CBS Sportsline: Goodell's no lawyer... so why take law in his own hands?

Trendnet;1514085 said:
I think this sums it up perfectly.

This is a slippery slope Goodell is traveling down.

Week 10. Terry Glenn gets arrested for domestic violence. Based on his past history of trouble (specifically with the Patriots), Goodell decides after a couple of weeks, to hand out a 4 game suspension. The 'Boys record sits at 8-4 at the time of the suspension.

Everyone applauds the decision, "Get those thugs off our team" they yell.

Without Glenn, the Cowboys offense struggles, they go 1-3 the last 4 games of the season to finish at 9-7 and miss the playoffs.

After week 17, Glenn is completely exonerated. His spouse is charged with filing a false police report. Glenn did not do the crime he was accused of.
No kidding. Imagine what would have become of Irvin and Erik Williams when that girl made COMPLETELY fabricated accusations of rape. Imagine how bad the NFL would look if the affected a team's season without basis because the rushed to judgement so they could look "tough on thugs".
burmafrd;1519787 said:
On a whim? Are you really that dense?
If you can't see the inconsistencies in the penalties that he has (and hasn't) levied, perhaps you should address your second question to the mirror.
Unless they were all doing the same things in the same time frame, there will be no consistency. Bottom line is this: the more ink you get for your troubles the more you pay. That is the way it is.
In none of the cases where Goodell has acted can there be said to be much doubt at all about the GENERAL CONDUCT of the player. In other words- THUGS. Tank is the only one convicted- and that is another issue.
Pacman and Henry have been THUGS for years and fully warrant their punishment. Untill or if the Commish does something like the so called example used, its all moot.
burmafrd;1519907 said:
Unless they were all doing the same things in the same time frame, there will be no consistency. Bottom line is this: the more ink you get for your troubles the more you pay. That is the way it is.
Which is absolutely horrible.
Was listening to Mike and Mike this morning and they had David Stern on. I thought his words on Goodell was interesting. Basically, he said that he thought Goodell was doing a masterful job of executing policy. Said Goodell has crafted an excellent stratigy for dealing with the problems the NFL is facing with player conduct. These are my words but that's basically what was said. I'd expect Stern to support Goodell or just avoid the question entirely if he didn't want to be on record with it but I really thought he went out of his way to comment on how the NFL and Goodell was handling the problems they face.
Is it horrible? You choose to play pro sports. You accept losing a lot of privacy and control over how you live your life by doing so. The worse you look in the media the more you pay. That is reality.
burmafrd;1520061 said:
Is it horrible? You choose to play pro sports. You accept losing a lot of privacy and control over how you live your life by doing so. The worse you look in the media the more you pay. That is reality.

Stop being logical and making common sense statements...
Just my little note to all of this.

Everyone here and the basis of the article posted all point out that Godell is no lawyer. True. But don't ya think for one second that he didn't consult the 9000 NFL lawyers whether he had a legal standing or not?

Do some of you actually think he pulled this stuff out of his rear and said "Because I said so"?

My opinion...Good for Godell and the NFL that some of these yahoo's are being told they enjoy the privilege of playing in the NFL.

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