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Have any of yall ever used it in a street fight? And does it work?
I haven't been in many fights, but alot of fights usually degenerate into wrestling matches, fighting on the ground, etc.

but I assume that if you're a pretty good boxer, you could get a good shot in there and knock the guy down, then get on top of him and pound him out a little before the inevitable breaking up of the fight
i tend to use the bob and weaving but majority of the time they try and take it to the ground but thats when i have used what little ju jitsu i know dont get into much fights tho
The reason I ask is because I've seen a lot of street fights and most of the time they swing wild and their footwork sucks, so I figured if you use boxing you can control your punches better and land a good shot, and if your footwork is good you won't be off balance as much.
Two guarantees:

You'll swing first, and miss.

I'll swing once, and that should do it.

Because I fought 18 times professionally. I ain't the "be all and end all" of fighters, and I ain't "the baddest man on the planet". But, you average boxer, with a minimum of training, is light years ahead of any drunken brawler or street thug.

Boxers are trained to "hit and don't get hit". 'Nuff said. It's their job. Their profession. It really doesn't take a lifetime of training to get the basics "down"................
lewpac;2647273 said:
Two guarantees:

You'll swing first, and miss.

I'll swing once, and that should do it.

Because I fought 18 times professionally. I ain't the "be all and end all" of fighters, and I ain't "the baddest man on the planet". But, you average boxer, with a minimum of training, is light years ahead of any drunken brawler or street thug.

Boxers are trained to "hit and don't get hit". 'Nuff said. It's their job. Their profession. It really doesn't take a lifetime of training to get the basics "down"................

Or two more guarantees:

1. I'll fake a punch, shoot and get a takedown.

2. I'll break your arm if no one breaks up the fight.
Forget all that boxing and karate crap.

Either bash the attacker over the head with a 2x4 or put a hole in their knee cap (I'd recommend a .45 caliber).

You just have to be willing to do what the other guy won't. Rip an ear off, bite a finger off, shoot him in the leg, etc...
Rack Bauer;2647283 said:
Forget all that boxing and karate crap.

Either bash the attacker over the head with a 2x4 or put a hole in their knee cap (I'd recommend a .45 caliber).

You just have to be willing to do what the other guy won't. Rip an ear off, bite a finger off, shoot him in the leg, etc...

Ok Mike... ;)
Rack Bauer;2647283 said:
Forget all that boxing and karate crap.

Either bash the attacker over the head with a 2x4 or put a hole in their knee cap (I'd recommend a .45 caliber).

You just have to be willing to do what the other guy won't. Rip an ear off, bite a finger off, shoot him in the leg, etc...

Damn you're right! I'll go to shoot for a takedown...and then get lliterally shot in the head :(
The first real fight I was ever in was the only time I used boxing successfully. I was 13 and the victim was my idiot cousin. Everything was in slow motion for me...and the witnesses said it was amazing.

Regretfully, I was drunk, ill tempered, and hasty throughout high school and college (rugby), so fighting was a fairly regular occurrence....although outside of the initial one two punch at the beginning of a fight, I never really had another fight like that. Wrestling is what saved my *** more often than not. Having a roommate in college that trained in MM didn't hurt either. Thankfully, those days are over.

...but no, boxing isn't terribly useful in a street fight unless your extremely proficient at it IMO.
Any type of training should help you in a fight. Though, I've never been in a real fight where I got hit. I did take karate for 6 years when I was young, so I've had about 300 hours worth of sparring.

The first time it looked like I might end up being in a fight, a guy lunged at me and the next thing I know, he's on the ground crying with a broken wrist and a dislocated shoulder. I don't remember thinking or doing anything, it was just a reaction. That's also when my parents took me out of karate. :laugh2: Any boxing training should get you reacting the same way, you just react the way you were trained.
tomson75;2647351 said:
The first real fight I was ever in was the only time I used boxing successfully. I was 13 and the victim was my idiot cousin. Everything was in slow motion for me...and the witnesses said it was amazing.

Regretfully, I was drunk, ill tempered, and hasty throughout high school and college (rugby), so fighting was a fairly regular occurrence....although outside of the initial one two punch at the beginning of a fight, I never really had another fight like that. Wrestling is what saved my *** more often than not. Having a roommate in college that trained in MM didn't hurt either. Thankfully, those days are over.

...but no, boxing isn't terribly useful in a street fight unless your extremely proficient at it IMO.
How long did that fight with your cousin last?
The OP, I believe, was inquiring about situations where no weapon is involved.
Of course, it's a "no brainer" that a weapon of almost any kind, especially a gun, would automatically neutralize anyone in a street-fight............and end it in short order.

So I'll stick to the scenario's involving no weapons. Just "Mano'e'Mano.........

The best advice and instruction I ever got regarding these matters was from a retiring police major. We were working on his retirement home for about a half a year, so I got to talk to him a lot about this kind of stuff.

His basic take is that, usually if a fight is about to break out, or already has commenced on the "street" or in a public place, several things are about 100% certain.

1. The parties involved are irrational, unthinking, enraged and extremely emotional.

2. They're not going to be approaching the situations with a sound mind. So there are no "skills" involved normally in a street fight. Just rage.

3. The best approach, because folks fighting in public are out of their mind, is to use their own force and inertia and momentum against them. It's nothing but bull-rushing and wild swinging. Every punch or kick is intended for the jugular and to end it with one strike, because most folks want "out" ASAP.

4. So the first thing you do, is let them come at you full force, and then use one of several physical techniques to allow them to harm themselves. Steven Segal used this tactic as a primary weapon in his martial arts career. Just let the other guy rush you, and slap him out of the way. It won't take long before he's all busted-up and expired due to his own will.

5. Finally, YOU can't be accused of any malice if this approach is successful, because all YOU did was allow HIM to hurt himself.

Anyway, he was a police major for 30 years, so I believe he knows what he's talking about. That's how the cops are trained, so I put a lot of stock in this technique. Of course, some training on HOW to do it effectively is required, and he showed me at least a dozen different maneuvers that make it almost a total lock that you'll succeed using them.

He also showed me that move where, all you gotta' do is get your hand on the other guys hand and wrist, and IT'S OVER just like that. He taught me the move, and did it to me over and over and over again while teaching me. There's NO WAY OUT of it!! It's just TOTAL submission once this move is applied.....................
Rowdy;2647554 said:
This efighting is funny. :D

so is the ewanting.

The tough guys on the "internets" aren't always so tough when the keyboard doesn't protect them. Ask Bob.
tomson75;2648169 said:
so is the ewanting.

The tough guys on the "internets" aren't always so tough when the keyboard doesn't protect them. Ask Bob.


I bring keyboards to fights
Rack Bauer;2647283 said:
Forget all that boxing and karate crap.

Either bash the attacker over the head with a 2x4 or put a hole in their knee cap (I'd recommend a .45 caliber).

You just have to be willing to do what the other guy won't. Rip an ear off, bite a finger off, shoot him in the leg, etc...

Rack Bauer doesn't need a gun mang, he just talks em down ese. In Laredo you better be willing to shoot 1st and work on your political ally later.

In all seriousness though when I lived in SA my best drinking bud was an ex golden gloves champ/wannabe. I never saw him lose a one on one fight in a bar and there were many, and many were bigger and tougher had they been able to tackle this guy.

Boxing>Average Joe but the street fights outside the, "box." If you are prepared for the unexpected you may end up or down rather, 6 feet...

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