Burrow's house broken in to during last night's game

This appears to be a professional job; they got in and grabbed things fast and got out before the police could respond.
A better security system would not matter much under those conditions
responding to a burglar alarm without verification can take up to an hour depending on where you live
I used to work as a sales rep for a home/business security company for 2 years. Trust me, anyone with money could easily secure their property with the best security system detectors which would notify both the home owner and police of any trespassers way before they get a chance to break into a home.
So when is some NFL star going to have some security lay in wait and load these low life scum with lead? It’s coming…..
These gangs are known to stake out the players homes to make sure nobody is home.
Actually, Burrow hired one off duty deputy, and apparently has a 22 year old SI swimsuit model on his payroll, who was the one who actually called it in (being 22, she called her mom first, and her mom told her to call 911).

Apparently it's newsworthy because it's not his college sweetheart who I guess people thought he was engaged to lmao.

You can't make this crap up...
Dang. There’s a whole lot there to unpack.

What’s this deputy’s story? Was he hired to do an occasional drive-by just to confirm that the house wasn’t on fire, or was he supposed to be on the grounds to make sure that what happened - didn’t? Would knowing he’d be the first person questioned be his alibi – “Why would I do something like steal from Mr. Burrow when I know I’d be the first person questioned?” Hmm.

What’s with the girl? So, Olivia #2 calls the cops after consulting with mom? Is she that dumb…or was she seeking council on what to do from mom due to her worries of JB canoodling becoming public knowledge? Also, sorry JB, but there’s no way Olivia #1 is in any way thrilled that “hot” Olivia #2 is linked to this story. If those two are still together (JB & Olivia #1) I’m sure there’s some unnecessary roughness going on behind closed doors.

And all this goes down while Joey’s out tossin’ dimes and boppin’ around in his pronoun reveal party clothing. Just a beautiful story!

I think JB is like a transformer. I think there’s more to him than meets the eye, but I don’t mean that in a Diddy kind of way. Some weird stories will eventually come out, and when they do, I won’t be one bit surprised.
I watched the embedded WLWT5 news video on that page. The reporter states at the end (approximately 2:12 mark):

"I also spoke with a neighbor here, who says he is very concerned that someone was able to get inside Joe Burrow's home, because it is tucked away behind a gate."​

It is one thing believing you live in a safe neighborhood. Hoping you, your family and your belongings are secure from harm and theft makes perfect sense.

It is another thing having a mindset that you and your neighbors are immune from crime because you believe a GATE is a force field straight out of Star Trek! :banghead:

"The gate is buckling, Captain!"

"Scotty! I need full power!"

I used to work as a sales rep for a home/business security company for 2 years. Trust me, anyone with money could easily secure their property with the best security system detectors which would notify both the home owner and police of any trespassers way before they get a chance to break into a home.
AND did you bother to check out the average Police response time for a burglary?

These guys are pros. They plan this stuff. Which you seem to not understand.
AND did you bother to check out the average Police response time for a burglary?

These guys are pros. They plan this stuff. Which you seem to not understand.
Alarms go off when property sensors and radar detectors get triggered. That happens long before any burglar gets a chance to get into a home. There are even heat detection sensors available. What doesn't your stubborn headed argumentative self not understand about that?
Alarms go off when property sensors and radar detectors get triggered. That happens long before any burglar gets a chance to get into a home. There are even heat detection sensors available. What doesn't your stubborn headed argumentative self not understand about that?
At the end of the day, the only sure fire way to ensure that law enforcement is coming is to dial #911 and inform them that shots have been fired.

Shotlock behind every door that has access into your home with a good old 12 gauge and you being in the home is pretty much the only way you're going to ensure that people aren't going to get in and not have enough time to take something.

Couple weeks ago I know a business owner where people cut his fence, went onto his property and cut a bunch of catalytic converters from his vans. The cops didn't even come out.
Bummer.....comes home thinking he must be the luckiest guy in the world after that game and.......
Bummer.....comes home thinking he must be the luckiest guy in the world after that game and.......
It's probably more of a bummer that what's making the news is the 22 year old swim suit model LOL

I don't think money is a issue for him, added he probably has a decent homeowners insurance plan that will cover his theft at replacement cost.

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