Celebrating Tackles


Vet Min Plus
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Hate to say it but Bradie James is the lamest...


The Duke
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rocyaice;2412206 said:
I like it. Playing college and high school ball when a guy celebrates it gets everyone involved. It sort of ignites a spark. I think it has more to do with the play though than the celebration. They go hand in hand though.
I think celebration needs to be about timing.

If you are down by 21 points, don't celebrate a TD.

Don't celebrate at all on 1st and 2nd down. You can fire up the other team too and it can bite you in the butt.

Never draw a penalty with it.

I don't agree with the NFL taking away everything. I would allow the players all kinds of props and stuff for a TD if they would stop celebrating 1st downs (hated Irvin doing that), stop celebrating a tackle on 1st or 2nd down (that's stupid), and other stupid times to be celebrating.

As soon as the guy started his celebration tonight I went from impressed with the hit to "oh brother, it wasn't that great."


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Hostile;2412251 said:
I think celebration needs to be about timing.

If you are down by 21 points, don't celebrate a TD.

Don't celebrate at all on 1st and 2nd down. You can fire up the other team too and it can bite you in the butt.

Never draw a penalty with it.

I don't agree with the NFL taking away everything. I would allow the players all kinds of props and stuff for a TD if they would stop celebrating 1st downs (hated Irvin doing that), stop celebrating a tackle on 1st or 2nd down (that's stupid), and other stupid times to be celebrating.

As soon as the guy started his celebration tonight I went from impressed with the hit to "oh brother, it wasn't that great."

Well it depends. If you're down 21 and need to give your team momentum after a big sack i'm all for it. I think its lame to do so in a game where the outcome is already decided unless you're winning. I haven't seen this team do that though other than Ware a couple of weeks ago and he's good about not doing that nonsense. But as far as celebrating on 1st and 2nd down.....I don't see any negativity from it. You ignite the other team so what? I don't think its possible to fire up another team though. Not with celebrations after a big play like a sack or a tackle for a loss. I think for morality reasons they shouldn't do it down with the game is decided. Just looks embarrassing.


The Duke
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rocyaice;2412263 said:
Well it depends. If you're down 21 and need to give your team momentum after a big sack i'm all for it. I think its lame to do so in a game where the outcome is already decided unless you're winning. I haven't seen this team do that though other than Ware a couple of weeks ago and he's good about not doing that nonsense. But as far as celebrating on 1st and 2nd down.....I don't see any negativity from it. You ignite the other team so what? I don't think its possible to fire up another team though. Not with celebrations after a big play like a sack or a tackle for a loss. I think for morality reasons they shouldn't do it down with the game is decided. Just looks embarrassing.
I do. You are using up your recovery oxygen for the next play with that crap.


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Hostile;2412251 said:
I think celebration needs to be about timing.

If you are down by 21 points, don't celebrate a TD.

Don't celebrate at all on 1st and 2nd down. You can fire up the other team too and it can bite you in the butt.

Never draw a penalty with it.

I don't agree with the NFL taking away everything. I would allow the players all kinds of props and stuff for a TD if they would stop celebrating 1st downs (hated Irvin doing that), stop celebrating a tackle on 1st or 2nd down (that's stupid), and other stupid times to be celebrating.

As soon as the guy started his celebration tonight I went from impressed with the hit to "oh brother, it wasn't that great."

I think that's a pretty cool idea....I used to enjoy the Rams celebration never knew why they didn't let them do it anymore.


The Duke
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DaBoys4Life;2412280 said:
I think that's a pretty cool idea....I used to enjoy the Rams celebration never knew why they didn't let them do it anymore.
Chad Johnson kills me.

I wouldn't mind more of the antics on TDs being allowed if there wasn't celebrations on ill advised plays.

You stop someone on 4th and 1. Oh heck yeah. Celebrate.

You stop someone after a 3 yard gain on 1st down. Whoop dee freaking doo. Congratulations on doing your job and wasting your oxygen on somethign that doesn't matter in the least.


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Hostile;2412283 said:
Chad Johnson kills me.

I wouldn't mind more of the antics on TDs being allowed if there wasn't celebrations on ill advised plays.

You stop someone on 4th and 1. Oh heck yeah. Celebrate.

You stop someone after a 3 yard gain on 1st down. Whoop dee freaking doo. Congratulations on doing your job and wasting your oxygen on somethign that doesn't matter in the least.

I hate seeing that.

Bob Sacamano

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I hate even when your team is up, a player celebrates a measly stop for a yard or 2

I am speaking specifically of Antonio Pierce


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I hate that they have outlawed everything but still allow the "Lambeau Leap". It is pre-planned, it involves leaving your feet, it involves other people, and it uses a prop. It therefore violates every facet of the "rule" but somehow it is OK. Actually, I guess jumping is OK, you just can't do anything on the ground. Dumb!

I don't like players celebrating unless it is truly a big play and even then I wish they wouldn't.


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THUMPER;2412360 said:
I hate that they have outlawed everything but still allow the "Lambeau Leap". It is pre-planned, it involves leaving your feet, it involves other people, and it uses a prop. It therefore violates every facet of the "rule" but somehow it is OK. Actually, I guess jumping is OK, you just can't do anything on the ground. Dumb!

I don't like players celebrating unless it is truly a big play and even then I wish they wouldn't.

I think they actually have a lambeau leap rule and the rule is only one player can go into the stands.

I find it interesting because I have seen on a couple of occassions more than one Commander player jumping into the stands at fedex, but no flags were thrown.


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special teams players have the right to show some emotion. they hardly play.


The Duke
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zeroburrito;2412373 said:
special teams players have the right to show some emotion. they hardly play.
I disagree. They are scrubs. I don't care to see them act like they are amazing.


White and Nerdy
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Hostile;2411987 said:
What's scarier?

1. A guy who puts a good lick on you and then makes sure everyone sees him and knows he did it.

2. A guy who puts a good lick on you and won't even acknowledge you.

i think its scary when the defender lays a huge lick on the ballcarrier and they guy jumps right up to his feet as if he was never touch.......and to add insult to injury, the defender is laid out on the ground.


The Duke
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Biggems;2412380 said:
i think its scary when the defender lays a huge lick on the ballcarrier and they guy jumps right up to his feet as if he was never touch.......and to add insult to injury, the defender is laid out on the ground.
You know what makes Marion Barber so amazing? He doesn't need to run his mouth. If he was a smack talker he wouldn't be near as captivating. Instead he just goes out there and does hsi job with fire, passion, and silence.

Give me a defense of 11 silent assassins and the other team would be freaked out. Psychological warfare. Get in their heads.


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Hostile;2412384 said:
You know what makes Marion Barber so amazing? He doesn't need to run his mouth. If he was a smack talker he wouldn't be near as captivating. Instead he just goes out there and does hsi job with fire, passion, and silence.

Give me a defense of 11 silent assassins and the other team would be freaked out. Psychological warfare. Get in their heads.

That would be stone cold.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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djdoug;2412014 said:
I'm sure Mike Singletary did too at some point..,that man was fierce!

Mike wasn't mean, he was just incrediably intense and effiecent at doing his job.


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I really love it on opening day the guy that makes the tackle on the first kickoff celebrates like he just won the Super Bowl. :bang2:


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Hostile;2411969 said:
I'm watching MNF even though I hate both teams. San Fran just punted a while ago and on the return there was a decent hit. Not a Ronnie Lott kind of hit where you come out of your seat, but it wasn't bad.

Next thing you know the guy who made the hit is marching down the field like he just did something special. I couldn't help but think he cheapened his own tackle.

Does anyone else feel that celebrating a so so tackle cheapens it? I understand a critical stop tackle like one on 4th and short. I even understand on a sack now and then. I hate it if the guy who is celebrating doesn't know that his team is behind.

Yes, actually I love DeWare, however lately he celebrates his sacks or tackle and we are losing big.......I CANNOT stand it when he does that!


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Unfortunately it makes me think -- they want us to look at them --- because they have never done this before (sack, TD, tackle) and probably won't be doing it again for a long time if ever.

IMO, the less celebration the better --- unless it is a true show of emotion over a huge play.

I must admit, I liked the California Quake, the Icky Shuffle, etc though.


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The sad thing is that you'll see people celebrating regular tackles through out the games in every single game, every single Sunday.

I'm not even talking about decent, or big hit, tackles I'm talking about tackles for gains of 1 yard or no yards. They celebrate like they just did something truly special.

It's a little silly but it is what it is.