CanadianCowboysFan;3466565 said:
10 year olds usually don't have standards, they usually want all they can get.
You are a different breed that is for sure.
I don't mind being a different breed. When I was about 13 we were living with my grandparents. My Step-Grandpa cursed a lot in those days. His favorite was to take the Lord's name in vain, which I have never liked. When my 4 year old baby sister started saying those words I called him on it. It upset him. A lot.
I got sent to my room. My Mom came in to talk to me and then my Grandma did. My Grandma wanted me to apologize to him. For what? I wasn't wrong. An adult cursing around a child to where that child picks up the language and starts to use it is something I will never condone.
I refused to apologize. I was right. My Grandma told my Mom to make me apologize. To her credit she said she couldn't do that.
They kicked us out of the house. We went from a pretty nice house to a very ratty trailer with my Uncle. I was happy. No more foul language and no pressure on me to be something I am not.
Years later he thanked me for the lesson I taught him about that day. Before my Grandma died she told me that my unwillingness to compromise my standards was what she loved most about me.
You have said before that you don't like me. You aren't the first person who has told me that in my life. You won't be the last. I know I am abrasive. I also know that when the chips are down you can count on me. You too. I don't care that you don't like me. If you come to me for support, it will always be given. Every time. No conditions.
Like I said, I have standards and they are not for sale, barter, trade, rent, lease, or debate. You could offer me 10 million dollars to cheat on my wife. You could offer me more. I don't care how lovely the woman is that I would have to sleep with I will turn down that money. I took a vow that I am serious about. That is why you don't like me. I won't rationalize stupidity. I won't rationalize infidelity. I won't be silent about what I think is wrong. Because of that you will never like me. I won't care. Not one little bit. It will always be a one sided hatred tilted your way.
If that is rare, forever let me be rare. I have found that people who genuinely know me respect that about me, and I would rather be respected than liked any day.