Bills look to cheeseburgers for their road woes?


The Quiet Man
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Mularkey calls around to help road woes

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. -- Coach Mike Mularkey has come up with a tasty solution to help solve the Buffalo Bills' road woes: cheeseburgers.
Don't laugh. Mularkey said Wednesday he came up with the idea after polling other NFL coaches to find out what they serve players for lunch when making a long trip to the West Coast, as the Bills do this weekend to play at Seattle on Sunday.

"Seriously. I called around," Mularkey said, naming Philadelphia coach Andy Reid as one of the people he contacted. "We're very similar to everyone else in terms of (travel) schedule, but the one difference is cheeseburgers. So we thought, `What the heck?"

Teams traveling to the West Coast arrive earlier than normal in an effort to get acclimated to the time change. The Bills, for example, plan to arrive just after noon Saturday, requiring the team to add an extra meal to its itinerary.

Mularkey doubts something as simple as a cheeseburger will make a difference.

"The only way we can fix things on the road is to win," he said.

Well, if he's going to inquire about cheeseburgers, he picked the right guy.;)