Cbz40 Game Day Thread | Philadelphia Eagles 7 Dallas Cowboys 27 HALFTIME

These penalties are frustrating as hell, they picked a great game to go back to their undisciplined ways :banghead:
5 penalties in a quarter.
At home.
C'mon man.
I don't understand that level of stupidity and I never will.
wileedog;3211890 said:
Davis moved too, they just called Columbo's number

I would like to point out the Flozell has not had a false start in several games..
seeing a pattern here.........Lets break it!

Tony really needs to work on his cadence at the LOS. We move so often because we are not rhythmic in snap count and we still let the defense dictate... get the play in and run it damnit!
Dallas has got to get some points.

You cannot be given this many chances and come away with nothing.

Do not let Philly hang around.
The pentalties will cost us points, c'mon guys play smart football!
This is exactly the same team I've watched over the last 6 consecutive playoff losses. One would think that, eventually, a team might luck into a playoff win.
The offense is in full melt down with stupidity

wasted two chances after making big plays and touch away the opportunity to even kick a field goal because of one
AUSTIN is my hero.

What, no penalty?
BlueStar22;3211895 said:
there's no way Columbo should be starting. Don't mess with chemistry. I said this early in the week.

I agree
Right now it looks like we're pitching another shutout. This is a defense we can rely on - get the running game going, wait for your shots, play field position. No more penalties would help...