BTB Vela: Wade Phillips Bears Down... showed 46 look


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Chocolate Lab;2427111 said:
What an ignorant bumpkin moron Wade is.

You should get a pic of Wade in a dunce cap for your sig line.


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I noticed that weird look they were giving, but didn't intially recognize it as a 46.

Here's a pic of the 46, for those who want to see what it looks like:

Obviously, the reason it doesn't get used as much in today's game is because of the passing rules, which make it very difficult for the corners to play man coverage with minimal safety help. Back in the day, those corners could play TRUE bump and run defense, not the "shove once and you better let go or it's an automatic first down" defense.


All Star
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I put this quickly together, i dont know if its a 46 but its odd that Bradie James comes to play on the line and they shift over to make room for him.



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Chocolate Lab;2427111 said:
What an ignorant bumpkin moron Wade is.

Can you just answer this one question.

What took him so long?

You act like it's his first game with this defense.

And what took him so long to allow the CB's to man up?

He's gets praise for the D game plan, but let's not forget the criticism as well for waiting until the season was on the brink to start being proactive.


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khiladi;2427193 said:
Nobody disputes Wade's coaching knowledge. As you pointed out when he was first hired, there were a bunch of 46 looks. Yet, he never really used it until tonight.

The problem with Wade is his apathy and unwillingness to change, until it is too late. He has a tendency to play scared. Let's not forget that he also played a lot of man-to-man, which he hasn't ever done since being here.

If he continues this way, I think coaching will do it. I'd love to see wade succeed, because he has smarts.

Thank Newman for the man to man stuff and him shadowing Moss.

Newman says he wanted to play man to man

Newman is the one who piped out and it sounds like he asked to be put on Moss.

And it's interesting to hear him say he thinks that playing man to man is what the CB's do best so they should be doing that.

My question? Why do we have to wait until now until it's instituted into the defensive game plan?

So yeah, Wade gets credit for doing it now. And gets just as much criticism for waiting so long.

Now let's hope they stay aggressive from here on out.


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dcfanatic;2427440 said:
Can you just answer this one question.

What took him so long?

You act like it's his first game with this defense.

And what took him so long to allow the CB's to man up?

He's gets praise for the D game plan, but let's not forget the criticism as well for waiting until the season was on the brink to start being proactive.

Unless, of course, as some were saying, the defense hasn't been as bad the last several weeks as the consensus on this board would suggest.

The consistent pressure we've been getting the last three weeks is primarily responsible for the recent improvement. That's happened b/c pass rushers and experienced corners are getting back healthy. We've also got Romo back, which means we can afford to take chances in press/man that we couldn't take when our offense couldn't move the ball.

Man coverage is great if you have pressure, but it makes the QBs reads easier, so you've got to get to the QB if you're going to play it. There's no point taking the coverage risks if you're not stopping the run.

If you're playing with leads, you're better off in zone where theoretically you can capitalize on an offense having to throw the ball when they're behind and generate turnovers and field position. That hasn't been happening for us this year, but that hasn't been b/c of problems with scheme. It's been an injury/execution/suspension/transition to the pro game problem.


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BraveHeartFan;2427301 said:
Is the 4-6 what they were running when we kept getting gashed over the middle for dump offs or the big run by Campbell?

No, I think. The Cowboys were trying to combat the 'skins short passing game. They played a lot of "man under" where the corners and the LBs stay with their man and have their backs to the LOS. The dump offs were all the 'skins had and they only worked when the pass rush didn't get there. It wasn't always pretty but the 'skins only got 10 points. Overall you have to give the defense pretty good marks.


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dcfanatic;2427441 said:
Thank Newman for the man to man stuff and him shadowing Moss.

Newman says he wanted to play man to man

Newman is the one who piped out and it sounds like he asked to be put on Moss.

And it's interesting to hear him say he thinks that playing man to man is what the CB's do best so they should be doing that.

My question? Why do we have to wait until now until it's instituted into the defensive game plan?

So yeah, Wade gets credit for doing it now. And gets just as much criticism for waiting so long.

Now let's hope they stay aggressive from here on out.

I posted a recap of TNew on the ticket after the game, and he mentioned that Stewart and the coaches challenged him to take Moss 1 on 1.


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Everlastingxxx;2427437 said:
I put this quickly together, i dont know if its a 46 but its odd that Bradie James comes to play on the line and they shift over to make room for him.

Thanks for the film work

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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DC and others -- Honestly, I wasn't making any grand pronouncements of what a genius and great head coach Wade is with that one sentence... Just more a little jab at those who seem to think he really did just fall off the turnip truck and happened to roll onto a football field. Someone has to stick up for the old man every once in a while. :)

There's no magic in the 46 or any defense, and this little wrinkle might have had zero to do with our winning this game. But I do admit that I think it's pretty cool that Wade was Buddy Ryan's choice to run his defense in Philly, which was only one of the better defenses the league has ever seen. Obviously, like any scheme, it took great players to make it great. And it was Buddy's scheme. But it's pretty awesome to have on a resume, if you ask me. And as someone who considers himself a pretty big NFL fan for a long time, I'm sort of embarrassed I didn't know until we hired him that he was coaching Reggie White, Jerome Brown, Clyde Simmons, and that whole crew.

And on the man coverage... Like others have said, it was all about getting healthy. Wade said at the PC yesterday that he'd have done this earlier, even last year, but with Newman not healthy they didn't think they had the corners to do it. The backups last year like Reeves and Parakeet just weren't any good, and the rookies this year have been too green.

One thing I think is kind of funny is that everyone has screamed for man coverage for the pass defense, but if you heard Newman after the game, a big reason they did it was to stop the running game. Man coverage usually lets a safety play down in the box, and they didn't want the Skins running on them like they did the first time we played this year.

Now, BRB. I have to act on Idgit's outstanding idea and go find a pic of Wade in a dunce cap.


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lspain1;2427484 said:
No, I think. The Cowboys were trying to combat the 'skins short passing game. They played a lot of "man under" where the corners and the LBs stay with their man and have their backs to the LOS. The dump offs were all the 'skins had and they only worked when the pass rush didn't get there. It wasn't always pretty but the 'skins only got 10 points. Overall you have to give the defense pretty good marks.

Yeah the only thing I was a little worried with was that alignment that allowed them to hit those plays like that.

Over-all I was VERY pleased by this defense.


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Chocolate Lab;2427658 said:
DC and others -- Honestly, I wasn't making any grand pronouncements of what a genius and great head coach Wade is with that one sentence... Just more a little jab at those who seem to think he really did just fall off the turnip truck and happened to roll onto a football field. Someone has to stick up for the old man every once in a while. :)

There's no magic in the 46 or any defense, and this little wrinkle might have had zero to do with our winning this game. But I do admit that I think it's pretty cool that Wade was Buddy Ryan's choice to run his defense in Philly, which was only one of the better defenses the league has ever seen. Obviously, like any scheme, it took great players to make it great. And it was Buddy's scheme. But it's pretty awesome to have on a resume, if you ask me. And as someone who considers himself a pretty big NFL fan for a long time, I'm sort of embarrassed I didn't know until we hired him that he was coaching Reggie White, Jerome Brown, Clyde Simmons, and that whole crew.

And on the man coverage... Like others have said, it was all about getting healthy. Wade said at the PC yesterday that he'd have done this earlier, even last year, but with Newman not healthy they didn't think they had the corners to do it. The backups last year like Reeves and Parakeet just weren't any good, and the rookies this year have been too green.

One thing I think is kind of funny is that everyone has screamed for man coverage for the pass defense, but if you heard Newman after the game, a big reason they did it was to stop the running game. Man coverage usually lets a safety play down in the box, and they didn't want the Skins running on them like they did the first time we played this year.

Now, BRB. I have to act on Idgit's outstanding idea and go find a pic of Wade in a dunce cap.

Personally I love the 46 looks mixed in. I love defense. All teams start with their defense. IF wade has more wrinkles I hope he pulls them all out. We are going to have to ride our defense to the playoffs.

I am not positive about this, but I think Jeff Fisher has always mixed some of the old 46 looks in that he played in. I am also curious if San Diego will now do that with rivera calling the shots. One of the reasons I wanted rivera hired two years ago was his versatility in defensive schemes.


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dcfanatic;2427441 said:
Thank Newman for the man to man stuff and him shadowing Moss.

Newman says he wanted to play man to man

Newman is the one who piped out and it sounds like he asked to be put on Moss.

And it's interesting to hear him say he thinks that playing man to man is what the CB's do best so they should be doing that.

My question? Why do we have to wait until now until it's instituted into the defensive game plan?

I haven't heard the clip, which BTW, thanks for posting, but I have a feeling that it was Newman that forced the issue to play man-to-man. Newman has been calling for man for awhile, and it strikes me as odd that Wade finally brought out some different looks and plenty of man, after all the complaints and whining. I can hardly believe that Wade would say he wanted to play more man, but he just didn't think he hd the personnel to do it. He had Adam Jones, who is a man corner, Jenkins who is a man, and Newman, though he has been injured. He even said they were using man in practices, to get the WRs to learn how to cope with it. All I am saying is, I better see more man.


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some pictures...


after movement
endzone view
after the snap


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khiladi;2427761 said:
dcfanatic;2427441 said:
Thank Newman for the man to man stuff and him shadowing Moss.

Newman says he wanted to play man to man

Newman is the one who piped out and it sounds like he asked to be put on Moss.

And it's interesting to hear him say he thinks that playing man to man is what the CB's do best so they should be doing that.

My question? Why do we have to wait until now until it's instituted into the defensive game plan?

I haven't heard the clip, which BTW, thanks for posting, but I have a feeling that it was Newman that forced the issue to play man-to-man. Newman has been calling for man for awhile, and it strikes me as odd that Wade finally brought out some different looks and plenty of man, after all the complaints and whining. I can hardly believe that Wade would say he wanted to play more man, but he just didn't think he hd the personnel to do it. He had Adam Jones, who is a man corner, Jenkins who is a man, and Newman, though he has been injured. He even said they were using man in practices, to get the WRs to learn how to cope with it. All I am saying is, I better see more man.

Man on man is great as long as you don't have guys biting on double moves like Pacman was. As for the rookies I do think they are getting to a point where the staff does feel more confident with them and with our top CB in the lineup I would expect Dallas to play more man to man


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Say what you want, but you had better be damn careful when running the 46. There is a BIG reason you don't see it anymore.


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nyc;2427787 said:
Say what you want, but you had better be damn careful when running the 46. There is a BIG reason you don't see it anymore.

I agree. It is high risk/high reward style defense but I do think mixing it in is a good ideal to keep QB's guessing. Although I would not run it every down.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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khiladi;2427761 said:
I haven't heard the clip, which BTW, thanks for posting, but I have a feeling that it was Newman that forced the issue to play man-to-man. Newman has been calling for man for awhile, and it strikes me as odd that Wade finally brought out some different looks and plenty of man, after all the complaints and whining. I can hardly believe that Wade would say he wanted to play more man, but he just didn't think he hd the personnel to do it.
Why is it so hard to understand? This is the first game Newman's been healthy, and Jenkins and Scandrick were very green rookies. Just because Jenkins was supposedly better in man coverage coming out of college doesn't mean he was ready to cover NFL receivers right away. Maybe Newman spoiled us with the way he walked in and started from day one, but it takes time for rookie corners to adjust to the speed and complexity of the NFL game.

I don't think there are any black helicopters here... It's just that Newman isn't limited anymore and the rooks are getting adjusted to the NFL.