Big Mike is good for Dak


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I know we all have a bad taste in or mouths based on that horrific ending against GB but looking back on the season we really had no running game and Dak was still able to engineer some terrific games... Mike really implemented a good game plan for Dak based on what Dak does best....... most teams played the pass as they knew we had no running game.....if we can get the run game going next year we should be dangerous


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I know we all have a bad taste in or mouths based on that horrific ending against GB but looking back on the season we really had no running game and Dak was still able to engineer some terrific games... Mike really implemented a good game plan for Dak based on what Dak does best....... most teams played the pass as they knew we had no running game.....if we can get the run game going next year we should be dangerous
And they also need to focus on stopping the run. They must be able to do both. If you want to see an eye opener, rewatch the Super Bowl and focus on how Chris Jones single handedly stopped 3 touchdowns just by himself. Dude’s going to get northward of $30 mil this year if he’s tagged.


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We should ignore what we saw against Green Bay and forge ahead with what we have. Is that you Jerry?
No, of course not. Green Bay exploited our weaknesses and MM would have to be an idiot not to use that game a a teaching moment. I think hiring Zimmer was a good start if they let him do his thing.

But the OP about Dak has some merit. Dak was better this year than he had been in the past. For one thing, his throwing mechanics did not fall apart late in the season.


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I know we all have a bad taste in or mouths based on that horrific ending against GB but looking back on the season we really had no running game and Dak was still able to engineer some terrific games... Mike really implemented a good game plan for Dak based on what Dak does best....... most teams played the pass as they knew we had no running game.....if we can get the run game going next year we should be dangerous
So the offense by MMs statement was 70% KMs and it had to be dumbed down after a few games to help Dak. Dak was Dak good against the sub par defenses not so good when it mattered. MM is no brilliant Offensive mind which is shown time and again against better teams.


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I know we all have a bad taste in or mouths based on that horrific ending against GB but looking back on the season we really had no running game and Dak was still able to engineer some terrific games... Mike really implemented a good game plan for Dak based on what Dak does best....... most teams played the pass as they knew we had no running game.....if we can get the run game going next year we should be dangerous
Terrific games against some horrific defenses


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I know we all have a bad taste in or mouths based on that horrific ending against GB but looking back on the season we really had no running game and Dak was still able to engineer some terrific games... Mike really implemented a good game plan for Dak based on what Dak does best....... most teams played the pass as they knew we had no running game.....if we can get the run game going next year we should be dangerous
it'll help, but I think we'll still see the same flaws. As soon as the run isn't getting us more than 4 yards, we'll get frustrated and die by the pass the rest of the game


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
And they also need to focus on stopping the run. They must be able to do both. If you want to see an eye opener, rewatch the Super Bowl and focus on how Chris Jones single handedly stopped 3 touchdowns just by himself. Dude’s going to get northward of $30 mil this year if he’s tagged.
yes and fans on here think he's coming here, they've got a better chance of watching you bash me!!!


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
All the bad games need to be ignored. It's not an indication of anything. Look he put up 40 against the Giants. That's all you need to focus on.
looooooool, this thinking right here is what they'll be looking at when it's time to negotiate!!!


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A true fan with some sense is more like it. Contributing to a discussion board with real football talk. And not just posting whine comments only. :lmao:
I just have a hard time with anything that starts off "I know we all have a bad taste in or mouths based on that horrific ending against GB but". I have spent a great deal of my time and energy following this team. I am not complaining about it. Clearly I enjoy it and I choose to do it of my own free will. I just know what I saw against Green Bay and I am no longer interested in discussing anything that does not involve getting to the root of the problems.

You want to come at me with "we gotta stop the run" then you better be talking Micah and D Flaw and Diggs and the gang. You wanna come at me with "we gotta run the ball better" then you better be talking Martin and Tyron and Pollard and the gang.

Year after year the exact same things are our undoing. Year after year we stick with the same group of underachievers. People think we can fix the problem by upgrading the center and bringing in a new DT. I have my doubts.