Bobby Petrino Out At Arkansas

excuse me may I borrow the soapbox for a minute

at what point in time did we all decide that a persons private life is our business...

If I send my kid to arkansas for an education or to play football it is to get an education /play football it is not and never should have been about what the football coach is doing in his private life....

I find it hard to believe that his crime is worse than those involved in pay to injure thing going on in new orleans what those people did was against the law.

what Petrino did was a private matter and none of our concern no matter how much people think it should be.

a persons right to swing their arms ends at the tip of a nose.

meaning if he isn't deliberately harming or has malice intentions to someone/something than it really shouldn't be public.

ethics/beliefs (I am not talking about laws) can be a wonderful thing if kept to yourself but when people try to push them off on other folk they become a bad thing...(child rearing of course is a horse of another color)

there are religions that believe that dancing is wrong/unethical some that wearing white is and some that shaving or cutting the hair on the side of your head is...(I am not going to debate whether they are are good or bad right or wrong that is for you and your ethics to decide) but if we start digging into peoples private lives to determine if there ethics match mine or hold them to a standard we have set for ourselves when something private comes out (again not laws I am talking about) than eventually everyone will fail to pass the test.

JFK was a womanizer that didn't make him less than he is/was it just made him who he was. If you understand what I mean.

All people are made of light and dark and we battle with these and try to steer them into a direction we want to take our lives...We hope to use them to gain enlightenment and at the end to come out better than we went in

in my most humble opinion as we grow more crowded as a society we really need to get away from TMZing and brash judgements and try to understand and contemplate on what love thy neighbor as you love yourself really means or are they just words.

thank you for the soapbox I will step down now
Zaxor;4501720 said:
excuse me may I borrow the soapbox for a minute

at what point in time did we all decide that a persons private life is our business...

If I send my kid to arkansas for an education or to play football it is to get an education /play football it is not and never should have been about what the football coach is doing in his private life....

I find it hard to believe that his crime is worse than those involved in pay to injure thing going on in new orleans what those people did was against the law.

what Petrino did was a private matter and none of our concern no matter how much people think it should be.

a persons right to swing their arms ends at the tip of a nose.

meaning if he isn't deliberately harming or has malice intentions to someone/something than it really shouldn't be public.

ethics/beliefs (I am not talking about laws) can be a wonderful thing if kept to yourself but when people try to push them off on other folk they become a bad thing...(child rearing of course is a horse of another color)

there are religions that believe that dancing is wrong/unethical some that wearing white is and some that shaving or cutting the hair on the side of your head is...(I am not going to debate whether they are are good or bad right or wrong that is for you and your ethics to decide) but if we start digging into peoples private lives to determine if there ethics match mine or hold them to a standard we have set for ourselves when something private comes out (again not laws I am talking about) than eventually everyone will fail to pass the test.

JFK was a womanizer that didn't make him less than he is/was it just made him who he was. If you understand what I mean.

All people are made of light and dark and we battle with these and try to steer them into a direction we want to take our lives...We hope to use them to gain enlightenment and at the end to come out better than we went in

in my most humble opinion as we grow more crowded as a society we really need to get away from TMZing and brash judgements and try to understand and contemplate on what love thy neighbor as you love yourself really means or are they just words.

thank you for the soapbox I will step down now

how is it a "private matter" when he was using tax payer money to keep his mistress on the payroll. how is it a "private matter" when he exposed the university (and therefore the state) to a HUGE sexual harassment lawsuit?
Zaxor;4501720 said:
excuse me may I borrow the soapbox for a minute

at what point in time did we all decide that a persons private life is our business...

If I send my kid to arkansas for an education or to play football it is to get an education /play football it is not and never should have been about what the football coach is doing in his private life....

I find it hard to believe that his crime is worse than those involved in pay to injure thing going on in new orleans what those people did was against the law.

what Petrino did was a private matter and none of our concern no matter how much people think it should be.

a persons right to swing their arms ends at the tip of a nose.

meaning if he isn't deliberately harming or has malice intentions to someone/something than it really shouldn't be public.

ethics/beliefs (I am not talking about laws) can be a wonderful thing if kept to yourself but when people try to push them off on other folk they become a bad thing...(child rearing of course is a horse of another color)

there are religions that believe that dancing is wrong/unethical some that wearing white is and some that shaving or cutting the hair on the side of your head is...(I am not going to debate whether they are are good or bad right or wrong that is for you and your ethics to decide) but if we start digging into peoples private lives to determine if there ethics match mine or hold them to a standard we have set for ourselves when something private comes out (again not laws I am talking about) than eventually everyone will fail to pass the test.

JFK was a womanizer that didn't make him less than he is/was it just made him who he was. If you understand what I mean.

All people are made of light and dark and we battle with these and try to steer them into a direction we want to take our lives...We hope to use them to gain enlightenment and at the end to come out better than we went in

in my most humble opinion as we grow more crowded as a society we really need to get away from TMZing and brash judgements and try to understand and contemplate on what love thy neighbor as you love yourself really means or are they just words.

thank you for the soapbox I will step down now

he was fired because he didn't disclose the nature of his relationship while on the staff. everybody with half a brain knows you can't sleep with the help without telling HR.
rkell87;4501763 said:
he was fired because he didn't disclose the nature of his relationship while on the staff. everybody with half a brain knows you can't sleep with the help without telling HR.

so why did they need to know?
Zaxor;4501830 said:
so why did they need to know?

They are a state institution and have to comply with federal and state hiring practices. The football coach can't just hire his mistress. He has to pay for his mistress out of the $3mm he gets paid to coach the team. Getting hired by performing sexual favors is a hostile work environment case made easy.

Plus, he lied to his boss. Then he had a press conference with a neckbrace, road rash on his face and about 4,000 mg of percaset. It was a gotsstago situation.

I'll agree with the overall point regarding privacy and the lack thereof, but Bobby P crossed several lines. Also, his reputation as a slimy guy did not help.
Teague31;4501739 said:
how is it a "private matter" when he was using tax payer money to keep his mistress on the payroll. how is it a "private matter" when he exposed the university (and therefore the state) to a HUGE sexual harassment lawsuit?

what sexual harassment she was of age and a consenting adult if not than it is rape which is against the law

she had a job title did she not and as far as I know she wasn't fired or reprimanded for cause so I guess who ever hired her was pleased that the job she was doing... If she was in a position that was stopping someone else's advancement because of the relationship than of course that has to be looked at but as far as I know that was not the case.

So if no laws were broken what is his crime if not ethical/moral and does it not return to my soapbox sermon of trying to find some reason to put ethics/beliefs on to someone else so we can say "I am better than" so we can somehow keep score in a game of life...

"I have ____ so I am better than"
"I wouldn't do _____ so I am better than."
"my job is___________so I am better than."
"I make_____so I am better than."


Oh there are so very many ways to judge your fellow man feel free to use as many as you wish.

I certainly am not asking you or anyone to condone behavior your find unethical/immoral

but what I did say is that your ethics might not be mine or someone else's and you develop them over one's lifetime...they are your guidelines how you want to live your life but when we apply them to others we have left the course that leads us forward.

Common Laws and the Laws of the Land notwithstanding ethics and beliefs should be left to the individual

whom am I to say dancing is immoral/unethical if I choose to believe that than it is on me to live as if it means something to me...I would have a duty to my children to tell them why I believe it is immoral/unethical but the choice is eventually theirs to make and what to believe.
cowboysooner;4501867 said:
They are a state institution and have to comply with federal and state hiring practices. The football coach can't just hire his mistress. He has to pay for his mistress out of the $3mm he gets paid to coach the team. Getting hired by performing sexual favors is a hostile work environment case made easy.

Plus, he lied to his boss. Then he had a press conference with a neckbrace, road rash on his face and about 4,000 mg of percaset. It was a gotsstago situation.

I'll agree with the overall point regarding privacy and the lack thereof, but Bobby P crossed several lines. Also, his reputation as a slimy guy did not help.

granted I know nothing of this case itself...

so let me get this right

he pays her salary... so the univ. has nothing to do with this as it is a private hire so to speak.

was she forced into anything... she is an adult she is allowed to say no. If she felt that he was trying to harass her there are places that she can file a lawsuit against him (did anything like this happen I honestly don't know)

again I am not trying to stick up for petrino but what I am asking is how much we as the public should be privy to when it involves someones private life.

or does the smut so entertain us that we feel we can cross any line.
Zaxor;4501906 said:
granted I know nothing of this case itself...

so let me get this right

he pays her salary... so the univ. has nothing to do with this as it is a private hire so to speak.

was she forced into anything... she is an adult she is allowed to say no. If she felt that he was trying to harass her there are places that she can file a lawsuit against him (did anything like this happen I honestly don't know)

again I am not trying to stick up for petrino but what I am asking is how much we as the public should be privy to when it involves someones private life.

or does the smut so entertain us that we feel we can cross any line.

Tax payers are involved here therefore it is a public matter. You cant seriously believe they are going to be in favor of this arrangement. Also no doubt his contract has a morals clause. You dont think this is the exact purpose they were intended for?
I sort of get where Zax is coming from on this. But I think if you hold yourself up as an institution of higher learning more than simply a football factory, you probably have to make this move.

The surprising thing is that an SEC school (minus Vanderbilt) would do that. ;) (And I say this as a former student at UA.) Think Saban or Miles or Meyer a couple of years ago at UF would get fired for the same thing? I have my doubts.
Zaxor;4501906 said:
granted I know nothing of this case itself...

so let me get this right

he pays her salary... so the univ. has nothing to do with this as it is a private hire so to speak.

was she forced into anything... she is an adult she is allowed to say no. If she felt that he was trying to harass her there are places that she can file a lawsuit against him (did anything like this happen I honestly don't know)

again I am not trying to stick up for petrino but what I am asking is how much we as the public should be privy to when it involves someones private life.

or does the smut so entertain us that we feel we can cross any line.

He doesn't pay her salary, the university does. The University of Arkansas is a state school, publicly funded. It is not a private institution. As such, the taxpayers are the ones paying the salaries of all of the employees, including both Petrino and the woman who was on the motorcycle with him.

Petrino hired her directly and very quickly for the position though (out of 160 applicants) - I'm sure he was "pleased by her performance".

It's very possible that he coerced her into a relationship (i.e. sex) with the promise of a job in the university's football program as a result. That would definitely be sexual harrassment.
Zaxor;4501720 said:
excuse me may I borrow the soapbox for a minute

at what point in time did we all decide that a persons private life is our business...

If I send my kid to arkansas for an education or to play football it is to get an education /play football it is not and never should have been about what the football coach is doing in his private life....

I find it hard to believe that his crime is worse than those involved in pay to injure thing going on in new orleans what those people did was against the law.

what Petrino did was a private matter and none of our concern no matter how much people think it should be.

a persons right to swing their arms ends at the tip of a nose.

meaning if he isn't deliberately harming or has malice intentions to someone/something than it really shouldn't be public.

ethics/beliefs (I am not talking about laws) can be a wonderful thing if kept to yourself but when people try to push them off on other folk they become a bad thing...(child rearing of course is a horse of another color)

there are religions that believe that dancing is wrong/unethical some that wearing white is and some that shaving or cutting the hair on the side of your head is...(I am not going to debate whether they are are good or bad right or wrong that is for you and your ethics to decide) but if we start digging into peoples private lives to determine if there ethics match mine or hold them to a standard we have set for ourselves when something private comes out (again not laws I am talking about) than eventually everyone will fail to pass the test.

JFK was a womanizer that didn't make him less than he is/was it just made him who he was. If you understand what I mean.

All people are made of light and dark and we battle with these and try to steer them into a direction we want to take our lives...We hope to use them to gain enlightenment and at the end to come out better than we went in

in my most humble opinion as we grow more crowded as a society we really need to get away from TMZing and brash judgements and try to understand and contemplate on what love thy neighbor as you love yourself really means or are they just words.

thank you for the soapbox I will step down now

.........Bobby, Is that you? :laugh2:
Chocolate Lab;4502121 said:
I sort of get where Zax is coming from on this. But I think if you hold yourself up as an institution of higher learning more than simply a football factory, you probably have to make this move.

The surprising thing is that an SEC school (minus Vanderbilt) would do that. ;) (And I say this as a former student at UA.) Think Saban or Miles or Meyer a couple of years ago at UF would get fired for the same thing? I have my doubts.

I don't think it is surprising at all. Alabama fired head coach Mike Price for something roughly similar about 10 years ago.

Patrino is getting fired not only for what he did, but for doing it stupidly. Saban, Meyer, and Spurrier (not sure about Miles) may be many things, but stupid isn't one of them. They likely wouldn't have done what Patrino did, and almost certainly would not have done it in the way Patrino did.

Arkansas had no choice, really. If you let a coach get away with what he did, how are you going to enforce similar rules with other employees (professors with students, for example)? And the institution has to be able to enforce these types of rules, especially in the Deep South.
RS12;4501928 said:
Tax payers are involved here therefore it is a public matter. You cant seriously believe they are going to be in favor of this arrangement. Also no doubt his contract has a morals clause. You dont think this is the exact purpose they were intended for?

again I really don't know the details of this case

as far as tax payers is the university of Arkansas a public school?

I do think if he was having an affair it isn't my business and his private life shouldn't be a public spectacle...unless he is breaking the law I don't think the school should dig into his private life...I think we should respect peoples private space maybe it is too much to ask of people but I would hope not.

soon people will catch you drinking a beer with someone standing behind you who happen to put their hand on your shoulder while they lean close to whisper a question and someone will take a picture and say whats up with rs12...

If we don't start fighting for our own personal liberties and privacy they may soon all be gone.
RS12;4501928 said:
Tax payers are involved here therefore it is a public matter. You cant seriously believe they are going to be in favor of this arrangement. Also no doubt his contract has a morals clause. You dont think this is the exact purpose they were intended for?

it really has nothing to do with that, these are practices in the private sector as well, if a high up boss at say microsoft is banging his secretary and the company finds out about it he almost certainly will be fired with cause as well
Without getting involved in the details of US laws regarding fair labor practices and sexual harassment, Mr. Petrino's actions may have subjected the University of Arkansas to numerous lawsuits. As a result, he became a liability to the University.

Had he been allowed to remain in his position, the University would have tacitly approved of his behavior, and exposed itself to even greater legal and financial risk.
I find it laughable people are ganging up on Petrino because of how he left the Falcons. I bet a few members of this board have had no problem leaving one job for another, better, job. I did it myself and I haven't missed one wink of sleep. And if another better job comes along I won't worry too much about leaving again.
Can't speak for anyone else, but the problem I had with Petrino was that he left mid-season.... after he'd told the team owner he would stay.

If a contractor walked out mid-project on your home renovation because he got a better offer after he'd agreed to complete the job and you'd paid him for part of his job, would you think that was "laughable"?

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