Clippers owner Donald Sterling tells girlfriend to not bring African-Americans to his games

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Possibly the dumbest idea in the modern era by Johnson.
Could you imagine, in this day of age, if someone proposed an all-white or all-Latino or all-whatever league of any sport that banned any other race? Yet ol Larry Johnson throws out this nonsense.

Sports is by far one the most racially harmonious areas there is anywhere--it's one of the things that makes it fabulous--Johnson has to know that creeps like Sterling are very rare.
And I know that he is aware of fellow players that actually would like to keep out everyone but "their own". They hated the Euros in the past for that very reason. Those creeps were racist too, but they too were the vast exceptions.

In Wake Of Sterling Fiasco, Ex-Knicks Great Larry Johnson Appears To Call For All-Black League
Cryptic Tweet Seems To Suggest Team's Current Exec Would Welcome Such A Thing

Larry Johnson @TheRealLJ2 Follow
Black people your Focusing on the wrong thing. We should be focusing on having our own, Own team own League! To For Self!!

3:42 PM - 26 Apr 2014
If a white guy said such a thing, he would be in even hotter water than Sterling. It never ceases to amaze me how such despicable racist comment spoken by black people get completly ignored.
If a white guy said such a thing, he would be in even hotter water than Sterling. It never ceases to amaze me how such despicable racist comment spoken by black people get completly ignored.

Some of the absolute worst racists around are black but you would never know it - the media and everyone is pretty much complicit in hiding this.
Some of the absolute worst racists around are black but you would never know it - the media and everyone is pretty much complicit in hiding this.

Out of curiosity, what actions lead you to believe the Black racists are worse than the other racists?
If a white guy said such a thing, he would be in even hotter water than Sterling. It never ceases to amaze me how such despicable racist comment spoken by black people get completly ignored.

Yea, the double standard is what I find most offensive in how this issue is handled in society in general. If its wrong for one ethnic group then its certainly wrong for every ethnic group. It cant be horribly wrong for one group and then far less wrong, or even ignored for another group because of history or any other factors. Its either all wrong or it isnt. We could get past all of it as a society if we just applied the same standard across the board for everybody. Hold everyone to the same standard and then we are making some real progress. Im afraid there are many tho, who dont want the same standard applied for everyone because it would render their agendas meaningless. And sadly, this is one of the primary reasons we still have these blow ups and news dominant stories, and why some people tend to tune it out.

We really need some honest dialogue on this issue but it tends to be too emotional of a topic for many so it makes it difficult. Add in the double standard and things are complicated. There is no easy answer.
Some of the absolute worst racists around are black but you would never know it - the media and everyone is pretty much complicit in hiding this.

Jeremiah Wright?
Dude make this Sterling idiot look like a saint....especially given that he uses a pulpit to spew the hate.
But I digress. There's no excuse regardless of race or creed.
Leigh Steinberg ‏@leighsteinberg 2h
#NBA has the power to indefinitely suspend Sterling or impose lifetime ban under Paragraphs 24(l),35 (A)(C) of NBA Constitution.

I think that this is probably true but I also think that this could be very dangerous for the League. Legally, there are a lot of questions that still need to be answered here. The specifics on how the tapes were acquired and how they came into the possession of TMz etc. I understand that the legality doesn't necessarily effect the leagues decision now but, it's very possible that if Sterling were to take this case to court and win (which I believe he probably would), there are also legal possibilities that he could potentially bring against the league at a later date and who knows how that might work? I think the NBA has to be very careful here. JMO.
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