Clearing The Air With Soccer Fans

CanadianCowboysFan;3465636 said:
you are probably the only 10 year old on the planet who would be upset for getting a trophy, deserved or undeserved

For me, every trophy I ever received was deserved even if it weren't.

Yeah, I don't think there are too many cynical 10 year olds out there. Especially not when Hostile was 10.
CanadianCowboysFan;3465636 said:
you are probably the only 10 year old on the planet who would be upset for getting a trophy, deserved or undeserved

For me, every trophy I ever received was deserved even if it weren't.
you're also canadian though......
CanadianCowboysFan;3465636 said:
you are probably the only 10 year old on the planet who would be upset for getting a trophy, deserved or undeserved

For me, every trophy I ever received was deserved even if it weren't.
I have standards that I will not compromise. I never have. I never will.
That's pretty much the way I feel about baseball.

I played baseball through little league and all the way through my sophmore year in high school.

About half way through that last season, is when I realized that I was just bored with the whole damn thing.

Baseball is about as exciting as soccer, with less movement.

I won't even take free tickets to go see the event live.

I'm going to steal a comment from a friend of mine regrading baseball... If I had all the money I could dream of, I would buy every major league baseball team and just shut them down.

No more baseball.
regarding unwarranted trophies i would point out that plenty of professional players of several team sports have received accolades that they didn't deserve due to the reputation they have based on who they play for.

but yeah no hard feelings on this side either, if you don't enjoy the sport thats up to you. you're still wrong ;) but thats your choice
Hostile;3465740 said:
I have standards that I will not compromise. I never have. I never will.

10 year olds usually don't have standards, they usually want all they can get.

You are a different breed that is for sure.
CanadianCowboysFan;3466565 said:
10 year olds usually don't have standards, they usually want all they can get.

You are a different breed that is for sure.
I remember when I was 10 years old, I wanted a Sega Genesis for Christmas. Stupid me, I was a bad kid that year. Instead of getting a lump of coal, I got a Genesis anyway. I was so appalled, I threw it away, never opened another Christmas present again, wrote Santa Claus a nasty letter, and I haven't talked to my parents since.
CanadianCowboysFan;3466563 said:
yeah because 10 year old Canadians are so different from 10 year old Americans
I bet Hos was a tougher 10 year old than you were
CanadianCowboysFan;3466565 said:
10 year olds usually don't have standards, they usually want all they can get.

You are a different breed that is for sure.
I don't mind being a different breed. When I was about 13 we were living with my grandparents. My Step-Grandpa cursed a lot in those days. His favorite was to take the Lord's name in vain, which I have never liked. When my 4 year old baby sister started saying those words I called him on it. It upset him. A lot.

I got sent to my room. My Mom came in to talk to me and then my Grandma did. My Grandma wanted me to apologize to him. For what? I wasn't wrong. An adult cursing around a child to where that child picks up the language and starts to use it is something I will never condone.

I refused to apologize. I was right. My Grandma told my Mom to make me apologize. To her credit she said she couldn't do that.

They kicked us out of the house. We went from a pretty nice house to a very ratty trailer with my Uncle. I was happy. No more foul language and no pressure on me to be something I am not.

Years later he thanked me for the lesson I taught him about that day. Before my Grandma died she told me that my unwillingness to compromise my standards was what she loved most about me.

You have said before that you don't like me. You aren't the first person who has told me that in my life. You won't be the last. I know I am abrasive. I also know that when the chips are down you can count on me. You too. I don't care that you don't like me. If you come to me for support, it will always be given. Every time. No conditions.

Like I said, I have standards and they are not for sale, barter, trade, rent, lease, or debate. You could offer me 10 million dollars to cheat on my wife. You could offer me more. I don't care how lovely the woman is that I would have to sleep with I will turn down that money. I took a vow that I am serious about. That is why you don't like me. I won't rationalize stupidity. I won't rationalize infidelity. I won't be silent about what I think is wrong. Because of that you will never like me. I won't care. Not one little bit. It will always be a one sided hatred tilted your way.

If that is rare, forever let me be rare. I have found that people who genuinely know me respect that about me, and I would rather be respected than liked any day.
Hostile;3467034 said:
I don't mind being a different breed. When I was about 13 we were living with my grandparents. My Step-Grandpa cursed a lot in those days. His favorite was to take the Lord's name in vain, which I have never liked. When my 4 year old baby sister started saying those words I called him on it. It upset him. A lot.

I got sent to my room. My Mom came in to talk to me and then my Grandma did. My Grandma wanted me to apologize to him. For what? I wasn't wrong. An adult cursing around a child to where that child picks up the language and starts to use it is something I will never condone.

I refused to apologize. I was right. My Grandma told my Mom to make me apologize. To her credit she said she couldn't do that.

They kicked us out of the house. We went from a pretty nice house to a very ratty trailer with my Uncle. I was happy. No more foul language and no pressure on me to be something I am not.

Years later he thanked me for the lesson I taught him about that day. Before my Grandma died she told me that my unwillingness to compromise my standards was what she loved most about me.

You have said before that you don't like me. You aren't the first person who has told me that in my life. You won't be the last. I know I am abrasive. I also know that when the chips are down you can count on me. You too. I don't care that you don't like me. If you come to me for support, it will always be given. Every time. No conditions.

Like I said, I have standards and they are not for sale, barter, trade, rent, lease, or debate. You could offer me 10 million dollars to cheat on my wife. You could offer me more. I don't care how lovely the woman is that I would have to sleep with I will turn down that money. I took a vow that I am serious about. That is why you don't like me. I won't rationalize stupidity. I won't rationalize infidelity. I won't be silent about what I think is wrong. Because of that you will never like me. I won't care. Not one little bit. It will always be a one sided hatred tilted your way.

If that is rare, forever let me be rare. I have found that people who genuinely know me respect that about me, and I would rather be respected than liked any day.

Thing is, you have rationalized the type of behaviour you despise. You might not do it yourself but you have accepted it in others.

In the 1990s when Irvin was having intercourse with every woman that moved, you cheered his touchdowns. I am sure in the 1992 SB you didn't get angry when he scored the two TDs late in the first half to give us the win. You probably cheered for everyone of Deion Sanders' Ints even though he was quite the player. You cheered Nate Newton/Erik Williams etc We had a team of major bad ***** yet you still cheered for them.
CanadianCowboysFan;3469683 said:
Thing is, you have rationalized the type of behaviour you despise. You might not do it yourself but you have accepted it in others.

In the 1990s when Irvin was having intercourse with every woman that moved, you cheered his touchdowns. I am sure in the 1992 SB you didn't get angry when he scored the two TDs late in the first half to give us the win. You probably cheered for everyone of Deion Sanders' Ints even though he was quite the player. You cheered Nate Newton/Erik Williams etc We had a team of major bad ***** yet you still cheered for them.
Uh, I'm not an Irvin fan. Check my History. I have never been a fan of his. Never owned one of his jerseys and never will. Deion neither.

There are things about them I like, on the football field, but off it. Nope. I cheer for the uniform above the player.

I used to have a friend on the team. A personal friend. Know why he lost his job? Because we drafted a multi-time Pro Bowl replacement. I have never lamented that. I lost the greatest inside source I ever had. Didn't care. I want the great player over him and his tips.

There are players on this team that I do love and respect. They are the players who stand for something. I cheer the team and I cheer wins. I never liked TO. Didn't hate him either. I appreciated the things he did that helped us win.

You can call that rationalization if you want. I don't care. You see, I have never had delusions that the Dallas Cowboys or any other sports team is full of guys I can respect, root for, and admire. I root for what I love, not for an entire package with my head in the sand.

So once again you are blathering about stuff which you have no earthly clue. I hope you can live with your disappointment again. Oh, and congrats. Next post is #10,000.
Why is it whenever you are challenged you respond angrily?

Owning a jersey is meaningless, if you cheered the touchdown, you were cheering for Irvin.

I do trust though you enjoy living in the Ivory Tower.
CanadianCowboysFan;3470834 said:
Why is it whenever you are challenged you respond angrily?

Owning a jersey is meaningless, if you cheered the touchdown, you were cheering for Irvin.

I do trust though you enjoy living in the Ivory Tower.
I don't respond angrily, you're just tender to anything I say. If you can't stand the roar of the big guns, don't pull the trigger and challenge me. I am not an easy target and your aim sucks, so you have very little chance of ever scoring a hit. Learn from your mistakes.

No, I was cheering for the team. Did Irvin throw it? Did he block for it? I actually understand that football is a team game. Always have. Some day, you might catch up to what I have known for a long time, but I doubt it.
CanadianCowboysFan;3469672 said:
and I was tougher than you, what's your point?

Uh, Rampage grew up in Little Italy. He had to fight off little mafians everyday just to take out the garbage.
Hostile;3465740 said:
I have standards that I will not compromise. I never have. I never will.


You and I are fans of one of the greatest rivals in sports history. We do not waiver on that. I respect you for it as it seems you respect me for it.

There is no reason to compromise. Adapt and adjust maybe, but compromise... no way.

Soccer is not it. It sucks. I played as a child also. I was a pretty good player and still though it sucked.

I won awards in a few sports. The only ones that mattered were the ones I EARNED. We won a baseball championship when I was around 12 or so. Best game of the season for me. 4-5 and 4 rbi's, etc. I earned MVP of the game, but certainly not of the season.

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