Casey Anthony trial starts today...*Found not guilty*

Blame mass media coverage for this failure. Without the huge coverage about it before hand, the state probably gets her to cop to a negligence or manslaughter charge and she goes to jail. The prosecutor is the idiot for taking this case to trial with no evidence of a murder.
casmith07;3988549 said:
For the billionth time...


BOR THE BILLIONTH TIME, no, opening statments are not evidence. Where in the world did you get that I was saying they were? I never said that, and in fact, said exctly the opposite - that they weren't evidence, which is exactly why it was improper to make direct claims and accusations without planning to provide evidence later in the trial to back it up.

FOR THE BILLIONTH TIME, the fact that opening statement are not evidence does not give the attorneys free reign to say, claim or accuse anything that they want without planning to back it up with evidence later in the trial. That is not even a debateable point in our court system.

What I said was that what Baez claimed/accused was the equivalent of testimony (not evidence). What attorneys are allowed to do in opening statements is lay the foundation for what they plan try and prove through evidence/testimony in the body of the trial. They are not allowed to argue points, much less make direct claiims and accusatioins, they do not plan to try and substantiate during the trial. Again, that's not even a debateable point in our court system. Making such claims/accusations completely in the place of whoever should have properly testified to such claims/accusations later in the trial is, in effect, offering that person's testimony without actually having them testify.
Stautner;3989285 said:
BOR THE BILLIONTH TIME, no, opening statments are not evidence. Where in the world did you get that I was saying they were? I never said that, and in fact, said exctly the opposite - that they weren't evidence, which is exactly why it was improper to make direct claims and accusations without planning to provide evidence later in the trial to back it up.

FOR THE BILLIONTH TIME, the fact that opening statement are not evidence does not give the attorneys free reign to say, claim or accuse anything that they want without planning to back it up with evidence later in the trial. That is not even a debateable point in our court system.

What I said was that what Baez claimed/accused was the equivalent of testimony (not evidence). What attorneys are allowed to do in opening statements is lay the foundation for what they plan try and prove through evidence/testimony in the body of the trial. They are not allowed to argue points, much less make direct claiims and accusatioins, they do not plan to try and substantiate during the trial. Again, that's not even a debateable point in our court system. Making such claims/accusations completely in the place of whoever should have properly testified to such claims/accusations later in the trial is, in effect, offering that person's testimony without actually having them testify.

Remind me where you went to law school again? Oh wait...that's right.

You don't get it. You never will. It's okay.
I am so happy that I am an engineer and not a lawyer. Lawyers will do and say anything to make a dollar (or much more). I have no idea how a defense lawyer sleeps at night. Instead of counting sheep, maybe they count their money.
ninja;3989403 said:
I am so happy that I am an engineer and not a lawyer. Lawyers will do and say anything to make a dollar (or much more). I have no idea how a defense lawyer sleeps at night. Instead of counting sheep, maybe they count their money.

Well, there are innocent people out there that use defense attorneys, too. It may be a low percentage of times, but there people who actually do get falsely accused of crimes.
ninja;3989403 said:
I am so happy that I am an engineer and not a lawyer. Lawyers will do and say anything to make a dollar (or much more). I have no idea how a defense lawyer sleeps at night. Instead of counting sheep, maybe they count their money.

joseephuss;3989420 said:
Well, there are innocent people out there that use defense attorneys, too. It may be a low percentage of times, but there people who actually do get falsely accused of crimes.

I feel similarly about defense attorneys. Public defenders are a different story though.

But joseephuss is right -- there are plenty of folks that work to defend people that are actually innocent.
zrinkill;3987490 said:
Incredible that people could defend her or the outcome of this farce.

What has happened to this world.

Not enough evidence. It's unfortunate but it happens.
Stautner;3989285 said:
BOR THE BILLIONTH TIME, no, opening statments are not evidence. Where in the world did you get that I was saying they were? I never said that, and in fact, said exctly the opposite - that they weren't evidence, which is exactly why it was improper to make direct claims and accusations without planning to provide evidence later in the trial to back it up.
You said that Baez was presenting Casey's testimony for her. Testimony = evidence.

FOR THE BILLIONTH TIME, the fact that opening statement are not evidence does not give the attorneys free reign to say, claim or accuse anything that they want without planning to back it up with evidence later in the trial. That is not even a debateable point in our court system.
He obviously did plan on backing it up.

What I said was that what Baez claimed/accused was the equivalent of testimony (not evidence).
Testimony is evidence.
What attorneys are allowed to do in opening statements is lay the foundation for what they plan try and prove through evidence/testimony in the body of the trial. They are not allowed to argue points, much less make direct claiims and accusatioins, they do not plan to try and substantiate during the trial.
They can make claims and accusations in opening statements, presuming they think the evidence will back that up. Which is what Baez did.
Again, that's not even a debateable point in our court system. Making such claims/accusations completely in the place of whoever should have properly testified to such claims/accusations later in the trial is, in effect, offering that person's testimony without actually having them testify.
No it's not.
ninja;3989403 said:
I am so happy that I am an engineer and not a lawyer. Lawyers will do and say anything to make a dollar (or much more). I have no idea how a defense lawyer sleeps at night. Instead of counting sheep, maybe they count their money.

I was thinking the same thing last night as I was watching a reply of Baez blaming the meter reader and the dad for the crime. He knows darn well Casey did this.

I heard that Baez got a talent agent and they dumped him 2 days later. He wanted to start cashing in immediately on Caylee's murder.

Casey will be free next week. I want to forget about her.

Maybe something good will come of this whole fiasco (if anything can :eek: ) Maybe that law will pass to make it a crime not to report your child missing. Or maybe it will just bring more awareness to child abuse and neglect.
peplaw06;3989491 said:
You said that Baez was presenting Casey's testimony for her. Testimony = evidence.


I'm not going to argue law with you, but how is testimony evidence? Isn't testimony a statement or declaration?
BlueStar3398;3989563 said:
Anyone know who paid Baez's attorney fees? Did he represent her pro bono?

Probably the good people of Florida.
vta;3989560 said:

I'm not going to argue law with you, but how is testimony evidence? Isn't testimony a statement or declaration?
Testimony comes from witnesses. Witnesses take an oath and swear (or affirm) to tell the truth. Testimony is presented during the evidence portion of the trial. There are three basic stages during the "guilt/innocence" portion of a criminal trial.

1. Opening statements;
2. Evidence (includes each side's case-in-chief and rebuttal);
3. Closing arguments.

At no point is an attorney under oath. The attorney makes the opening statement and the closing argument, but neither of those are "evidence." The two general types of evidence are testimony and exhibits.

For example, if there was an eye-witness to what actually happened, if the jury believed that the testimony of the eye-witness was credible enough to have convicted Casey beyond a reasonable doubt, it could have been the only evidence the prosecution needed.
peplaw06;3989596 said:
Testimony comes from witnesses. Witnesses take an oath and swear (or affirm) to tell the truth. Testimony is presented during the evidence portion of the trial. There are three basic stages during the "guilt/innocence" portion of a criminal trial.

1. Opening statements;
2. Evidence (includes each side's case-in-chief and rebuttal);
3. Closing arguments.

At no point is an attorney under oath. The attorney makes the opening statement and the closing argument, but neither of those are "evidence." The two general types of evidence are testimony and exhibits.

For example, if there was an eye-witness to what actually happened, if the jury believed that the testimony of the eye-witness was credible enough to have convicted Casey beyond a reasonable doubt, it could have been the only evidence the prosecution needed.

Ok. it sounds odd, because when I think of evidence I think of physical proof.
peplaw06;3989491 said:
Testimony is evidence. They can make claims and accusations in opening statements, presuming they think the evidence will back that up. Which is what Baez did.

And to piggyback on this, Baez missed on it -- the evidence didn't necessarily back it up. Fortunately for he and his client, however, the evidence on the other side didn't substantiate any of the major charges.
vta;3989560 said:

I'm not going to argue law with you, but how is testimony evidence? Isn't testimony a statement or declaration?

vta;3989598 said:
Ok. it sounds odd, because when I think of evidence I think of physical proof.

Think of evidence broken into two subsets, basically Show and Tell.

1. Exhibits: the Show
2. Testimony: the Tell
casmith07;3989609 said:
And to piggyback on this, Baez missed on it -- the evidence didn't necessarily back it up. Fortunately for he and his client, however, the evidence on the other side didn't substantiate any of the major charges.
Right... but I think that if he had felt that the state had proved enough to meet their burden, he likely would have put Casey on the stand.
Alright Im going back to why couldnt she have drowned and Casey just tried horribly to cover it up?

Her bahavior afterwards is irrelevant IMO b/c shes clearly narcissistic
MarionBarberThe4th;3989639 said:
Alright Im going back to why couldnt she have drowned and Casey just tried horribly to cover it up?

Her bahavior afterwards is irrelevant IMO b/c shes clearly narcissistic

If she drowned accidentally, why was her mouth duct taped?
vta;3989683 said:
If she drowned accidentally, why was her mouth duct taped?

Maybe so no DNA gets out when they moved the body. Thats what I heard on Dr. Drew

All Im saying is a drowning/cover-up makes more sense then a straight murder.

She could have got an abortion if she really wanted to party so much, or given the kid to the grandmother.

Or maybe Im just hoping for as little psychos in the world and I want this to be an accident

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