Cancer Drug Kills Every Kind of Tumor: Study

khiladi;5039893 said:
Can you explain to me how garlic can go bad? For example, can garlic be susceptible to clostridium botulinum?

Don't take this as a knock on your claim that garlic does have some anti-bacterial properties or can exert some positive effects against certain types of cancers, which I agree with.

Yes, under particular circumstances CB can form in garlic. Whole cloves stored in olive oil is a CB paradise because it is anaerobic. Allicin does not form until the garlic is damaged or cut or crushed and so in the absence of allicin CB can thrive and yet you can kill the CB by exposing it to allicin.

One might think the act of chewing the clove would create allicin but the action of chewing brings saliva into contact with the garlic and saliva greatly reduces the amount of allicin formed by neutralizing the enzyme alliinase, needed to form allicin so much less is formed. Stomach acid also neutralizes alliinase further with the effect of greatly reducing the amount actually formed.

Allicin has cured many kinds of cancers in the lab but that doesn't mean much since its half-life in the human bloodstream is less than one minute. I have found a non-invasive way to get allicin into the bloostream easily and keep it there much longer. Preliminary results indicate it is very effective in MRSA cases resolving themselves and seems to have other potential as well.

Hope this helps.
Let's go back to your original statement:

But because garlic is an abundant natural lifeform, pharma companies can't patent it and so will not use it or make medicines from it, yet it cures things their medicines can't.

Now, we are talking about, not garlic, but a specific 'substance' within garlic, allicin, that has to be extracted to be effective for whatever it is effective against. This happens all the time with pharmaceutical companies.

Further, allicin, because of it's toxicity, can kill even healthy, human cells and like you said, it has low bio-availibility. If it didn't break down rapidly, human cells would be hurt in the process. Getting it into the bloodstream isn't just the the issue, getting it to the tumor, in it's toxic form without damaging the healthy cells in the process is.

Welcome to the world of cancer and attempting to find treatments...
khiladi;5041234 said:
Let's go back to your original statement:

Now, we are talking about, not garlic, but a specific 'substance' within garlic, allicin, that has to be extracted to be effective for whatever it is effective against. This happens all the time with pharmaceutical companies.

Further, allicin, because of it's toxicity, can kill even healthy, human cells and like you said, it has low bio-availibility. If it didn't break down rapidly, human cells would be hurt in the process. Getting it into the bloodstream isn't just the the issue, getting it to the tumor, in it's toxic form without damaging the healthy cells in the process is.

Welcome to the world of cancer and attempting to find treatments...

You are right, allicin is toxic but diluting it in water diminishes the toxicity to tissue without affecting its ability to kill bacteria. Allicin is still effective against bacteria at a dilution of 125,000 parts of water to one part of allicin plus the water greatly slows the breakdown rate of the allicin to that it remains in its antimicrobial form much longer.

Exactly, your link is one of the things I talk about a lot. I know Dr. David Mirelman (the Chemistry Chair at Weitzmann and have had dinner with him. In a conference in Tulsa in 2001 I spent four days with him and Dr Larry D. Lawson and Dr. Eric Block (Chemistry Chair NYSU-Albany) and a dozen or two other scientists working in garlic. I was the only one without a doctorate invited to the conference.

We discussed this exact binary approach. He told us He had approached every major pharmaceutical house in the business and it was roundly rejected by every one of them because it comes from natural garlic and they can't patent it and control it and others could come up with the same thing and they would not have an exclusive. I have had three long distance mentors in my garlic career and all three of them are mentioned above and they have changed my life in terms of how I see garlic. Having a good general understanding of the chemical reactions of garlic and physiology as well as it's interactions with other things that can affect physiology allows one to see many possibilities they hadn't considered before.

There is research going on at a furious pace to produce patentable lifeforms of garlic via gene-splicing that will produce application-specific super garlics and once that happens, Big Pharma will develop some garlic-based cures that they can control.

Allicin isn't the only beneficial compound in garlic, there are other less volitile metabolites like fat-soluble Diallyl Trisulfide (DATS), which research at Penn State showed killed or inhibited many kinds of cancer cells in vitro in a dose-dependent manner.

One of the procedures I have devised has a very simple way of bonding DATS to an oil and getting it into the lymphatic system and as it is transported around, the DATS should kill many or all the cancer cells it encounters thus limiting or even temporarily stopping metastasis or maybe it could reverse the spread. We really don't know for sure so it needs to be researched but but I seriously doubt anyone will fund it so desperate individuals grasping at straws will probably hear about it and try it and get successful results but no one will believe them.

Sorry for such a long post but sometimes you need to be specific. The chemistry of allicin is very complex and dynamic and the metabolites that form depend on what other chemicals it interacts with. We could discuss this for a long time.

For a comprehensive discussion of garlic chemistry, please read Larry Lawson's book "Garlic The Science and Therapeutic Application of Allium Sativum L and Related Species" ISBN 0-683-18147-5. You can get it from Amazon. About 80 pages of it are references to published studies that support the book's conclusions. Obviously, it's pretty heavy reading.
told us He had approached every major pharmaceutical house in the business and it was roundly rejected by every one of them because it comes from natural garlic and they can't patent it and control it and others could come up with the same thing and they would not have an exclusive.

That is simply not true.

This will provide you a list of patents in the process based upon allicin usage. For example, the following application is based upon allicin being a preservative, disinfectant, antimicrobial or as a biocidal agent.
khiladi;5042023 said:
That is simply not true.

This will provide you a list of patents in the process based upon allicin usage. For example, the following application is based upon allicin being a preservative, disinfectant, antimicrobial or as a biocidal agent.

I believe it is true because that is exactly what he told us and here it is 12 years later and nothing going on about it. It is just as good an idea now as it was in the 90s when his team developed it. The pharmaceutical industry just has its own set of priorities, that's all.

There's a lot of complicating factors in garlic; there is still much to add to a growing body of information about it. There 10 distinct varieties classified and hundreds of cultivars within these varieties, which are as different from each other as the varieties are from each other. They all taste different and create different amounts of allicin and also growing conditions make a difference in allicin yield. It also makes a difference if the garlic has been irradiated. I believe irradiated garlic does not produce allicin because the radiation neutralizes the alliinase so that no allicin can form.

Another factor is that a bulb of garlic is not dead (unless it has been irradiated), it is a living thing that is in a continuous state of change as it goes on through its life.

All of these differences will probably keep garlic in the realm of folk/herbal medicine and that's not bad but the bottom line is that it works to cure many ailments when used in the right ways and if that sector of the public inclined to alternative therapies decides try it on their own, they will at least know more about it.

There are a lot of interesting ideas in those two links but seeing them consistently misspell alliinase marred my enjoyment a little. It is standard scientific nomenclature. Not only did the author miss it but the proofreader did, too as it was spelled allinase in lots of places.

There is a lot of misinformation about garlic going around, much of it being spread maliciously by the pharmaceutical industry and even by some garlic pill manufacturers who praise their own products while denigrating their competitors' products. I would name specific companies but I am afraid of being sued.

Any way you look at it garlic is a wonderous thing and is deserving of a lot more open minded research.
The contention was not that garlic has certain wonderful properties that beg research. The reality is, like I stated, plenty of natural products have properties that are the subject of research by pharmaceutical companies, garlic included.

The idea that a company is against a 'natural' product is simply bogus. Synthetic chemicals are produced based upon that same research, because they are cheaper and easier to produce then growing huge amounts of garlic or any other natural product, which then need to be the subject of extraction and refining so as to 'obtain' that very same 'chemical' which can be produced in a much easier way. Aspirin, for example, is a form of salycic acid which was taken all throughout history to cure various pains. The Native Americans used it as well. The source of this was from a type of tree bark.

Further, taking a particular substance like allicin or curcumin through garlic or turmeric isn't feasible, simply because of the lack bio-availibility through that route, as you have attested to as well.
khiladi;5043398 said:
The contention was not that garlic has certain wonderful properties that beg research. The reality is, like I stated, plenty of natural products have properties that are the subject of research by pharmaceutical companies, garlic included.

The idea that a company is against a 'natural' product is simply bogus. Synthetic chemicals are produced based upon that same research, because they are cheaper and easier to produce then growing huge amounts of garlic or any other natural product, which then need to be the subject of extraction and refining so as to 'obtain' that very same 'chemical' which can be produced in a much easier way. Aspirin, for example, is a form of salycic acid which was taken all throughout history to cure various pains. The Native Americans used it as well. The source of this was from a type of tree bark.

Further, taking a particular substance like allicin or curcumin through garlic or turmeric isn't feasible, simply because of the lack bio-availibility through that route, as you have attested to as well.

Nonetheless, I know what David Mirelman told our gathering of scientists and I have no reason to doubt him. His idea is brilliant and I believe would work but here we are 12 years later and still no binary treatment.

I can't speak to curcumen but I know garlic and I agree that you can't eat it and get any allicin into the bloodstream. I know the terminology and the difference between Allicin and Diallyl Trisulfide and Diallyl Disulfide on the one hand and the water-soluble metabolites on the other but I generally use the generic word garlic because the public knows little about these compounds or how they work.

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