Breaking down where Jerry, Stephen and Will McClay fit into Cowboys draft decisions

I don't think it is about "majority" to the point where he counts yays and nays and goes "alright boys, that is three for Ezekiel Elliott and two for Jalen Ramsey. Elliott is the pick".

If he feels strongly enough, he can and has pulled rank depending on who makes the most convincing case.

Ultimately, he has the final say, which should be obvious.
he didnt with manziel, and seeing how he turned out jerry probably looks to those others more for the right decisions.
IDK, if that were true we'd have Manziel instead of Martin.
the deal was that dallas thought giant were gonna take martin, when they didnt , that is what kept them from taking manziel.
Had giants taken martin, we might have had johnny lol
Question: Who do you think will have more say in who the Cowboys draft: Jerry Jones or Stephen Jones?
Jerry Jones still has final say on all draft picks, so he is still top of the food chain in the War Room, without question.

Normally I like Scales, but she blew it on this one. Need to rethink on here reporting now as to how accurate she actually is.
Se doesn't know any more on this than any of us.

No doubt. Anyone who tries to imply the Owner/GM is the top of the food chain needs to be looked at skeptically going forward.
I appears to me that Jerry listens to his peers more than he has in the past, especially where Stephen is involved. Thank God for that.
No doubt. Anyone who tries to imply the Owner/GM is the top of the food chain needs to be looked at skeptically going forward.

In this case JJ writes the checks, but it has been obvious he has not been making all the final decisions on draft day. Maybe he just sits there and nods, with his JWB in hand, and that is the final say so.
So if by writing the checks, which he actually probably doesn't even do that, or not all of them. If one wants to say he has the final say be it...
In this case JJ writes the checks, but it has been obvious he has not been making all the final decisions on draft day. Maybe he just sits there and nods, with his JWB in hand, and that is the final say so.
So if by writing the checks, which he actually probably doesn't even do that, or not all of them. If one wants to say he has the final say be it...

Oh I agree. He so covets the power that obviously he doesn't use it. He just sits there being led by his underlings.

I'm actually glad she wrote this because I don't want the fact that we have a secret GM only us fans know about to become public knowledge.
Take a look at last year. It was reported the room was somewhat split on Ramsey versus Elliott. Jerry wanted Elliott and he made that pick knowing he had support. I suspect if the room was largely pro-Ramsey, Jerry would have taken Ramsey.
Get ready for the Commanders to try to pry away McClay to be their GM, once this season is over. They'll offer him the title and a big raise.
Get ready for the Commanders to try to pry away McClay to be their GM, once this season is over. They'll offer him the title and a big raise.

Have we read that McClay is happy here and has had inquiries but chose the Cowboy organization. his a comfort guy
It's pretty simple. If it was a good draft pick it was Stephen and McClay. If it was nerves or druggies it was Jerry.
Jerry has a dog **** football mind.

Amazing business man, very intelligent, but he is God awful at decisions when it comes to football personnel.

He believes he's some sort of football genius because he played during WWII when footballs were round, which is the worst part.
Lol.. too funny
Amazing after all these years stuff like this is still debatable. I'm sure Jerry values McClay. He also valued Ciskowski until the Shariff Floyd fiasco when Jerry valued the opinion of a brand new defensive assistant over his HC and AD of Player Personnel. That's when "quick twitch" was introduced into our football vernacular for this team. You'd think that would have been discussed with the team prior to draft day so they'd all be on the same page but I guess not.
Draft staff were already deep into draft evaluation when the new defensive coaches were first hired. Kiffen and Marinelli may not have been through watching the Cowboys vet tape at that point.

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