Rampage;3294259 said:
he's had the cops called on him by girlfriends like 13 times .
I have some issue with his attitude, but he is pretty amazing as a WR.
As for the calls regarding domestic abuse....NONE involved him
hitting a girl and the one where he ever got arrested for was the one when his girlfriend (who made basically all of the call, so not 11 different people) called a cab and he stood in front of the cab preventing her from leaving. Howver, later this girl came back and said there was abuse, but she'd shut up for a price.
There have been 11 calls to the cops from his address and none invoilved him hitting anyone. Several had nothing to do with him. It seems he had a live in gf who called the cops about anything and everything...even cars parked on the lawn, etc. But the records showed the calls coming from Marshall's addrees so the story got out in the Denver press and beyond.
The one incident that was a bit suspicious was the call to the cops that led to him being taken in in 2009. It was over an argument with his now fiancee...charges were dropped the next day.
The guy does seem to be around trouble a lot--recall that a guy got shot to death while leaving party in a limo with him.
But as for him beating women....no evidence of that other than what the papers drummed up from what I can see....but
it does seem suspicious, but recall that lady who did say he was abusive also tried to get 500k from him and changed her story repeatedly.
I'm fine with or without him.