Bucs vs Giants

UGH CMON CMON CMON CMON CMON CMON CMON **** **** **** **** ****
It's amusing how often teams are poor at clock management. The way they've moved the football, the Giants definitely should've used their timeouts during Tampa's goal-to-go series. Their offense could have had like 1:30 to drive for a FG/TD at the end of the half. But hey, I'm glad they didn't.
Cowboys fans have a victim mentality holy moly.

How did youngest victim from that?

I am referring to "other" team and their actions.

I could draw a diagram with crayons if you need further explanation on something that was "self explanatory"....
It's amusing how often teams are poor at clock management. The way they've moved the football, the Giants definitely should've used their timeouts during Tampa's goal-to-go series. Their offense could have had like 1:30 to drive for a FG/TD at the end of the half. I'm glad they didn't.

At the VERY least, call timeout after you stopped them on 3rd and goal. Could've had roughly 45 seconds to get into FG range before the half.

Garrett gets slammed by some for clock management issues but Coughlin is AWFUL in that department.
Cowboys fans have a victim mentality holy moly.

Actually being that it's half time I will esplain it to you Lucy....

The Cowboys have rivalries just like other teams.

You could say that more teams come into cowboys games playing like its a rivalry than other teams.
The Cowboys are often times someone else's stage... To shine....

Let me know if you need more,,,,
Giants offense has been impressive the last game in a half. On the opposite, the giants defense has been unimpressive the last game in a half.
Actually being that it's half time I will esplain it to you Lucy....

The Cowboys have rivalries just like other teams.

You could say that more teams come into cowboys games playing like its a rivalry than other teams.
The Cowboys are often times someone else's stage... To shine....

Let me know if you need more,,,,

It's true.

Say you're an average NFL player. Will you prepare harder for the game at Dallas or for the game vs Cleveland?

Everyone wants to beat Dallas and have a memorable performance against America's Team. Something they can tell their grandkids about.

That's part of the cost of being America's Team. The over-the-top Greg Hardy outrage is another part of the cost.
we don't need to be concerned with the Giants today. Giants winning tonight is irrelevant because we have to see if WE CAN WIN TONIGHT. And not only that they are not beatiung the Pats so the worst situations can be

Us at 4-5 and Giants at 5-5 after we can win 2 in a row

I am not even watching this game because it should have no importance to a cowboys fan until we see if we can WIN a game first
The Bucs are really going out of their way way to derp this game up.
TB has spotted the Giants 10 points and also missed an easy FG.
You guys are really holding your hopes out for TB?

Lol that's the level of confidence we have in the Cowboys right now. Nothing else we can do except pray the Giants keep losing.

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