CBZ40: A Sad Bit of News For The Members Here... Cbz40

Very sad to hear. In an era of faceless internet people he shone bright.
Zaxor;2881846 said:
I'm gonna go make me some of that God awful pea salad and wash it down with a Dr. Pepper... I will truly miss him.

Quote of the day. He was a hell of a Cowboy!
Bummer. With some people you can get a feel for them from their words, and I always got the feeling he was a really nice guy.
BrAinPaiNt;2882071 said:
I tell you how to tell if a man is great.

When you have never met him in person, have never talked to him in person...yet you still find yourself with tears going down your cheeks when you learn he has passed.

Rest in Peace Pops...lord knows you have earned it.
That's pretty much how I feel.

I'm still teary-eyed.

Folks just don't realize how close we all are in the back room. This is really hard for me to digest. After Hostile gave us that last update, I just knew he would get better.

Him being gone so long without us knowing just breaks my heart.

Such a good guy who will be greatly missed by his online family.
Thoughts and prayers go out for CB and his family. Having 5 girls he must've been a good shot.

Peace Pops.
I didn't know him personally or anything but I've been on these boards for a long time, most of the time lurking.. and he really was such a great guy.

Always loved seeing his icon, because I always looked forward to his posts and insight.

Sitting here with a warm smile through teary eyes. How a guy who was thousands of miles away could sooth others simply by being present, is beyond me but he did it every day.

I'm gonna miss the hell out of ya Santiago.


Cowboys season here at the zone just won't be the same without you :(

CBZ was the first member of this fine forum to have dialogue with me one-on-one and his nice manner and his welcoming way was actually what made mestart hanging around here.

I lost my father to lung cancer. He was from Texas, like CBZ. He was also 65 when he passed away and he too used to be a band director.

Maybe in part because of that, CBZ's passing has hit me pretty hard. It is so awful.

You hear this a lot... but this place truly won't be the same now that he is gone.

It's terribly sad, terribly timed and... well, it's just terrible.

My condolences go out to his loved ones.

I will miss him.
No words either. Just so sad cancer has to take so many. RIP Pops and i hope we find cures for these things soon.
I don't post here often like before but I've always enjoyed Cbz's friendly posts. I, and most, if not all forum members will miss him dearly.

R.I.P., pops. My condolences to his family and friends.
This is a shock. He will be missed here. Really enjoyed his posts. RIP my longtime fellow Cowboys fan. May God be with your family in this most difficult time. Look forward to talking Cowboys with one day.
I hate cancer. :bang2: It took my mother on June 21st 2007 and my grandfather August 8th 2009 (yes, 5 days ago). Worst of all, my grandfather was forced to watch my mother (his daughter) die over the course of an entire year before the same illness took him two years later.

Please visit / donate to the American Cancer Society.

I recommend we rename the Fan Zone to Cbz40's Fan Zone.

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