. Obviously he is pointing to the refereeing but he can not call it out openly to avoid a lighter wallet by tomorrow.

Despite what the tough guys around here and shills like Fisher and Eisen always put out in their shows... Coaches know Refs decide games with bad calls/ no calls.

Big Mike wasn't this mad since someone ate the last bagel at the ranch coach's coffee room.



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Mike starts at 3:33

Talking about how frustrating the ending of the game was. Obviously he is pointing to the refereeing but he can not call it out openly to avoid a lighter wallet by tomorrow.

Despite what the tough guys around here and shills like Fisher and Eisen always put out in their shows... Coaches know Refs decide games with bad calls/ no calls.

Big Mike wasn't this mad since someone ate the last bagel at the ranch coach's coffee room.

IMO Mike was on tilt and he went for it on 4th down in OT. He thought this team would stand up, and over come. They didn't.


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If the 4th down was converted in OT and they score that drive. We would be praising the call. Live or die by the play, but it wasn't so much a bad call to go for it, just a bad play called.

Also, I don't like blaming refs, but in OT all plays should be booth reviewed on the fly.


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He should be fuming about blowing a 28-14 4th quarter lead against a three-win team on a five-game losing skid. Neither the offense nor the defense did anything to close it out.
True, seems like he given the team too much rest on the bye or something, they sleepwalked the entire first half and all the 4th qtr.


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He should be fuming about blowing a 28-14 4th quarter lead against a three-win team on a five-game losing skid. Neither the offense nor the defense did anything to close it out.

This accurately sums it up.


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Mike starts at 3:33

Talking about how frustrating the ending of the game was. Obviously he is pointing to the refereeing but he can not call it out openly to avoid a lighter wallet by tomorrow.

Despite what the tough guys around here and shills like Fisher and Eisen always put out in their shows... Coaches know Refs decide games with bad calls/ no calls.

Big Mike wasn't this mad since someone ate the last bagel at the ranch coach's coffee room.

Why is Dak smiling? Is he kind of slow?


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Dak even mouthed the "It's just one game" line that I've seen others here already regurgitating...

And the canned "We've go to learn from this..." trope.

Learn how to not throw interceptions... ? ? ?

Learn how to not jump off sides ???

Learn how to not hit someone after they are out of the field of play ? ? ?

Learn how to not line up off sides ? ? ?

Should have "learned" that after in Pee-Wee...



Well-Known Member
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Dak even mouthed the "It's just one game" line that I've seen others here already regurgitating...

And the canned "We've go to learn from this..." trope.

Learn how to not throw interceptions... ? ? ?

Learn how to not jump off sides ???

Learn how to not hit someone after they are out of the field of play ? ? ?

Learn how to not line up off sides ? ? ?

Should have "learned" that after in Pee-Wee...

Im convinced Dak is just a locker room toxin. Notice how he essentially poisons every player he talks to/touches? He talked to Parsons last week. Ruined. Ruined the careers of many receivers such as Dez, Amari, now Ceedee and Gallup. Zeke has been ran to the ground (and now sucks) due to Dak Sak’s ineptitude and having to carry the team for many years. He has also taken on Dak’s “I don’t care anymore cause I got paid” mentality. He has gotten an entire coaching staff fired because he’s sucks so much. So many offensive picks and trading to help him out at expense for the defense, which sucks. Just horrible. Despicable. Disgusting. Downright atrocious. This team is an embarrassment to the 90s teams and should be renamed because they do not deserve to carry their legacy and monger. Should change it to the Dallas Clownboys and turn the stadium into a big circus tent. Make the mascot a clown. New colors are red white and yellow.