Coach Byner doesn't believe that Portis (shoulder) can carry load by himself

DragonCowboy said:
Guys, please, PLEASE, don't gloat and shove these injuries down the Commanders' fans throats. First of all, it's bad sportsmanship, and second, the Commanders fans did this same thing to us a week or so ago. Now look what happened to them.

What goes around comes around.
So true. Karma or you rep what you sow, in either case - I agree.
Dough Boy said:
With all due respect Biz, prove that Betts is an effective player. Give me something that supports this. Again, if Betts is so effective, why would Al Saunders be worried?

he rushed for 100 yards once :laugh1:

so did Hambrick :lmao2:actually 3 times in his career :lmao:
At the risk of sounding like a homer, I actually think Barber and Jones are each better than Betts. Barber and Jones are not that far apart, and Betts is not on their level IMO.

Granted, I haven't seen each of Betts' carries, but his numbers aren't all that impressive. A lot of times, backup running backs are said to get a higher yards per carry (see: Troy Hambrick, LaMont Jordan) due to teams not game planning for them. Yet Betts' average and overall statistics are very average.

With that said, I think the gap between Portis and Jones is much greater than being given credit here. Portis is a top four back. Jones looks like a top-four back a couple of games each year. There's a big difference between those two talents, until Jones proves otherwise IMO.

As far as depth, yeah, I'd agree the Cowboys are 'less screwed' if Jones goes down than if Portis goes down in Washington. But like Biz said, that's because Portis is such an immense talent and cannot be replaced.

It's like saying Philly has better depth because they'd be less screwed if Reggie Brown got hurt than if we lost Terrell Owens.

Portis, alone, carries Washington's running back rotation. Betts is a solid complementary player, but nothing special. Meanwhile, we have two slightly above average running backs who are younger with that dreaded "potential." They look great some weeks and pedestrian others.

I'd take our backup but their starter. Let's put it that way.
NIBGoldenchild said:
I don't know about first downs, but Barber had the same amount touchdowns as Betts has had in his career. Not way more.

He was talking about any year in Betts' career, not his career totals.
Cowboy from New York said:
They don't have a duo like we have but they do have some depth there at RB.

That is asinine. "JuJo" and MBIII can be found in any grocery store, like Betts. Neither is in any way special, like Portis.
Dale said:
At the risk of sounding like a homer, I actually think Barber and Jones are each better than Betts. Barber and Jones are not that far apart, and Betts is not on their level IMO.

No need to worry about sounding like a homer just for stating the glaringly obvious. L Betts is a backup. Jones is a feature back, and Barber is a contributor.

Last year at this time, a *lot* of people were projecting 1500-1700 yards and a dozen TDs for J Jones, and Portis was coming off of his worst year in the league. Now, clearly Jones didn't deliver as expected, but he did flash some, and he did have a high ankle sprain and a weak OL. I don't think there's as much room between Portis and Jones as many on this board are apparently willing to concede. I think the players are just shifted slightly in their career arcs, and Portis is just a bit ahead of Jones.

It'll be interesting to see this year if he can stay there. Even before the shoulder, I've been avoiding Portis in my fantasy drafts. I don't think he makes it more than 4 games this year without some sort of significant injury.
Smashmouth24 said:
"JuJo" and MBIII can be found in any grocery store

That's the dumbest thing I've seen posted in weeks (if not longer), and I've seen plenty of dumb things posted lately.
Gfunk said:
Betts is injury prone like JJ, but to say JJ and MIII are better than him?

that's reaching

You freakin' kidding me? What has Betts ever done? Already JuJo and MBIII have had better seasons then Betts. In fact, both of JuJo's seasons and MBIII's rookie season (lsat year) are better then ANY season Betts has ever had.

There isn't even a debate of whether they're better then Betts, it's simply fact. Unless you're a complete Commanders fan (a good word for a Commanders fan is another word that rhymes with the word "Boron").

At the risk of sounding like a homer, I actually think Barber and Jones are each better than Betts.

There's nothing homeristic about it. Fact is fact.

Portis is a top four back.

Sorry, but Portis isn't as good as Edge, Alexander, Tiki, or LT. He may be top 5 but not cuz he's up there with those guys. It would be only cuz the other guys are further away.

I agree, anything other than that is homerific

Not necessarily. I wouldn't want Portis in Dallas just for the simple fact that his homoesque costumes would annoy the hell out of me.

That's the dumbest thing I've seen posted in weeks (if not longer), and I've seen plenty of dumb things posted lately.

Consider the source. Coming from a skins fan it's not just dumb, it's the norm.
I'll throw my 2 cents in and say I think Portis is a fine back who is perhaps a bit miscast in Joe Gibbs offense...and he is currently better than any back on the Cowboys roster...His backup Betts is a bit over-rated by skin fans but not a bad backup at all...he just is not the equivalent of JJ or MBIII

I would put it like this

Starters Type

Star - Portis
Rotational guys - JJ/MBIII


Average - Betts

I would like to see the Cowboys get one of their guys in the solid starter range
I would submit that with the exception of his first year with the skins, Portis has had a MUCH BETTER O LINE HIS ENTIRE CAREER then JJ has had.
burmafrd said:
I would submit that with the exception of his first year with the skins, Portis has had a MUCH BETTER O LINE HIS ENTIRE CAREER then JJ has had.

The only reason JJ isn't considered one of the better young RBs in the NFL is because of injury. here are Portis and Jones stats the past 2 years.

Portis 686 carries,2831 yards,4.05 YPC, 16 TDs
Jones 454 carries,1812 yards,4.05 YPC, 12 TDs

So as we can all plainly see, IF he had stayed helathy and not misses 11 games, he probably get another 220-240 carries and would have had 2800 yards and well over 16 TDs going on his averages. During that same time portis missed 1 game.

OBTW . He has more yards than either Jones(Detroit) or Jackson(St.Louis).
AdamJT13 said:
That's the dumbest thing I've seen posted in weeks (if not longer), and I've seen plenty of dumb things posted lately.

Sorry, it was an overstatement but my intention was to emphasize the fact that Julius and Marion are closer to Betts than they are to Portis. Portis is special, the other three are not.

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