News: Class Action Lawsuit filed vs DIRECTV and the NFL over Sunday Ticket

Living in Richmond, VA I would miss only a few games a year but that's not the only reason why I purchase Sunday Ticket. I love being able to switch to any game I want on Sundays. Instead of being stuck with endless Commanders and Ravens games, I can switch to the biggest games of the week or flip between the most exciting games.

However, if they come out with different pricing plans I'll have to reconsider but it would be tough to give up being able to watch any game on a Sunday. Also, we moved to Richmond because my wife wanted to be closer to her parents once we had kids. Part of the compromise I got was Sunday Ticket (and MLB package for Rangers games). Therefore, she's never complained about the cost. :)
I would buy the entire package if they offered it on Comcast. I'm not changing just for football. I agree Directv has a monopoly and it stinks.

Someone should file a lawsuit challenging the notion of DirecTV having a monopoly on the Sunday Ticket in the first place. They really only get away with it because they are unofficially grandfathered in. I remember some time ago MLB tried to implement the same thing for themselves and Congress smacked them so hard, their heads are still spinning.
I think at least the per team option should be implemented. My beef isn't with the price anyway, it's the exclusivity on Direct TV that's the issue.
I wish I could get a discount for the "online version" only. I have non high def satellite gear so I mainly use the online feature via HDMI to my TV. I only buy the ticket and don't subscribe monthly for their service since I was grand fathered on that deal in 1998.
I don't think going to the game and watching it at home is a fair comparison. 50$ is too much to watch a 3 hour program on TV. Imo.

Charge 50$ a game, and the winning bidder is probably going to lose money. If you're going to charge 50, why not 60? Point is, once you hit 50$, you're basically pigeon holing yourself into two demographic of consumer. The guy who's going to watch the darn game, unless it's just crazy expensive and the guy who's going to pay whatever because he's using 100$ bills as napkins.

Also, if you're out of market, I'm not really sure how many games are played "out of market" since I live in Cowboy Country, so I'll go with 8. You're going to be expected to pay 400$ for a season of games, when the Ticket is actually much less expensive? Doubtful.

A ton, and I mean a ton, of market research will probably decide that final figure of out of market subscribers but, I very highly doubt it'll be 50$.

Personally, I'd try and tap into that demographic that may be streaming illegally, or forced to go to the bar out of necessity for catching a game.

A lump sum up front (but not sure how that would work), a subscription based service that automatically drafted for every out of market game (say 10$), or a single game fee of 15$ is what my general tipping point meter is telling me. But I think a lot of guys out of market that are streaming would probably do a subscription for 10$ a game (they probably have netflix debiting every month already, can i get an amen?), and you also probably get the guys with 3 screaming kids who just wants to drink some Miller High Life on Sunday and watch football but he can't afford it because he has to pay for Jenny's braces.

Anywho, a ton of research will go into that number. It'd just surprise me if that number was even in the 40's. But, I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.
The NFL seriously needs to stream games like MLB and NHL do over the net removing the DirecTV requirement out of the equation. I've heard rumors of that happening, but it hasn't happened that I can see yet except for NFL Rewind which is a day late and a dollar short.
Yeah I can't see a judge can tell a company how to charge for an event.

They can't. They can only rule on the legality of the deal.

After that? DirecTV and the NFL can make even more money on a per game basis, and still give you a "savings" of a group deal.
I used to live in PA. Now NJ. I haven't missed a single Cowboys game since Sunday Ticket started in 2001. For the price, it's worth every penny.

Yeah it doesn't bother me. And honestly I like having the other games. Gives me something to watch at 1 if I'm waiting for the Boys or something to watch after if we've already won for the day.
Exactly. The price is $251.94 for the standard package for the season. Let's say 8 Cowboys games are on National TV. Therefore, you are essentially paying $32 per game to watch 8 games. If anyone thinks that is a rip-off, then you're crazy.
Hate DirecTV/Sunday Ticket, love seeing people tripping over their ideology when it comes to what to do about this ripoff.
Exactly. The price is $251.94 for the standard package for the season. Let's say 8 Cowboys games are on National TV. Therefore, you are essentially paying $32 per game to watch 8 games. If anyone thinks that is a rip-off, then you're crazy.

You can go to a Cowboys game (in-person) for $25. (or at least you could recently)
Exactly. The price is $251.94 for the standard package for the season. Let's say 8 Cowboys games are on National TV. Therefore, you are essentially paying $32 per game to watch 8 games. If anyone thinks that is a rip-off, then you're crazy.

You're also ignoring the cost of having directv per month, which is probably closer 100+ pre month (depending on your package).

Also hope you realize that 32 dollars a month to be a fan living out of a region is certainly a rip off.

What's more is if you're not lucky enough to be a Cowboys fan, your team might not be on tv 8 times a year.
I just hear a lot of whining and people wanting something for free or less than what is being charged.

Next up: AMC is being sued for having a monopoly on the TV show The Walking Dead. No other channel currently has the right to air the program, and that is just un-American! We deserve free The Walking Dead on every channel, AMC and their "horrible profits" be damned.

But but but I want to be able to see the game from inside the stadium with out a ticket. But but but I want to see NFL Sunday Ticket with out signing up for Direct TV. I want to get from Houston to San Diego without paying airfare. I want a free cell phone.
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I just hear a lot of whining and people wanting something for free or less than what is being charged.

Next up: AMC is being sued for having a monopoly on the TV show The Walking Dead. No other channel currently has the right to air the program, and that is just un-American! We deserve free The Walking Dead on every channel, AMC and their "horrible profits" be damned.

But but but I want to be able to see the game from inside the stadium with out a ticket. But but but I want to see NFL Sunday Ticket with out signing up for Direct TV. I want to get from Houston to San Diego without paying airfare. I want a free cell phone.

I just hear some people thinking that some people are above the law.
Until they offer single game packages, I'm doing it the illegal way. Me and my bestfriend never miss games of our favorite teams.


Isn't the picture quality just a mess when you go that route?
No, that was your straw man argument that wasn't based at all on the law.

The NFL Sunday Ticket is video programming just like The Walking Dead. One should be given free and one should not due to the amount of whining? Please differentiate them for us.

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