CBS: Top 50 NFL Players (Prisco)

Dumb list. I will bet you that virtually EVERY coach in the NFL would take Brady over Manning. And several of those players have not done anything WORTHY of being in the top 50= he is just playing hunches not basing it on ACTUAL PERFORMANCE. Taylor, Vick and Jackson are NOT top 50 players.
5Stars said:
HEY! Leave the BOY alone!
And, the reason these RedStink fans watch the Cardinals is so they can finally satisfy their little tiny minds that at least someone is worse then them!

Umm yeah. We can just look to the cowturds for that...
Stretch3 said:
Umm yeah. We can just look to the cowturds for that...

Enjoy it while you can pal.. you guys are going DOWN! this season!!!! :)
DefendeR said:
Nice to meet you too.
I have a big red bridge for sale in San Fran if you're interested.

awesome. Notice how no one backed u up in your original statement, so just chill.

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