Breakdown of Weeden's 108.8 season rating

I'm laughing because stats don't always tell you anything about game management skills. My biggest
complaint about Weeden hes driving a bus real slow staying several miles under the speed limit which
is fine however we have a place we need to be at in 30 minutes and at the rate of speed hes driving
the bus we want get there for 1 hour and 30 minutes now the problem is we are going to be 1 hour late.
The point is he can only drive the bus he can't press or push to the next level. He stalls drives by drifting
back to pass, and keep drifting maybe drifts a little more....oh than gets sacked. He doesn't make all his
progressions as hes too busy or scared of getting hit or making a mistake. I've said this the minute Romo
went down that if Weeden starts 7 games we will be damn lucky to win 1 or 2.

percy actually had some really nice stats that illustrated the points you're making here. If you haven't seen them already, they're pretty interesting.
These things have a tendency to regress to the mean for that player.
Weeden is well on his way to doing that.
A few more games and he's back in the high 70s/low 80s. lol

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