News: BR: Jerry Jones Suggests Cowboys Are in Line for Super Bowl After Dak Prescott Contract

Hey everybody remember that team of quitters and losers that sucked so bad last year in the playoffs that other team pulled their starters at half time. I have some great news we are gonna pay them much much more and for many years to come.

Who wouldn't be pumped about that.
Still digesting last years team huh? I guess you haven’t noticed that this year team Is different. 30% of the players are new. New DC. Players back from injuries and they started out with a physically dominating win on the road against a playoff team who had the #1 defense last year. Yet you chose to whine about last year. Get over it.
I mean ....... this is what he does.

Jerry fans love this kinda stuff ........ it makes theme giddy.
of course he won't. its jerry. there is not a camera he doesn't like, good or bad. generate buzz. say outlandish things. even the way he handled the timing of CD and Dak's contracts. so much drama...
Truth. And he knew all along that was what he was going to do. He always makes a soap opera out of transactions that happen with every normal team every year. Somehow he squeezes every drop of juice from the publicity lemon.
Yes. You felt so weird that it compelled you to let your fellow members know it was weird to you. You had a personal internal and honest reaction. You acknowledged how you felt to yourself.

Question: Why should anyone else care that it was weird to you how others commented about Jerry Jones' latest nonsense? Your fellow members do not feel it was weird to comment on what Jones said. They acknowledged how they felt to themselves. Additionally, your fellow members did not comment, saying, "It's so weird how this does not bother some people. Who the hell wouldn't care?"
That's because all the homers are doing these days is attacking the critics. It's never about the issue anymore.
:muttley: :muttley::facepalm::muttley::muttley:
But not before the signing?

Did Dak give him a very special pinky promise before he signed the check or something?
Apparently not. Remember when Dak proclaimed that it was now time to go after a super bowl when he received his last contract? Super bowls weren't necessary before then either.
If memory serves me correctly, didn't D-Law make a similar statement a couple of seasons, where he stated that he was ready to try to win a Super Bowl after being in the NFL for about 6-7 seasons.
I mean, he's had so much football success the last 28 years.

We should listen to him.
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The longer we have to sustain his narcissistic ways the more I admire him. He puts it out there for all to see and we still buy in supporting his product.

It’s the fans who are idiots for not forcing his hand at the turnstile and cash registers. Either that or we are so addicted Cowboy junkies we continue waiting on the street corner for whatever trash he deals out.

There’s no reason for him to change . He doesn’t have to. Probably the most brilliant con man in sports history.
When has he ever NOT suggested the Super Bowl is in reach? Gotta sell for sellin's sake.
What’s amazing is how many people still buy into it. He could probably sell them oceanfront property in Denver if he tried.
The longer we have to sustain his narcissistic ways the more I admire him. He puts it out there for all to see and we still buy in supporting his product.

It’s the fans who are idiots for not forcing his hand at the turnstile and cash registers. Either that or we are so addicted Cowboy junkies we continue waiting on the street corner for whatever trash he deals out.

There’s no reason for him to change . He doesn’t have to. Probably the most brilliant con man in sports history.
Ref bold: We? You're only speaking for yourself here. Only a small minority is buying in and supporting his product

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