Bills vs Jags thread

Surprised to hear a few people had trouble with the stream. I thought the quality was amazing on my phone... probably the best I've ever seen for a live stream. Seems like a lot of people felt the same way on Twitter.
Surprised to hear a few people had trouble with the stream. I thought the quality was amazing on my phone... probably the best I've ever seen for a live stream. Seems like a lot of people felt the same way on Twitter.

Pretty terrible on my PC with firefox. Moments of perfect clarity followed by serious blurriness to the point that I could barely read words written on the screen. Never have trouble streaming anything else so I assume it's an issue on their end.
Game was televised in some places. I'd it on 2 stations (different networks).

Though the graphics were strange - looked like CBS only they cut out the CBS logo in a very crude way.
What is the deal with the "virtual" logos in the end zones? I noticed it during the prior game played in London this year. Strange looking.

Soccer people who own Wembley dont want loads of colored paint on the playing surface.

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