Bobby Belt alluding to the new culture in Dallas we will start to see in a hurry

Have you seen the preview for the Netflix documentary on Jerry?

Three quotes to think about.

"keep em talking"
"365 day a year soap opera"
"on field results dont matter"

Nope, if the preview starts to autoplay i scroll forward. I can't volunteer to hear that clown talk anymore than I already have.
He’s a puppet and everyone knows that this hire was a joke. He isn’t changing any culture here, lol

Tail wagging the dog

This is just the latest effort by the Joneses to get media talking and distract fans while they continue to hire yes-men coaches and scrimp on team building

Move along
Not even close. They get called out for being to harsh and negative, then they get called out for not being hard enough.
How bout you stop being lazy and listen for yourself!!!
You're jealous of them for being able to bend the knee to Jerry in person.

You happily do it without his acknowledgment of it.
How do you change the culture in an organization where the guy signing the checks is biggest detriment to said culture?
That is true.

However, this whole thing about culture is real.

There are ALWAYS little cliques and groups...and as soon as they no longer have to be in the same place then it will spill out into the open.

Lawrence definitely felt like he ran the team, at least on the defense, yet the guy took the bag every chance he could, was hurt an inordinate amount of time, and was hardly a leader to look up to. Funny to note his best seasons were when he was up for a deal.

He did play hard and was an above average player, but he really won't be missed.

every single coach in dallas started that way. they blamed the culture, they promised to change it, then jerry tied their hands and feet and threw them in the deep end and it all went awry....every 5 years or so like clock work. that's jerry's way of generating hope. milking the change as much as he can, and then wash, rinse, repeat.

the only way it will change, if the accountability of every thing football is with the coach, including discipline of players, ala Johnson used to do. right now, players have a relationship with Jerry and bypass the coach. Jerry allows it.

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