Braylon Edwards or Mike Williams. Mock Draft???

DLK150 said:
I personally don't have an opinion of Mike Williams as I haven't seen him play much. If he's available and he's as good as his stats from the two years he played, maybe he's an option. I don't think wide receiver is our number one priority, no matter how good he is, though.

Out of curiousity, I did a little nosing around with all the Michigan WR/bust stuff going around and compared receivers taken from the two schools in the 1st round since 83.

The best WR out of USC picked in the 1st round in the last 20 years was Keyshawn. Curtis Conway had a solid career and Johnnie Morton has had a solid career.

Derrick Alexander was probably the best to come out of Michigan in the same time frame. Desmond Howard was an ordinary receiver/good returner.
David Terrell's widely considered a bust, but he's never had a chance to develop a relationship with a QB. That can make a difference. (From 01-04, 13 different QBs, 8 with significant playing time. Of these 13, only 3 had a YPA avg. over 6. The team QB rating in that period has been 68.1)

Now don't bash me or anything. I'm not saying that Mike Williams isn't going to be a good player. All I'm saying is, neither USC or Michigan have been churning out pro bowlers at the receiver position. Of all of them, Keyshawn has had the most productive career.

A summary:
(The work of someone who is bored, has time on his hands, and enjoys compiling lists such as this.)

Curtis Conway
1993-Pick 7
0 pro bowls
1X NFL top 10 in catches
1,000+ yds 3/12 years

Johnnie Morton
1994-Pick 21
0 pro bowls
1X NFL top 10 in catches
1,000+ yds 4/11 years

Keyshawn Johnson
1996-1st pick
3 pro bowls
3X NFL top 10 in catches
2X NFL top 10 in rec. yards
1X NFL top 10 in rec. TDs
1X NFL top 10 in rush/rec. TDs
1,000+ 4/9 years(On pace for 955 in '04)

R. Jay Soward
2000-Pick 29
Nothing notable

Desmond Howard
1992-Pick 4
1 Pro Bowl(As returner?)
1,000+ 0/9 years

Derrick Alexander
1994-Pick 29
1X NFL top 10 rec. yards
3X NFL top 10 rec. TDs
1,000+ 3/9 years

David Terrell
2001-Pick 9
Nothing notable

I have too much time on my hands.:eek:

Amani Toomer went to Michigan. 460 receptions 6932 yards 37 TDs.
Mike Williams Is The Player I Would Choose Cause He's A Mixture Between Michael Irvin And Randy Moss...

His Height Is Like Randy Moss
His Size Is Like Michael Irvin
His Physical Skills Is Like Michael Irvin
His Ability To Leap Over Defender Is Like Moss
His Playmaking Ability Is Like Michael Irvin Plus Randy Moss

So He's More Of A Threat Than Brylon...
OK so here's what it comes down to, we think that both WR's are good recievers, except I think that Williams will struggle against bigger more athletic CB's because he's not as quick as Edwards in and out of his breaks (IMO).

You think I would be P.O'ed to see Williams get drafted by Dallas? C'mon

Also, suddenness is defined by Websters, you've heard of this guy right?

sud·den ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sdn)
Happening without warning; unforeseen: a sudden storm.
Characterized by hastiness; abrupt or rash: a sudden decision. See Synonyms at impetuous.
Characterized by rapidity; quick and swift.

all of a sudden
Very quickly and unexpectedly; suddenly.

[Middle English sodain, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *subitnus, from Latin subitneus, from subitus, from past participle of subre, to approach stealthily : sub-, secretly; see sub- + re, to go; see ei- in Indo-European Roots.]
sudden·ly adv.
sudden·ness n.

We have two different opinions of two seperate player.

All I'm saying is think of Braylon Edwards as Turrets syndrome in a helmet and shoulder pads.

Is that a vivid enough picture for you? :D

Ya know your sarcasm and definitions are VERY corny. If you learned how to spell then I probably wouldve known for sure what you were talking about. But in your original post where you refered to "suddenness" you misspelled it. You spelled it as "suddeness"!!!!!!!!! And please dont go back and edit it. Just learn to spell, especially when you want to be sarcastic.

And to be clear, I dont think both WR's will be good NFL WR's. I think Mike Williams will attend numerous pro bowls, while Edwards will be no better than a complimentary player in the league. And I'm sure you know what "complimentary" means because you have your dictionary right in front of you. But for the rest of us, why dont you just give us that definition as well.
Kevlee06 said:
Ya know your sarcasm and definitions are VERY corny. If you learned how to spell then I probably wouldve known for sure what you were talking about. But in your original post where you refered to "suddenness" you misspelled it. You spelled it as "suddeness"!!!!!!!!! And please dont go back and edit it. Just learn to spell, especially when you want to be sarcastic.

And to be clear, I dont think both WR's will be good NFL WR's. I think Mike Williams will attend numerous pro bowls, while Edwards will be no better than a complimentary player in the league. And I'm sure you know what "complimentary" means because you have your dictionary right in front of you. But for the rest of us, why dont you just give us that definition as well.

It’s called a typo. Normal people tend to make them from time to time. But I'm talking about sports and not writing a thesis paper. And if I mention something that you can’t seem to grasp that is your own ignorance.

So next time someone floats a general concept or a word over your head try not to get your little panties in a twist and stop taking yourself so seriously. Besides you are no where NEAR as bright as you think you are.

It’s a forum on football not an English Literary class at Berkeley.
joseephuss said:
Amani Toomer went to Michigan. 460 receptions 6932 yards 37 TDs.
Toomer was a second round pick. I only compared 1st rounders.
Hostile said:
I couldn't agree more.

Michigan fans do not like Braylon Edwards. That ought to send up huge red flags.

I see nothing wrong with Edwards.
This kind of logic ceases to amaze me with its stupidity. So because one player who played the same position at the same school means that he'll be just as bad (or good) as a current player.

So teams should stay away from A Rolle because M. Rumph. Or that A. Hawthorne won't be any good because W. Bryant hasn't done anything in the NFL. When was the last time VA had a LB like A Brooks? Good forbid anyone pick him in the draft with the history of LB's who have come from that school.

And not since Tommy Nobiss has Texas has anything like D. Johnson and that was over 30 years ago. Better stay away from him huh? Or lets keep our fingers crosses and hope that Drew Olsen comes out early. Forget about Paus, McNown, and Madox. Troy Aikman went to UCLA and played QB so that's all that counts.


Its as riddiculous as it gets.

ok jr high, most major college programs like the U of Mich's, Ohio St, Oklahoma, Miami, Fl St, etc have a very established system both on offense and defense. Some of those programs lend themselves to translating into NFL systems, others don't. It can often be the difference between a player making a smooth or difficult transition to the pros. Also, skill position coaches at these programs are often there for years, or at least a certain system is. If its similar to what the pros use then players that excel within that college system usually do well in the pros. Take for example U of Miami, they run a pro-style offense and defense. Overall, their players usually do well transitioning to the NFL. Also take for example Penn St RBs. There have been many that have looked awesome at Penn St but had a very difficult transition to the pros. Univ of Mich typically puts out good pro QBs, not so much with RBs and WRs. OU has had some great college QBs under Stoops (Huepel was Heisman runner up, White has won one Heisman and may win another) yet I don't expect White to do much in the NFL and Heupel has been long gone. What I'm spelling out for you is that the college system a player develops under has a lot to do with the player he becomes and how well (or not) he transitions to the NFL.
Its just another tool when evaluating a college player. Its not the only one and there are always exceptions but its definitely something to consider.
A team's first round draft pick is usually the most important offseason tool it has so it pays to do your homework and manage risk. A team must look at every little thing about a player.
All of this "ridiculous" (only one "d") logic has largley influenced my opinion to pass on Braylon. Throw in all the games I've watched him play where he has ran poor routes causing INTs or disappeared completely and that's how I have arrived at my position.
but thanks for playing Sal
next time, leave the thinking to professionals...
It’s a forum on football not an English Literary class at Berkeley.

If that is the case, then why the heck are you typing in so many damn definitions? Contradicting yourself a little huh? Hey, give us that definition too.

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