Bob Hayes Gravesite Update

Hey HOS..

tell Jerry he can't pay for all of it....we wanna help !!
he probably doesnt hear that too often
poke;1592590 said:
Hey HOS..

tell Jerry he can't pay for all of it....we wanna help !!
he probably doesnt hear that too often

I sure will. If he will talk to me. That isn't a given.
I'm definitely in, all you w/ big pockets leave some room for the rest of us to donate, don't be glory-hounds!

Hos, could you PM my request to your boss?
Perhaps the marker fund could be setup in such a way that, if more donations accumulate than needed for the initial marker, some of the extra could go to ongoing upkeep.

If even more is received, we might consider a "Bob Hayes Memorial Scholarship" for a deserving student at his old high school.

Finally, if the HS no longer exists, perhaps Florida A&M could use it to setup a scholarship in his name.

Just my 2¢

Fred Goodwin
San Antonio, TX
fgoodwin;1594616 said:
Perhaps the marker fund could be setup in such a way that, if more donations accumulate than needed for the initial marker, some of the extra could go to ongoing upkeep.

If even more is received, we might consider a "Bob Hayes Memorial Scholarship" for a deserving student at his old high school.

Finally, if the HS no longer exists, perhaps Florida A&M could use it to setup a scholarship in his name.

Just my 2¢

Fred Goodwin
San Antonio, TX
:welcome: to posting. I appreciate that as a first post. Hope you will post more. I will definitely consider it. I'm still waiting for his sister to call me.
Hostile;1594721 said:
:welcome: to posting. I appreciate that as a first post. Hope you will post more.

Fred's an old friend of mine from the Cowboys' newsgroup heyday, one of the few online posters I've ever actually met... as good a guy as you'll ever meet, and an old school gentleman (so anybody who gives him a hard time in here, has to answer to your friendly local Bear)...

Sure am glad to see you over here, ol' buddy...
fgoodwin;1594616 said:
Perhaps the marker fund could be setup in such a way that, if more donations accumulate than needed for the initial marker, some of the extra could go to ongoing upkeep.

If even more is received, we might consider a "Bob Hayes Memorial Scholarship" for a deserving student at his old high school.

Finally, if the HS no longer exists, perhaps Florida A&M could use it to setup a scholarship in his name.

Just my 2¢

Fred Goodwin
San Antonio, TX

Fred my friend glad to see you... you will like it here I think... I know I will like it better the more you post :)
Ha, Larry beat me to the punch first <again> its nice to know somethings don't change
Zaxor;1594960 said:
Ha, Larry beat me to the punch first <again> its nice to know somethings don't change

Being an insomniac has some advantages, my friend... :D
silverbear;1594809 said:
Fred's an old friend of mine from the Cowboys' newsgroup heyday, one of the few online posters I've ever actually met... as good a guy as you'll ever meet, and an old school gentleman (so anybody who gives him a hard time in here, has to answer to your friendly local Bear)...

Sure am glad to see you over here, ol' buddy...

And he still calls you a friend? :eek:
fgoodwin;1594616 said:
Perhaps the marker fund could be setup in such a way that, if more donations accumulate than needed for the initial marker, some of the extra could go to ongoing upkeep.

If even more is received, we might consider a "Bob Hayes Memorial Scholarship" for a deserving student at his old high school.

Finally, if the HS no longer exists, perhaps Florida A&M could use it to setup a scholarship in his name.

Just my 2¢

Fred Goodwin
San Antonio, TX

I see you made it fg... I really like your idea BH scholarship, and the very practical, marker upkeep ideas. And maybe the publicity from his recent naming as finalist will add impetus to our efforts. As someone up thread mentioned, you really should chime in here more often. 1 post in 3 yrs???
This thread fill me with great pridings and holding back lumps of tears for being a Cowboy fan.

There won't not be found this love for old players on no other sight. Could you imagines Snyder to let Extremeskin sight spend up time and posts caring about something like this? Would never ever happens!

No way Snyder just to damn busy raising up prices on staydium beer and money grubbing his penny pinching ways for that.

Only hear at the Zone do peoples care about old heroes who has left us for heaven after they played they're last down in blue.

Only us as true fans with pure hearts that will reach deep into our pocketings and draw out our fives and tens and maybe more if you gots more to give.

Only us no how the caring means it time for the givings.

Hostile you have special place in my thoughtings and sincere for being such a good heart and letting all of us contribute to worthy cause in a great deed of honor.

Cowboy pridings live on!
leotisbrown;1596501 said:
This thread fill me with great pridings and holding back lumps of tears for being a Cowboy fan.

There won't not be found this love for old players on no other sight. Could you imagines Snyder to let Extremeskin sight spend up time and posts caring about something like this? Would never ever happens!

No way Snyder just to damn busy raising up prices on staydium beer and money grubbing his penny pinching ways for that.

Only hear at the Zone do peoples care about old heroes who has left us for heaven after they played they're last down in blue.

Only us as true fans with pure hearts that will reach deep into our pocketings and draw out our fives and tens and maybe more if you gots more to give.

Only us no how the caring means it time for the givings.

Hostile you have special place in my thoughtings and sincere for being such a good heart and letting all of us contribute to worthy cause in a great deed of honor.

Cowboy pridings live on!

Leotis! My man!

I've been wondering where you've been.
leotisbrown;1596501 said:
This thread fill me with great pridings and holding back lumps of tears for being a Cowboy fan.

There won't not be found this love for old players on no other sight. Could you imagines Snyder to let Extremeskin sight spend up time and posts caring about something like this? Would never ever happens!

No way Snyder just to damn busy raising up prices on staydium beer and money grubbing his penny pinching ways for that.

Only hear at the Zone do peoples care about old heroes who has left us for heaven after they played they're last down in blue.

Only us as true fans with pure hearts that will reach deep into our pocketings and draw out our fives and tens and maybe more if you gots more to give.

Only us no how the caring means it time for the givings.

Hostile you have special place in my thoughtings and sincere for being such a good heart and letting all of us contribute to worthy cause in a great deed of honor.

Cowboy pridings live on!
Great post.:bow:

You know, we Boys fans do have a lot of pride in the players we have seen wear the star over the years. There have been some special HOF speeches in recent memory, but Irvin's is one that made me all watery-eyed... (though the moment with Hickerson being wheeled out by Jim Brown etc. was special too.)

That sentiment was echoed by most of Cowboy nation, as a guy who was at times less than admirable, became ultimately admirable by owning up to his faults as a mortal at a moment when he was enshrined in football immortality.

The status of Hayes resting place is a tragedy, and you're right Leotis. The legion of Boys fans donating their time, efforts, and finances to right this wrong is something you won't find too often among fans of a game.

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