Dear fellow Zoners----yes last year i was crushed as bad as anyone after loss to Green Bay.....and i was so hurt i promised the PLATS were no more
but after getting a DC like "Zimmer" ( still upset we dont have better RB)....i am so excited about our Cowboys even though last year i said i wont
ever be a big fan the PLATS are back and i just ask leadership to show mercy on me....we only lost 2 PLATS last year including Green Bay
and I dont encourage any gambling even though its legal now....but i just like the new atmosphere having Zimmer...and another year with Big Mike
and Dak offense will be better...the only thing that can get us is health or injuries...and yes our pass rush took big hit losing Sam Williams...i believe Zimmer
will mix and match and offenses wont ever be able to nail down who is rushing....overshown and Kendricks are straight up "DOGS" and we have enough meat
at 1-tech we wont get run over anymore this sit back grab your nachos and beer and be cool with the "shots"...i dont drink but i know many of you do
so Lets Go Cowboys and How bout Dem Cowboys????