CeeDee and Trevon in the club after last night's big game

Well, we know Trey didn't initiate any contact during the game so I can understand him being fresh. Wonder if he initiated any contact at da club?
Jimmy after he denied the team a meal after they lost to Washington: "I just wanted them to hate losing as much as I did...".

Those days...are gone...'round these parts...
any coach who tried that crap now would face a revolt from the players and be fired the next day
How many of us have had a bad day at work and went out to blow off some steam?

And 9/10, they were probably paid for their appearance.
I saw Kyle Shanahan allow Lil Wayne to perform - he's a Lil Wayne fan - the night they lost the SB. (It was supposed to be a victory party.)

Kyle...looked sick during the interview. I get that everybody blows off steam how they need to...but...if you are leaders are chilling at the club...why should anyone fear them or listen to them?

Then when you add Podcast Meecah to the mix...and broken down Badda Bing club that is AT&T Stadium...it means something. The guys who should care the most about winning - the highest paid players - are chilling.
What do people actually think players do after a game. Go into a cryogenic chamber until practice?
Well, when the game isn't over til 10:30ish on a Sunday night and they probably didn't get out of stadium for at least another hour it's not unreasonable to think they might throttle down. Especially after another loss. It's not like they don't get a long offseason in Dallas.
I'm not going to fault these guys for going out after the game. Win or lose.

I'm hoping no body faults you if you have a bad day at work and want to go out afterwards.
This season was over before it began.
Let them have fun because they certainly aren't having any on the football field these days.
Have no issues with my man CD going out and having a nightcap.
When the Owner/GM is a joke of a man who makes problem #1 the highest-paid NFL player he is sending the message he does NOT want to win.
Have one on me GUYS and enjoy and save your $$$$.....as life moves fast.
....sounds like Dak ain't allowed to go get diapers & milk at Walmart after a game and this board not having a fit. SMH. Too funny.
Celebrating a loss because the games outcome matters little to them.
They're getting closer to the first pick and possibly their future QB. What's not to celebrate?
I do think it matters. These are some of the highest-paid employees of a multi-billion dollar company. Anybody entrusted to those kinds of contracts in any industry is expected to conduct themselves in a certain manner even when not at the workplace. So no, this is not like your average spare working at the cubicle or jobsite all day and having some beers afterwards, No one cares what they do.

Is it the end of the world, no, of course not. But it's a bad look. There are 10 to 12, maybe 14 nights during a really bad year when you're going to lose. Just have some respect for the fans who fund your huge paychecks and lay low those nights. You have 40 other weeks a year, or 350+ other nights a year if you want to look at it like, that to party it up when no one will care.
I can hear it now......I was assaulted......nothing good happens after 12.

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