Clayton: Tony Romo to judge Miss Universe contest

I'm seeing Buckcherry June 1st! 2nd time. Haha, off topic ,but I had to add it. Not as exciting as seeing the 'boys in Chi-town in Sept, but up there on a lower tier.

As far as Romo's "Celebrity status". Got no problems as long as it doesn't effect him on the field. My only concern is that the very game Carrie showed up at for him, seemed to be his first dose of on-field reality. Though maybe that's just another aspect of his growing that he must overcome. Like it or not "Celebrity" is part of the position (especially on this team) and an aspect I don't think most of us think about. Perhaps not even himself? He's conquering it, that's how I'm going to look at it for the moment.
GlitzCowboy;1493211 said:
I'm seeing Buckcherry June 1st! 2nd time. Haha, off topic ,but I had to add it. Not as exciting as seeing the 'boys in Chi-town in Sept, but up there on a lower tier.

As far as Romo's "Celebrity status". Got no problems as long as it doesn't effect him on the field. My only concern is that the very game Carrie showed up at for him, seemed to be his first dose of on-field reality. Though maybe that's just another aspect of his growing that he must overcome. Like it or not "Celebrity" is part of the position (especially on this team) and an aspect I don't think most of us think about. Perhaps not even himself? He's conquering it, that's how I'm going to look at it for the moment.

well so far tony's *known* crimes are:
1. carrie told him hello before a game and some rat ******* took their pic
2. he was at a well known dallas bar on his birthday w/said carrie
3. he's been asked to judge a pageant of pretty women (this one is a hell-sender for sure)
4. he plays golf and is pretty darn good at it

now from all this bboy says tony is moving too fast and needs to tone it down. of course sluts, ****** and all kinds of extreme verbiage is said along the way but HE DOESN'T HATE ANYONE.

well, except himself obviously.

tony was a cinderella story last year - almost pulled off a storybook season, of course he'll get more attention and that includes invites to major social events as well.

and all this HOW many months from camp even starting?

bb just must hate anyone who has a life and regardless of what is happening, why or where, he'll push it for max-drama and value. you'd almost think he was in the media or something.

ANYWAY - i think i'll play some buckcherry AND black stone cherry on tonights show! bb can even come into the chat room but he'd not last long with his tude in that crowd. : )
You know maybe we all should just step away from this and leave it alone.

It is clear we have different opinions on the topic but it is also clear we are getting too personal and over the top in some areas. Also a little liberal with the language for a family board.

When I say this I include MYSELF.

Best to let this one die a slow death before things go to far, if they have not already.

So I will step away and hope others do as well. I would also apologize for using certain words over and over again when they should not have been used in the first place.

BrAinPaiNt;1493335 said:
You know maybe we all should just step away from this and leave it alone.

It is clear we have different opinions on the topic but it is also clear we are getting too personal and over the top in some areas. Also a little liberal with the language for a family board.

When I say this I include MYSELF.

Best to let this one die a slow death before things go to far, if they have not already.

So I will step away and hope others do as well. I would also apologize for using certain words over and over again when they should not have been used in the first place.


understood bp - sometimes you just can't believe what you see and hear cause it's so far out from standard reasoning. time to just shake your head and move on.
Be happy about this.

This is what happens when the Dallas Cowboys have a real QB. It's par for the course in regard to the most prestigious position in sports.

We are just not used to it anymore because it's been so long............
iceberg;1493338 said:
understood bp - sometimes you just can't believe what you see and hear cause it's so far out from standard reasoning. time to just shake your head and move on.

Yep...I was just shocked at it but that is no excuse, talking about for me, to keep going on with the words and such. I should know better and have better judgment with that. Just shocked at it.
Everlastingxxx;1493101 said:
I think you mean Black Stone Cherry. I saw them, Hinder and Staind in Corpus the day of the Cowboys @ Philly game. Was a pretty cool concert.

Actually we're both right. Black Stone Cherry, Buckcherry, Puddle of Mudd, and Papa Roach all opened for Hinder that night. It was x-fest in Lubbock
cowboyeric8;1493381 said:
Actually we're both right. Black Stone Cherry, Buckcherry, Puddle of Mudd, and Papa Roach all opened for Hinder that night. It was x-fest in Lubbock

That’s cool. Pretty good lineup too. I’d really like to see Nickleback sometime.
Bob Sacamano;1493739 said:
he should spend more time convincing himself that he isn't a Mary

Well, considering you're 23 years old with over 20,000 posts (translation: no social life), it's a sure bet that you're not getting any.
It's shocking that threads that bbgun partakes in seemingly always end in flame wars.

In other news, I'm also shocked that Tony has a life outside of football and get's to be a judge in a contest that rates beautiful women. How dare he be given such choices?
bbgun;1493756 said:
Well, considering you're 23 years old with over 20,000 posts (translation: no social life), it's a sure bet that you're not getting any.

it's not about getting any...

I just think you like dudes since most people who bad-mouth women do
rcaldw;1492235 said:
Well, you can say countdown all you want, count me in as one who gets tired of seeing this stuff. It is obviously his business as to what he does with his off season and his free time in general, but I just think he likes the "perks" of being the Cowboys QB a little too early on the job. He isn't Dan Marino yet. I would much prefer that he be concentrating on football.

Considering that he may never be "Dan Marino" or even the long-term Dallas Cowboys quarterback, I say take advantage of it while you can.

If he waits to enjoy the perks until later in his career, he possibly will have waited too long.
Bob Sacamano;1493763 said:
it's not about getting any...

I just think you like dudes since most people who bad-mouth women do

Bob Sacamano;1493763 said:
it's not about getting any...

I just think you like dudes since most people who bad-mouth women do

Yeah, you strike me as a real humanitarian. I'll look for you at the next NOW march.
Does anyone remember that movie "The Dirty Dozen"?

If so, remember how towards the end when they infiltrated the Germans Officers Party, and Magget, one of the prisoners messed it all up when he saw all them "evil sluts" the party and then he caused all hell to break loose and ruin the invasion for the American Army...

I wonder if my good buddy bbgun scripted that scene?


Actually, bbgun has some good traits and he is thought provoking, however, he's WAY beyound the mark here...

bbgun should thank BrainPaint for being very, and I mean very, tolerent during this thread!

If I had any thoughts of posting such stuff, wether I thought it was right or not, I would NOT do it here...I would have been banned in the first few minutes! (which might not be a bad thing anyway...just saying)

5Stars;1493799 said:
Does anyone remember that movie "The Dirty Dozen"?

If so, remember how towards the end when they infiltrated the Germans Officers Party, and Magget, one of the prisoners messed it all up when he saw all them "evil sluts" the party and then he caused all hell to break loose and ruin the invasion for the American Army...

I wonder if my good buddy bbgun scripted that scene?


Actually, bbgun has some good traits and he is thought provoking, however, he's WAY beyound the mark here...

bbgun should thank BrainPaint for being very, and I mean very, tolerent during this thread!

If I had any thoughts of posting such stuff, wether I thought it was right or not, I would NOT do it here...I would have been banned in the first few minutes! (which might not be a bad thing anyway...just saying)

Well, thank God you're not in charge then. I'm pretty sure you get banned for personal attacks on fellow posters, not pageant babes or QBs, so I have nothing to worry about. Thanks for your concern, though.
bbgun;1493797 said:
Yeah, you strike me as a real humanitarian. I'll look for you at the next NOW march.

:laugh2: look at you, from slinging derogatory terms for women, to advocating gay rights, not that I'm bashing them or anything

you're a living contradiction
:moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :bomb:
bbgun;1493806 said:
Well, thank God you're not in charge then. I'm pretty sure you get banned for personal attacks on fellow posters, not pageant babes or QBs, so I have nothing to worry about. Thanks for your concern, though.

Don't look at those butts...!

Hey, did you see any fine looking ladies today? I know I did...
bbgun;1493797 said:
Yeah, you strike me as a real humanitarian. I'll look for you at the next NOW march.

anyone ever accuse you of being...


what good word would fit here...hmmm...

no, that could be misinterpreted.

well, i could ... um.... no, that really doesn't fit.

I KNOW ... nah. some wear that as a badge of honor...

while i'm thinking of the word, you ever wonder who'd be more popular at a party - you or charles manson? well, don't.

ok, so the word isn't coming to me, but in any event i'm going to tell the poster child for "general world hatred" goodbye now and go pick up a thesarus.

check my tagline bb and drop by our chatroom. : ) i'll play a song for you if i got it.

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