Mike 1967 said:I would say that Bledsoe is one of the hardest QB's to get to the ground...but...one of the easist QB's to sack.
The guy is strong....but he is slow.
Mike 1967 said:Agreed completely !
I thought that Vinny was pretty strong last year.....but Bledsoe is heads and tails above him.
I would venture to say that Bledsoe is the strongest QB (physically) and one of the toughest QB (Physically and Mentally) that these old eyes have ever seen.
Vinny couldn't make all the throws like they said he could. And yeah, that was BP's man-love for Vinny.MichaelWinicki said:Oh come'on! We were told that Vinny was like one of the strongest men--ever! LOL!
Sitting Bull said:Bledsoe is a load to bring down. As you can see in this picture from his rookie year, he's got a very sturdy set-up:
I expect him to be a mummy in about 10 years.big_neil said:That's about 75 tons of collisions Drew has taken, the equivalent of 15 fully loaded 4 door sedans.
Nors said:Yes - that Was Drew and I on a photo shoot in Oleans 2002 era.
Mike 1967 said:Agreed.
Bledsoe does pat the ball...and sometimes gets a little bit of happy feet. But I don't believe it is from fear of getting hit.
Nors said:.... A drunk Fred Smerlas charged Bledsoe and bounced off him like popcorn.
Peppers was trying to strip the ball NorsNors said:Who said that on NFL network?
Was rewatching that sack where I believe Peppers grabbed him and Bledsoe pulled him like six to seven yards towards line of scrimmage before other teamates piled in.
That was an impressive show of strength and determination and stupidity. Thats Drew sometimes.
jimmy40 said:Peppers was trying to strip the ball Nors, if anything good job by Bledsoe for not fumbling.