News: Bob Sturm: Why I was so wrong about Cowboys coach Jason Garrett

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Those 8-8 seasons were much more the fault of the defense than anything on the offensive side of the ball.

Heck, in 2013, even with one of the worst defenses the NFL has seen, Dallas would have likely made the playoffs had Romo not missed the final game in Philly. In fact, with Orton leading the team, they still almost beat the Eagles in Philly to make the playoffs.

Do you recall the GB in 2013 when Murray was averaging 8 yards per carry in the 1st half when we were up 23 points? Then Garrett ran the ball 7 more times total in the 2nd half? Aikman and Buck calling the game saying over and over again why Garrett isnt running the football? We wind up losing the game and Jerry blasts Garrett saying that we could have knelt down every time and won the game? Garrett being accountable and saying he should have ran the ball in the 2nd half? Then the GB player laughing after the game thanking Dallas for going away from the run? "Thats just what they do". This statement implies that its a league wide joke that the Cowboys can run the ball well, they just never stick with it.

That is the worst example, but there were plenty of others.


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It's not the same offense, at all. There may be similar phraseology, but that's where the similarities end. There have been many articles written on this, and lots of analysis.

Linehan came in and did pretty much everything that Garrett should have been doing the last 3 or 4 years. And BAM, instant 12-4 season and playoffs. Its all sitting there for everyone to see. It really is amazing how some refuse to see the obvious.


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It's not the same offense, at all. There may be similar phraseology, but that's where the similarities end. There have been many articles written on this, and lots of analysis.

Yes it is, Garrett offense that he was taught by Linehan to him as they coached together and Garrett considers him a mentor. Playcalling is different the scheme is the same


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No but then Belichick was not being looked at as a great coach at that point in time in his coaching career.
I can't say what is ahead for Garrett, I do think this is a big year for him with expectation of this team being as high as they are. I think for Jason this is a big career moment as a HC, winning when you are expected to win.

As for comparison of Jimmy? Jimmy seems to think very highly of Jason and felt from day 1 that Jason should have OC calling the plays since the job of HC is a situation where you are the coach of every player of every unit out there special teams, offense and defense. Being overwhelmed by one side of the ball takes away the attention needed in other areas.

Jimmy career is set in stone now, so making head to head a young HC vs a HC who has been there and done that, no would not be fair for either. Jason has to make his own mark and Jones are giving him the leeway to do just that

Its really quite simple for the Boys.........Stay healthy, run the ball with similar success, improve the defense. If those things happen, its really not going to matter one way or another what Garrett does or doenst do. He just has to do his walk around thing and keep the ship pointing in the right direction.


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Linehan came in and did pretty much everything that Garrett should have been doing the last 3 or 4 years. And BAM, instant 12-4 season and playoffs. Its all sitting there for everyone to see. It really is amazing how some refuse to see the obvious.

Garrett hired him and demoted Callahan, Linehan offense is the same scheme that Jason ran it is why when he had the chance to hire Linehan he did. That was not a Jones move it was left to Garrett who had already removed Callahan from calling plays and having Linehan come into take over that role from Callahan because he fully trusted Linehan to do the job


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Yes it is, Garrett offense that he was taught by Linehan to him as they coached together and Garrett considers him a mentor. Playcalling is different the scheme is the same

Play calling is everything. I dont really care about the scheme. Most schemes have just about every play in it to begin with. Its about game plans, execution, and calling the plays during a game. Linehan did a fantastic job. Garrett not so much.

Garrett was stuck on abandoning the run whether it was working or not. Garrett was also stuck on his 2 TE formation. Garrett hardly used Beasley. Linehan has come and its night and day. And I think its great that Garrett demanded we were going to run the ball. But Linehan came in and made happen where Garrett couldnt.


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Its really quite simple for the Boys.........Stay healthy, run the ball with similar success, improve the defense. If those things happen, its really not going to matter one way or another what Garrett does or doenst do. He just has to do his walk around thing and keep the ship pointing in the right direction.

Then you really have no clue as to what HC is about. What Jimmy walked around? He did not call 1 play offense of defense but that team was his responsibility and oversaw all aspect of the team and that is exactly what Garrett is doing. He has played a big role in turning this program around too bad your too damn blind to see it. Others in this organization deserve credit as well but then that is the case with all organization


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Garrett hired him and demoted Callahan, Linehan offense is the same scheme that Jason ran it is why when he had the chance to hire Linehan he did. That was not a Jones move it was left to Garrett who had already removed Callahan from calling plays and having Linehan come into take over that role from Callahan because he fully trusted Linehan to do the job

Jones basically told Garrett that your no longer running the offense. So if Callahan isnt your guy, then get someone in here you can trust to do it, because you arent doing it anymore. Now Im sure it wasnt exactly like that, but that was the meat of it. It looks like Garrett made a great choice. But lets not pretend that Garrett welcomed this change. If Garrett had his way, he would still be running the offense and calling the plays.


Village Idiot
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Yes it is, Garrett offense that he was taught by Linehan to him as they coached together and Garrett considers him a mentor. Playcalling is different the scheme is the same

They were together for like 8 months in Miami. Garrett's playcalling was much more rigid and static. It is pretty clear that there was a bigger emphasis on running the ball, hot routes, quick routes, and screens.


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Then you really have no clue as to what HC is about. What Jimmy walked around? He did not call 1 play offense of defense but that team was his responsibility and oversaw all aspect of the team and that is exactly what Garrett is doing. He has played a big role in turning this program around too bad your too damn blind to see it. Others in this organization deserve credit as well but then that is the case with all organization

Nah, you just dont have a clue between what a real coach does and what Garrett does. Jimmy ran this thing from soup to nuts. Garrett has basically had one thing after another taken away from him because he couldnt handle it. If Jimmy didnt like you, you were out of here. Sorry, but not the case with Garrett. Jimmy had absolute full control over nearly EVERY matter of his football team. There is not way that Garrett has that.


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and it was Garrett who removed Callahan during the season and took over the duties and yes he hire Linehan. someone he knew and trusted. As for Garrett accepting not calling plays lets not act as if you know his feelings on it. When you start saying if Garrett had his way then you don't have a clue. What your a mind reader? you knew the conversation taking place and concerns? No you don't so save the mind reader BS


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Nah, you just dont have a clue between what a real coach does and what Garrett does. Jimmy ran this thing from soup to nuts. Garrett has basically had one thing after another taken away from him because he couldnt handle it. If Jimmy didnt like you, you were out of here. Sorry, but not the case with Garrett. Jimmy had absolute full control over nearly EVERY matter of his football team. There is not way that Garrett has that.

LOL you are a bitter joke. Garrett team is winning players love the guy and you folk with a stick up your backside about Garrett can't stand it. LOL What a joke


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It was bitter sweet for me. I loved the 12-4 season, but knowing Garrett was here for another 5 years was difficult to say the least. But Jones did what he needed to do in order to have success with Garrett. First order of business was to resign Linehan and Marianelli. Is it any coincidence it was his first off season priority?

And no, most coaches do NOT have the growing pains that Garrett did. And the ones that do, get fired. Garrett never did. Coaches also dont get jobs with resume's as laughable as Garrett. No head coaching experience at any level what so ever. No OC experience what so ever before getting that gig either. It was a huge gamble for Jones that was on a whim and Romo and the rest of the team suffered for 8 years. And we would still be suffering had it not been for Jones kicking him to the curb with the offense.

You know what bugs me the most about your posts? Not the burr under your saddle that was put there by Jason Garrett. See above. There's one 'a' in MARINELLI. One!! :facepalm:


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Then you really have no clue as to what HC is about. What Jimmy walked around? He did not call 1 play offense of defense but that team was his responsibility and oversaw all aspect of the team and that is exactly what Garrett is doing. He has played a big role in turning this program around too bad your too damn blind to see it. Others in this organization deserve credit as well but then that is the case with all organization

Credit for what one good season?


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You know what bugs me the most about your posts? Not the burr under your saddle that was put there by Jason Garrett. See above. There's one 'a' in MARINELLI. One!! :facepalm:

Well, you got me. I dont now how to spell Marinelli?


Village Idiot
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Yes it is, Garrett offense that he was taught by Linehan to him as they coached together and Garrett considers him a mentor. Playcalling is different the scheme is the same

Here's more:
Basically says Linehan runs a ton more, implements more play action, and throws more screens.

This article reaffirms what I said earlier. Similar terminology, way different philosophy.
This has some good quotes.



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Credit for what one good season?

Credit for making changes within the personnel, weeding out some me guys and helping put together a cast of players who by and large are highly motivated players willing to do what they have to do to win. Credit for changes within the staff.


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Here's more:
Basically says Linehan runs a ton more, implements more play action, and throws more screens.

This article reaffirms what I said earlier. Similar terminology, way different philosophy.
This has some good quotes.

http://www.***BANNED-URL***/sports/...ffense-helped-garrett-get-new-5-year-deal.ece action? That is another topic unto itself. Garretts lack of play action. What a difference.


1st Round Pick
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Credit for what one good season?

The one year Garrett has the least amount of responsibility he deserves most of the credit for and all of those other years where he had a lot of responsibility were because he was building lol.

Garrett is a trash gameday coach.

Props to the guy for keeping a Dallas Cowboy team focused and not get caught up in the glitz and glamor but if our teams ever start losing focus then the guy is worthless as a HC.
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