Bobby Petrino Out At Arkansas

jamel james, the other kid in the recruiting class has also decommitted. honestly if i'm part of the 2012 class I'd see if I could grey shirt at my second choice school
rkell87;4502379 said:
never had a job before huh?

that is not answering the question. It is asking another question

SO again I ask you why do they need to know.


If I work at a firm and my private life is no longer mine but theirs...what does that say for freedom and liberty.

you people can joke around and try to be snide all you want and maybe you can go through your life happy being an ignoramus and if you can more power to ya...for myself I ask questions so I can get answers to understand the world that I live in.

now I will do you the favor of answering your question

I worked many jobs in the USA I started around 1975 I guess and finished my stretch of US jobs around 1993 from 1993 till my retirement I worked in Europe also doing a variety of jobs...and you started working when son and how many jobs have you had and how many jobs outside of the US have you had
Zaxor;4502337 said:
again I really don't know the details of this case

as far as tax payers is the university of Arkansas a public school?

I do think if he was having an affair it isn't my business and his private life shouldn't be a public spectacle...unless he is breaking the law I don't think the school should dig into his private life...I think we should respect peoples private space maybe it is too much to ask of people but I would hope not.

soon people will catch you drinking a beer with someone standing behind you who happen to put their hand on your shoulder while they lean close to whisper a question and someone will take a picture and say whats up with rs12...

If we don't start fighting for our own personal liberties and privacy they may soon all be gone.


Arkansas is a public school. Even if they were a private firm they would have to comply with federal and state hiring laws. They clearly did not follow these practices. As a state institution, they have to follow state hiring rules which give procedures an institution must follow when hiring an employee and this would clearly violate those in just about every way possible.

His role is to be a face of the university and the state. He will be held to a higher standard than even a pro football coach would be. His public image was going to be hurt by this and would keep him from doing well. He has to convince parents of 17 year old kids to entrust their kid to his oversight and judgement. That was going to be a tougher sell, especially in a highly religious state like Arkansas. He lied to his boss and may have lied in a police report. The first 1 will get you fired the 2nd could get you charged with a crime.

If he were just having an affair with her, he would not be fired in all likelihood. It was having the school pay her.
cowboysooner;4503463 said:

Arkansas is a public school. Even if they were a private firm they would have to comply with federal and state hiring laws. They clearly did not follow these practices. As a state institution, they have to follow state hiring rules which give procedures an institution must follow when hiring an employee and this would clearly violate those in just about every way possible.

His role is to be a face of the university and the state. He will be held to a higher standard than even a pro football coach would be. His public image was going to be hurt by this and would keep him from doing well. He has to convince parents of 17 year old kids to entrust their kid to his oversight and judgement. That was going to be a tougher sell, especially in a highly religious state like Arkansas. He lied to his boss and may have lied in a police report. The first 1 will get you fired the 2nd could get you charged with a crime.

If he were just having an affair with her, he would not be fired in all likelihood. It was having the school pay her.

again I really don't know the story...I thought someone said he had to pay her out of his own pocket...

and Laws are Laws and if broke them than that too like I said is a horse of a different color...

But the part of convincing parents of 17 year olds is where we may have some disagreement

I believe if given accurate and enough information people can make intelligent decisions

hmmm instead of re-explaining this see the post where I talk about dancing...

at what point as a parent/company/government/or whatever is your access to my private life over the line?

where is the borders of personal privacy begin and end?

when we in America say we are the land of the free ...what is free?

when we say we have inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness at what point in time does that mean a breach of personal privacy?

where is the line and where does it start?

what is personal privacy? and are we truly entitled to it?

these are questions that I am asking but no one seems to want to answer.
Zaxor;4503468 said:
again I really don't know the story...I thought someone said he had to pay her out of his own pocket...

He paid her twenty grand out of his own pocket, but it did not have anything to do with her job that he brought her in for. He hired her as an employee paid by University of Arkansas
Zaxor;4503468 said:
again I really don't know the story...I thought someone said he had to pay her out of his own pocket...

and Laws are Laws and if broke them than that too like I said is a horse of a different color...

But the part of convincing parents of 17 year olds is where we may have some disagreement

I believe if given accurate and enough information people can make intelligent decisions

hmmm instead of re-explaining this see the post where I talk about dancing...

at what point as a parent/company/government/or whatever is your access to my private life over the line?

where is the borders of personal privacy begin and end?

when we in America say we are the land of the free ...what is free?

when we say we have inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness at what point in time does that mean a breach of personal privacy?

where is the line and where does it start?

what is personal privacy? and are we truly entitled to it?

these are questions that I am asking but no one seems to want to answer.

I THINK (think) there are two different issues to discuss pertaining to your question. I will try to answer them for you if I can by addressing one issue at a time.

On Petrino's firing:
Petrino's firing was about his not being truthful about his mistress being on his motorcycle and his relationship with said mistress after he was given multiple opportunities by the AD to come clean after the accident occured. He instead chose to lie about his involvement and cover up. A clause in Petrino's contract states that his contract can be termed for actions “which negatively or adversely affects the reputation of the University.”

If It had only leaked out that Petrino was having an affair with a staffer and he had come clean then I suspect there may have been a private settlement along with a public resignation. As it was, Petrino gave Arkansas plenty of ammo to fire him without being on the hook for the remainder of his contract

I will follow up with the Mistress in a moment.
Some of the questions being asked may be a bit too broad for this particular situation. Petrino's private life was fine for lack of a better term until those private matters became public. Actually, not public, but known to the proper authorities such as the Arkansas AD.

If Petrino chose to have an affair, that is his business. And though it may look bad to others, it doesn't really put the university in a bad position. What put the university in a bad position was that Petrino hired his mistress for a job in which there were other applicants. That kind of thing can put the university in a bit of a predicament. They could be sued for unfair hiring practices. The question could always be asked if she was harassed into a relationship with promises of jobs or money. That legally can be tough on Arkansas.

Forget for a second on how all this news came to light. Instead of a motorcycle accident, maybe the AD walks in on Petrino kissing the girl one night. The news wouldn't hit the headlines, the AD is still faced with a tough situation of having to decide what possible liability the university could face.

Private life and public life do become blurred at times. I think in this case Petrino did the blurring when he hired his mistress. Maybe he still has his job if he didn't hire her.
Zaxor;4503458 said:
that is not answering the question. It is asking another question

SO again I ask you why do they need to know.


If I work at a firm and my private life is no longer mine but theirs...what does that say for freedom and liberty.

you people can joke around and try to be snide all you want and maybe you can go through your life happy being an ignoramus and if you can more power to ya...for myself I ask questions so I can get answers to understand the world that I live in.

now I will do you the favor of answering your question

I worked many jobs in the USA I started around 1975 I guess and finished my stretch of US jobs around 1993 from 1993 till my retirement I worked in Europe also doing a variety of jobs...and you started working when son and how many jobs have you had and how many jobs outside of the US have you had

i've been working for a little over 10 years now with no jobs outside the U.S., which really isn't relevant because we are discussing U.S. policies. Every job I have ever been hired for has talked about work place relationships either in a training video or in the HR handbook and every one of those has had me sign something stating that I am aware of, and agree to adhere to these policies. Every job I have ever had the policy has been work place relationships are discouraged but needs to be disclosed to HR if it happens. The reason for this, as I understand it, is mainly so one of the people can't come back and sue the company and say they felt they had to say yes to the others advances so they can keep their job. Basically they want to know that it is consensual. There really is no discussion to be had here because this is standard operating procedure across the U.S., they need to know to protect their own backside, you can choose not to tell them and that is fine but you do so knowing full well that if your boss finds out that it is a fireable offense.
Zaxor;4503468 said:
at what point as a parent/company/government/or whatever is your access to my private life over the line?

where is the borders of personal privacy begin and end?

when we in America say we are the land of the free ...what is free?

when we say we have inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness at what point in time does that mean a breach of personal privacy?

where is the line and where does it start?

what is personal privacy? and are we truly entitled to it?

these are questions that I am asking but no one seems to want to answer.

Here is the bottom line on the mistress based on my business experiences. I have no dog in this fight so I am only telling you what I would say if I she were working at my company.

There are policies in almost every business that has an HR department worth a squat. Those policies are usually located in the employee handbook that each employee receives and signs off that they understand everything in it even though they never open it. State Governments probably have them located somewhere else, but they would ask the new-hire to acknowledge this prior to signing on. Anyway, one of the staples in these books are about rules that prevent those in a relationship from working underneath one another. This rule is put in place due to the potential for lawsuits brought about due to discrimination and favoritism.

These suits are brought up way more than people realize because they normally end in private litigation instead of public courts. They become extremely difficult to defend against when you have a subordinate in a romantic relationship with her superior

Legally: Why They have the Supervisor/Subordinate Relationship rule
The potential issue here is in the possibility of favoritism in the hiring of the employee. She had an existing job at UA and received advancement in her new position. Now that it is public knowledge that she is having an affair with Petrino, there exists a very real possibility of favoritism that other disguntled current and ex-employees can use against UA in an unfair labor practices lawsuit. This can prove difficult to defend in court if a challenge comes about from a current or ex-employee that was passed over for a promotion while the mistress received one. Same thing for an employee let go due to budget cuts while she gets to retain her position. There are also possible lawsuits for unfair hiring practices that those who were not hired can claim unless the University rectifies the situation. Those are a few of many different scenarios where a lawsuit can occur because of this.

Financial Impact: Liability Insurance
Employers carry insurance to protect against claims, even Universities. If memory serves, this type of Insurance is called Employment Practices Liability Insurance. If an entity is sued by former or current employees due to unfair labor practices and they lose a major settlement, then this insurance kicks in to help pay the damages up to the policy max.

Two issues arise here.
  • Some policies have clauses where they will not potentially cover those costs which can even go into seven figures in class action suits, especially if the people at the top are knowledgeable of the situation. In this case, the entire University is now knowledgeable, so they are potentially exposing themselves to money out of pocket if they keep her on staff. Why would the insuarnce company want to pay out of their pockets if the people they are covering are deliberatly exposing them?
  • Issue two would be the raising of insurance rates due to this relationship. Insurance companies do not like having their money risked in such a fashion, some even have clauses in the contract that spell out things that they will not cover for, such as knowingly exposing yourself to said lawsuit. At a minimum they will raise the rates that UA has to pay in order to keep the coverage or they could simply drop UA and leave them needing to find another carrier. The other carrier will then charge UA the higher rates due to the additional exposure. They may not even be able to find a carrier without paying exhorbitant fees.

Why the above builds a case for her firing Her
Reason 1: Risk of lawsuit. The AD has already publicly stated that he noticed the hiring process for her position took much less time than normal. This statement, plus the public knowledge that she is indeed Petrino's mistress and he gave her twenty grand, exposes UA to hiring practice lawsuits should they keep her. They are basically saying that they acknowledge the favoritism and accept it. Someone will file a suit. Believe me, they always do.

Reason 2: Cost. Insurance rates will rise with a known risk on the staff. Those rates could end up being more than her salary for a University of that size. Why would UA keep her when they could hire someone for the normal salary that could do the job just as well? From a bottom line perspective, this makes her term a no-brainer.

Reason 3: Potential financial impact on other people. Say the University retains her. They will at a minimum have to take on additional costs in the form of a major increase in their insurance coverage fees because of their leaving her on staff. Taking on additional costs in that arena will lead to a loss of budget elsewhere. Where should the University go to cover that? The most likely scenarios would be increased tuition fees, budget cuts from one or more departments or layoffs to cover the losses. The impact of keeping one employee that willfully kept her relationship a secret even though policy dictaed otherwise has now extended to more people that played by the rules of the same institution.

Reason 4: Worker Morale. Every employee there is held to the same standard. They know the rules about relationships and follow them. If a romantic relationship begins, the normal process is to communicate with Human Resources and/or your superiors and find a new line of supervision through another Supervisor or a transfer to another department for one of the participants. If they keep her on board, what does that say to the employees that adhered to the rules all of these years? Employees that perhaps went through the process in the manner which was defined by the University? To an employee, that would scream of favoritism. So begins the rumblings for a lawsuit that could be avoided by firing the employee that did not adhere to the rules of the University.

Why firing her resolves this
They can fire her for cause since she did not disclose her relationship. She cannot file suit against them because she knowingly broke the rules. They have now dismissed her and Petrino which covers them from lawsuits. They can now state that they had no prior knowledge and once they did they termed the rule-breakers. They can state that they do not tolerate these actions and the two employees were termed because of it. No lawsuit, no insurance increase, no financial impact on others, no employee resentment (at least about this issue).

Okay, that was long winded and I have to go to a meeting. Sorry if there are any major spelling errors or run-ons, but I hope it helps answer your question Zax.
The30YardSlant;4501334 said:
Called it, simply no way Arkansas could afford to bring back that type of baggage regardless of his ability as a coach.

I guess ole Bobby is using THAT elsewhere.:lmao:
I thank you all for the answers ... the fraternization is a issue I understand and I am very sorry if I misled in my questions I can fully understand it as I had to inform my NCO's that a soldier underneath their direct command or within their command sphere must be avoided to prevent a look of favoritism and if you did get involved tell me and we will have one or the other moved to a different unit. I got that and knew that..... and like I said I knew nothing of the story so I could not speculate on the young ladies position...but I did notice how quick it was a sordid affair...for instance on fox sport NFL page they have on one of there captions Urlacher seen with a former playboy bunny

My question still is that our business who he goes out with?
how much can a company rule your private life and if they can are we anything more than company property...where are the boundaries of personal privacy

I took this opportunity to jump on the soapbox with a message that I felt deeply about and I wanted to deliver it without hate or malice but the timing was all wrong... lol that could very well be the story of my life and what they might appropriately put on my grave marker "bad timing".
Zaxor;4503699 said:
I thank you all for the answers ... the fraternization is a issue I understand and I am very sorry if I misled in my questions I can fully understand it as I had to inform my NCO's that a soldier underneath their direct command or within their command sphere must be avoided to prevent a look of favoritism and if you did get involved tell me and we will have one or the other moved to a different unit. I got that and knew that..... and like I said I knew nothing of the story so I could not speculate on the young ladies position...but I did notice how quick it was a sordid affair...for instance on fox sport NFL page they have on one of there captions Urlacher seen with a former playboy bunny

My question still is that our business who he goes out with?
how much can a company rule your private life and if they can are we anything more than company property...where are the boundaries of personal privacy

I took this opportunity to jump on the soapbox with a message that I felt deeply about and I wanted to deliver it without hate or malice but the timing was all wrong... lol that could very well be the story of my life and what they might appropriately put on my grave marker "bad timing".

:laugh2: I would say you might have chosen the wrong case to get on the soap-box about.

In the real world it is really not the employer's business, nor do most employers want it to be their business, who the employee is dating outside of work, unless it can affect the workplace. That is the catch, because the sad fact is that most of these rules are in place because the actions of employees over the years have forced companies to adopt policies to protect themselves.

If you think about it from a dollars and cents perspective, it would be more cost efficient for the employer to not have to worry about it. Many small operations do not worry about these type of policies because they get to know their employees and have a good feel for the workplace. There is also limited opportunity for advancement.

For the bigger companies, the sad fact is that they simply cannot rely on their employees to be ethically and morally just at all times and it is too spread out to police without such policies that help cover the company's behind.
ZeroClub;4501701 said:
This was inevitable. Arkansas couldn't keep Petrino after all of that.

The more interesting question:

How long will Petrino have to sit out before he gets another job and who will hire him?

So long as Petrino doesn't turn on Arkansas in some way (e.g., sue them) and professes remorse publicly, in two years he could get a get a head coaching job in a BCS conference with a lesser football program. (e.g., North Carolina, North Carolina State, ....)

In 3 years Sumlin will be out at TAMU and Petrino's name will be floating around if he hasn't landed somewhere else. I don't want him because I can't see how players would respect him, but I wouldn't put it past the people in charge to make such a dumb move at TAMU.
Dave Sittler ‏ @DaveSittler Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
If Coaches Hot Seat is accurate, Petrino will soon be living in Boston, Corvallis, College Park, Lubbock or Knoxville. TTech early leader.
BrAinPaiNt;4505306 said:
Dave Sittler ‏ @DaveSittler Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
If Coaches Hot Seat is accurate, Petrino will soon be living in Boston, Corvallis, College Park, Lubbock or Knoxville. TTech early leader.

With his track record i wouldn't touch him.
BrAinPaiNt;4505306 said:
Dave Sittler ‏ @DaveSittler Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
If Coaches Hot Seat is accurate, Petrino will soon be living in Boston, Corvallis, College Park, Lubbock or Knoxville. TTech early leader.

That is assuming one year is enough for everyone to forget how sleazy he is. Leach sat out two years and he didn't even do anything.
Everyone needs to brace themselves, because word is starting to trickle out that once the full extent of Petrino's secret life comes out it will make Tiger Woods look like a saint. The word is that it could involve as many as 37 women including prostitutes, school professors and current Arkansas female athletes.
big dog cowboy;4505320 said:
With his track record i wouldn't touch him.

Agreed. Unfortunately the guys in charge won't ask for my opinion and will only be concerned with how much money they can make from the hire.
The30YardSlant;4505372 said:
Everyone needs to brace themselves, because word is starting to trickle out that once the full extent of Petrino's secret life comes out it will make Tiger Woods look like a saint. The word is that it could involve as many as 37 women including prostitutes, school professors and current Arkansas female athletes.

If true...Good Grief was that old pervert main lining redbull and viagra?
BrAinPaiNt;4505376 said:
If true...Good Grief was that old pervert main lining redbull and viagra?

There's a couple message boards right now talking about how local media is getting all their stories together and someone reportedly has evidence that he spent $10,000 in Arkansas recruiting funds in the "back room" of a strip joint one night.

A second girl, a car model from the area, has already been confirmed. It is also being reported that the motorcycle accident came as Petrino was fleeing from Jessica Dorrell's fiance after a physical altercation.

It sounds like the guy was screwing anything that moved for the last 5 years.

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