Clinton Portis crying for more carries

SkinsandTerps;1099959 said:
TO is the one who looks like he is wearing lip gloss all the time. Settle down with all the makeup stuff. I am sure I can find those model shoots that TO did.

God fearing ? Based on what now ? You just keep pulling out more and more bull.

They are all rich jocks, and unfortunately TO certainly isnt in any position to consider others dumb, nor are you. T.O. was so stupid he signed a contract in Philly that the players association told him not to sign. Thats about as stupid as it gets. They are looking out for his best interests and he still doesnt get it.

Most athletes do but TO only has his driveway ? Oh man, I didnt realize he was so underpaid.

The guy is a winner ? Really ? What has he won ? The Chattanoga Championship ? Really what has he won, ever ?

What has Porthole won?

T.O. played in a SuperBowl....did your little ghey running back ever play in one? I really don't know, did he? Will he ever?

5Stars;1099960 said:
What has Porthole won?

T.O. played in a SuperBowl....did your little ghey running back ever play in one? I really don't know, did he? Will he ever?


Did I say Portis was a winner ?

Maybe you and Terrell rode the same short bus to school. Give his Grandma a hug next time you see her.

Lots of guys played in Superbowls, doesnt make them winners anymore than the Eagles are winners. How many on the Cowboys Roster have actually won one and played in the game ?
SkinsandTerps;1099964 said:
Lots of guys played in Superbowls, doesnt make them winners anymore than the Eagles are winners.

I can't argue with this! :lmao2:

firehawk350;1099936 said:
How many other RBs do that on a pass play???

Wait till the next game with the Cowboys for your answer...

SkinsandTerps;1099964 said:
Did I say Portis was a winner ?

Maybe you and Terrell rode the same short bus to school. Give his Grandma a hug next time you see her.

Lots of guys played in Superbowls, doesnt make them winners anymore than the Eagles are winners. How many on the Cowboys Roster have actually won one and played in the game ?

Everyone already knows that TO is a me guy, what are you trying to prove?

But everyone also knows that Portis is a disruption except for Skins' fans living in fantasy land. The same Skins' fans who defended Lavar's desire to stay with the team no matter what. The same Skins' fans who said he would retire before he played with a different team! Kind of ironic that he payed millions of dollars to get away from the Washington organization.

You guys have to be the worst judge of character ever. Actually "you guys" is a little too broad. Must of my Commanders' buddies admit that Portis is a selfish player, just the fanatic few who would defend him no matter what he does.
EndGame;1098872 said:
I pulled this from CBS Sportsline's fantasy football section, so I don't have a link to the complete article, but check out the comments from Clinton Portis:

Is that really different than TO saying "Why did they bring me here?" It seems like the same sentiment to me. ESPN wouldn't talk about anything BUT if TO uttered those words. I know Owens brings a lot of this crap on himself, but I'm just tired of it, as I think the team is.
Watching NFL live this isn't even a story.
It's the Tiki Barber show for 30 minutes.
Funny how there is always a big story breaking with one of the teams that is on the Monday night schedule every week.
Anyone else notice that?
ESPN will shove thier agenda down your throat wether it's TO drama being made up or since the 3 td game makes that a non-issue for this week they are pumping up Tikki Barber like he is Jim Brown.
Yep, it was the Tiki and TO show.

They didn't mention Portis wanting the ball more, but they mentioned TOs comments that he was bored in the first halves of the last two games, and spent about 5 minutes telling TO that he's not the only guy on the offense. :laugh2:
MossBurner;1099974 said:
Yes, it's very different. Get a brain.
How? Both guys are saying they aren't being used right and should get the ball more.

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