What does TIME OF POSSESSION have to do with the defense?
Time of possession isn't a measure of how long a defense is on the field, it's a measure of how long an offense is on the field (how long the offense POSSESSES the football).
Again, an intelligent person would of known right away that the #1 team in T.O.P. couldn't possibly average less then 30 minutes TOP per game.
Which is relevant when your talking about such a deceptive stat as tackles. Because, obviously, the longer you are on the field the more tackles have to be made.
Which makes the fact that Wilson has more tackles then Roy completely irrelevant, being that he's on the field more then ROy, of course he's gonna have more opportunities then Roy.
Right, so the numbers provided by NFL statistics aren't accurate?
You have a severe lack of common sense.
If NFL.com says the Cowboys are leading the NFL in TOP at 25 minutes a game, YES THEY'RE WRONG. Use your head (or try to). If they really were averaging 25 minutes a game then that means their opponent is averaging 35 minutes a game. If their opponent is averaging more TOP per game, then how could the cowboys possibly be LEADING in that category?
Try and figure it out. It's basic math. Addition and subtraction... I'm sure even a Cards fan can handle that.
You still haven't given me any reasons to why Wilson isn't a better saftey.
You haven't given a legitimate reason that Wilson is better then Roy.
Instead of being so rightious with your opinion, maybe you could share with us mere mortals what makes my opinion so crazy?
Again, you haven't even given a reason that Wilson is better then Roy. So until you do, ****.
That doesn't matter when your talking about covering and pursuit angles (which are Williams two biggest problems).
This sentence proves you have no idea *** you're talking about regarding Roy. I don't know where all this "Roy can't cover" crap comes from, but it simply isn't true.
And the pursuit angles, where the F are you getting this crap? lol
When a player blows and assignment, he blows and assignment, whether he is at FS or SS.
So now Roy blows his assignments? Please, name an assignment he has blown. Have fun with that.
So odds are, what Williams was doing at FS for the Cowboys wasn't exactly unique and something Wilson hasn't done before.
Did you even watch Roy last year? Due to having no pass rush and a revolving door at RCB, Roy had to play deep about 95% of the time. Funny how when the cowboys needed to help a struggling corner they use a player that "Struggles in coverage" to fill that role. Roy is at his best when playing close to the line, but that does NOT mean he struggles in coverage. Just cuz coverage is not his strongest assest, doesn't mean he's poor at it.
But I guess the world you live in is black and white. It's either/or in your world, huh?