Call it now - Does Henson get #2 work on Thursday?

I have to tell you that I think it would be more fair for these backup guys to alternate playing in the preseason games anyway. It takes a couple of series to get into any kind of rythmn anyway for a QB who has played as little as they have. It was the best thing for Romo to get in there and play a few series and by the end he really looked good (he started pretty well too).

Same for Henson, I hope he gets some time to get into some rythmn too, but Bledsoe still needs a half of work if you ask me for the 4th game, so if Romo is your number 2, which I think he probably is, then you would at least want him to get a little time.
Tricky-22 said:
Btw..ABQ, looks like La Cueva is still winning.

Yes, that's true Trick. There is to be a write up in Sports Illustrated, I think, that mentions there program.

Congrads to them I say. Thanks for that mention thou Trick.
........If it comes down to the Cowboys needing the roster spot thus cutting Henson for his below average performance in camp, according to my sources :cool: , Henson's agent will put the word out there that he'll retire if he's picked up by any other team.
Doomsday101 said:
I agree. Henson is part of the team and why anyone would root aginst him is beyond me same with Romo. As both guys improve it makes Dallas a stronger team and that is what should matter. It is all about Team people players will come and go but the team is the main focus or at least it should be!!!

Because there are people who care more about saying "I told you so", "I was right", or "See? Live with it.". It's a trait most commonly found between the ages of 7 and 21 in prepubescent children, adolescents and teenagers whose brains haven't fully developed, but it can be found in adults with low self esteem, other personality traits, or in life positions that are less than fulfilling and require self-promotion of some sort at some level as a means of maintaining whatever self esteem is present.

You notice that they typically root for underdogs, or less highly touted individuals. People with a lack of self esteem can be highly intelligent but lack the confidence to succeed, and can relate to and even have their success through these underdogs. The internet is a perfect venue for people of this sort, because they can easily mask whatever deficiencies they have or feel behind a computer.

This isn't always the case, but it's out there.

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