Bill Parcells’ 11 Quarterback Commandments

It's an indictment of Romo that he chose to ignore what Parcells taught him. After Parcells left Romo behaved like a teenager without parental supervision. It's also an indictment of Wade Phillips and JG that they allowed it to happen.
Yeah, but Romo has been so overplayed and discussed ad nauseum, no one wants to hear it any more.

This would've been a really good thread if you'd left off any mention of Romo.
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It's an indictment of Romo that he chose to ignore what Parcells taught him. After Parcells left Romo behaved like a teenager without parental supervision. It's also an indictment of Wade Phillips and JG that they allowed it to happen.

Romo did what he wanted , he changed plays when he wanted , didnt give up on plays he wanted to work and became what he wanted to be A Great Passer . Dak dose what his coaches tell him ,Dak changes plays when he has to and also dosent give up on plays he wants to work . He just straight arms guys into the ground and moves the chains . Dak has become what he wanted to be and this team needed .

A Great Football player able to lead his team and play every down
It's an indictment of Romo that he chose to ignore what Parcells taught him. After Parcells left Romo behaved like a teenager without parental supervision. It's also an indictment of Wade Phillips and JG that they allowed it to happen.

Indictment of Wade Phillips LOL.......... Wade had no control over Offense or personnel. He couldn't have fired or disciplined anybody on that side of the ball IMO. If you want to say that about the Defense, I would agree because he did have control of that.

Every QB should embrace number 9.

#9 kind contradicts itself. It says passing stats and TD passes are not how to judge, but getting scores does. Isn't TD passes scoring? And does than mean the team only moves down the field on the run game only? Passes don't apply? It sort of like that insurance commercial where Alex Treybek says there's 3 P's for insurance. P #1 is a price you can afford, P#2 a price that never goes up and P3# where the price fits your budget. Well if it doesn't fit #3 than i#1 can't apply. If it doesn't fit your budget you can't afford it.
Romo did what he wanted , he changed plays when he wanted , didnt give up on plays he wanted to work and became what he wanted to be A Great Passer . Dak dose what his coaches tell him ,Dak changes plays when he has to and also dosent give up on plays he wants to work . He just straight arms guys into the ground and moves the chains . Dak has become what he wanted to be and this team needed .

A Great Football player able to lead his team and play every down
  1. Press or TV agents or advisers, family or wives, friends or relatives, fans or hangers on, ignore them on matters of football, they don’t know what’s happening here.
  2. Don’t forget to have fun, but don’t be the class clown. Clowns and leaders don’t mix. Clowns can’t run a huddle.
  3. A quarterback throws with his legs more than his arms. Squat and run. Fat quarterbacks can’t avoid the rush.
  4. Know your job cold. This is not a game without errors. Keep yours to a minimum. Study.
  5. Know your own players. Who’s fast? Who can catch? Who needs encouragement? Be precise. Know your opponent.
  6. Be the same guy everyday. In condition, preparing to lead, studying your plan. A coach can’t prepare you for every eventuality. Prepare yourself and remember, impulse decisions usually equal mistakes.
  7. Throwing the ball away is a good play. Sacks, interceptions, and fumbles are bad plays. Protect against those.
  8. You must learn to manage the game. Personnel, play call, motions, ball handling, proper reads, accurate throws, play fakes. Clock, clock, clock, don’t you ever lose track of the clock.
  9. Passing stats and TD passes are not how you’re gonna be judged. Your job is to get your team in the endzone and that’s how you’re gonna be judged.
  10. When all around you is in chaos, you must be the hand that steers the ship. If you have a panic button, so will everyone else. Our ship can’t have panic buttons.
  11. Don’t be a celebrity quarterback. We don’t need any of those. We need battlefield commanders that are willing to fight it out everyday, every week, and every season, and lead their team to win after win after win.
How many commandments did Romo violate after Parcells left? IMO he violated 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, and 11.

2006 called and wanted its thread back.
#9 kind contradicts itself. It says passing stats and TD passes are not how to judge, but getting scores does. Isn't TD passes scoring? And does than mean the team only moves down the field on the run game only? Passes don't apply? It sort of like that insurance commercial where Alex Treybek says there's 3 P's for insurance. P #1 is a price you can afford, P#2 a price that never goes up and P3# where the price fits your budget. Well if it doesn't fit #3 than i#1 can't apply. If it doesn't fit your budget you can't afford it.
I think the overall idea is to get a Superbowl. He was suggesting don't make stats your goal. It's the "W" that people will remember.
I think the overall idea is to get a Superbowl. He was suggesting don't make stats your goal. It's the "W" that people will remember.

Actually he said stats and TD passes don't count only getting to the endzone counts and that why I questioned that number. TD passes and getting into the endzone are the same thing.
Here's the quote,
"9. Passing stats and TD passes are not how you’re gonna be judged. Your job is to get your team in the endzone and that’s how you’re gonna be judged."
This seems to be suggesting people remember Wins, not your stats.
Here's the quote,
"9. Passing stats and TD passes are not how you’re gonna be judged. Your job is to get your team in the endzone and that’s how you’re gonna be judged."
This seems to be suggesting people remember Wins, not your stats.
During a broadcast Romo mentioned he would pass at the goal line even though the defense was showing a formation that we should have ran the ball. Then when Murray would question him on the sidelines he would play dumb. He said it was a good way to pad your TD stats and every QB should do it if they don’t already.

Really helped me understand why we would force the ball to Dez instead of pounding the rock and why our rushing TD numbers were always so low.

While these rules were made prior to Parcells coaching Romo, Romo admitted on air he padded his stats, which is what Parcells warned against.
It's an indictment of Romo that he chose to ignore what Parcells taught him. After Parcells left Romo behaved like a teenager without parental supervision. It's also an indictment of Wade Phillips and JG that they allowed it to happen.
Yeah, that backwards hat thing was a killer. o_O
  1. Press or TV agents or advisers, family or wives, friends or relatives, fans or hangers on, ignore them on matters of football, they don’t know what’s happening here.
  2. Don’t forget to have fun, but don’t be the class clown. Clowns and leaders don’t mix. Clowns can’t run a huddle.
  3. A quarterback throws with his legs more than his arms. Squat and run. Fat quarterbacks can’t avoid the rush.
  4. Know your job cold. This is not a game without errors. Keep yours to a minimum. Study.
  5. Know your own players. Who’s fast? Who can catch? Who needs encouragement? Be precise. Know your opponent.
  6. Be the same guy everyday. In condition, preparing to lead, studying your plan. A coach can’t prepare you for every eventuality. Prepare yourself and remember, impulse decisions usually equal mistakes.
  7. Throwing the ball away is a good play. Sacks, interceptions, and fumbles are bad plays. Protect against those.
  8. You must learn to manage the game. Personnel, play call, motions, ball handling, proper reads, accurate throws, play fakes. Clock, clock, clock, don’t you ever lose track of the clock.
  9. Passing stats and TD passes are not how you’re gonna be judged. Your job is to get your team in the endzone and that’s how you’re gonna be judged.
  10. When all around you is in chaos, you must be the hand that steers the ship. If you have a panic button, so will everyone else. Our ship can’t have panic buttons.
  11. Don’t be a celebrity quarterback. We don’t need any of those. We need battlefield commanders that are willing to fight it out everyday, every week, and every season, and lead their team to win after win after win.
How many commandments did Romo violate after Parcells left? IMO he violated 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, and 11.
Are you sure you know who Tony Romo is? You're wildly wrong about who he was as a player.

2. He was a gamer, and everyone knows as much. Good luck explaining how he couldn't run a huddle lmao.
3. He wasn't fat (?) and was as elusive in the pocket as any QB in the league.
4. More later in his career - but he won pre-snap as much as any QB not named Brees, Brady or Manning.
6. I don't even know....his impulses were what made him great. He was always prepared.
7. If you think this was a problem, you stopped watching after about his third year.
10. He was incredible late and in pressure situations. He didn't panic.
11. It's not his fault he was a celebrity, every Cowboys QB is. He absolutely was fighting it out every week, season, etc.

Honestly the lengths people go to slander Dak/Tony/Dlaw/Zeke/whoever are astounding.

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