News: BST: Maligned Garrett Entering Crossroads With Cowboys


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Yes and just relevant enough to continue the revenue stream for Jerry so he can continue his pursuit.

I don’t like using the “ never” word. And I don’t think Garrett needs to win a championship to win fans over. I think most of us realize the challenges Jerry presents .

A championship appearance might be enough. That would at least end some of the negative milestones this era has produced. I don’t have much more expectations with Jerry at the helm.

If Garrett got this team to a SuperBowl that would absolutely change my opinion of his coaching ability. Even if we lost, the fact that he got the team to the SB would prove that he could win multiple playoff games back to back (at least 2 if we had a bye) and that his team was ready and prepared (usually the opposite is what we see). It also means that he kept his idiotic game day mistakes to a minimum to advance that far.

But what I just listed is usually the exact opposite of what we see on game day. We see a team that usually struggles out of the gate, looks unprepared like they never even practiced during the week, run the most basic vanilla plays such that the CBs are running the routes better than our WRs (Dez even said this!), we also see questionable play calling, wasting timeouts, useless challenges that we never win, and on and on and on......and this goober stands there and just claps the whole time like he is a freaking cheerleader.

So yea, getting to a SB would change my opinion of Garrett as an NFL head coach, but I have seen nothing in the eight years he has been in that position that gives me any reason to think that is going to happen.


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I wouldn't say you suck. You're falling short of the goal, but Cleveland, Buffalo, San Francisco are teams that suck.

But there in lies the problem...............the goal should be winning the SuperBowl, not just making the playoffs.

So falling short of your goal would be losing the SuperBowl or losing the NFC Championship game...............not missing the entire dam playoffs


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But there in lies the problem...............the goal should be winning the SuperBowl, not just making the playoffs.

So falling short of your goal would be losing the SuperBowl or losing the NFC Championship game...............not missing the entire dam playoffs
Ultimately your right. Those are the goals.

But from season to season depending on different circumstances don’t those expectations change? Or it becomes Super Bowl or bust every year which doesn’t appear realistic.

Usually teams don’t begin expecting to contend for a Super Bowl until they’ve been a consistent playoff contender. Knocking on the door and breaking it down are different.

It’s difficult for me to expect to play for a championship until I see a championship caliber team which I haven’t seen much sign from with our Dallas Cowboys this era I’m sorry to report.

Making the playoffs 2 out of the last 4 years is a move in a better direction for us even with 2 frustrating losses a couple plays from a championship appearance which would have been breaking down the door IMO. At least for this era which illustrates how the bar has been lowered with our franchise with Jerry’s stranglehold on football operations insisting on puppetry coaching.

I think the more opportunities we get will increase our odds. Time will tell but expectations were lower this year once Elliott went out and we saw what we were reduced to on offense against the better teams . That certainly didn’t look like a playoff contender to me as it had earlier at 5-3. That’s my eye test anyway.


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But there in lies the problem...............the goal should be winning the SuperBowl, not just making the playoffs.

So falling short of your goal would be losing the SuperBowl or losing the NFC Championship game...............not missing the entire dam playoffs

Yes, the ultimate goal is winning the Super Bowl, but that's not realistic every year. E.g., so Cleveland's goal for 2018 should be winning the Super Bowl? Hell, they're goal should be winning 2 games! Just kidding on that last one, a realistic goal for Cleveland would be something like winning 5 games.

For me, it is getting into the playoffs consistently simply because, if you don't get into the playoffs, you can't get to the Super Bowl. And getting into the playoffs in the NFC East isn't as easy as, say, the AFC South. Minnesota showed last weekend, anything can happen once you're in. Will I be happy getting in and not winning? Of course not, but I wouldn't say a team sucks because they didn't win a playoff game.

There's no shortage of naysayers on here that will say my expectations are too low. But a person has to set realistic goals or they will forever fall short and be miserable.


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Yes, the ultimate goal is winning the Super Bowl, but that's not realistic every year. E.g., so Cleveland's goal for 2018 should be winning the Super Bowl? Hell, they're goal should be winning 2 games! Just kidding on that last one, a realistic goal for Cleveland would be something like winning 5 games.

For me, it is getting into the playoffs consistently simply because, if you don't get into the playoffs, you can't get to the Super Bowl. And getting into the playoffs in the NFC East isn't as easy as, say, the AFC South. Minnesota showed last weekend, anything can happen once you're in. Will I be happy getting in and not winning? Of course not, but I wouldn't say a team sucks because they didn't win a playoff game.

There's no shortage of naysayers on here that will say my expectations are too low. But a person has to set realistic goals or they will forever fall short and be miserable.

Which is why I disagree with the notion of tanking those last games to improve the draft pick. When we played the seahags we were still in it. Yes we needed teams to lose but until you are mathematically eliminated you fight. Even after we are out I want my team to win. Especially against the egirls.

The first step to the SB is a record to get you to the playoffs. Once you get in it’s like a new season. Some people didn’t want us to make it this year because they said we would be one and done. Maybe so but at least we made it. And once you make it a team can catch fire. Our Defense really balled out those last 2 games and brought it. If our Offense didn’t sputter and we made it and caught fire the sky is the limit. But we are limited by our staff. And playcalling. No imagination and having the ball first and goal at the 3 and not handing it to one of the best RB in the league was just dumb. And inexcusable.


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You don't go 1-7 through some type of a Series of Unfortunate Events, nor do you go 5-3 with exactly the same team through some type of Series of Fortunate Events. The only difference is the HC. The media has no bearing on my believing the team quit on Wade, it's based on results and what I saw in the Monday night game against the Packers.

Of course you do..

Jerry yelled at the defense and threatened eveybody’s jobs and they ended up producing 20 TOs the rest of the year.

Even then Garrett’s team only beat 1 winning the team, the rest of them absolutely sucking, those teams out of play off contention just like the Cowboys. And then Jason ‘miraculously’ ran the ball when he basically didn’t run the whole season.

The Next year Garrett went out and Rob Ryan who he blamed for his next two years of sucking and he also couldn’t run the ball to save his life.

And then Jason got play-calling duties stripped and he’s useless like always.