I think everybody is making really good and valid points. I am really impressed and thats why i love this board, because you can come here, espescially after a loss, and you can get a really good perspective on the game, and it isnt one sided and comical like Extremeskins.
That being said, here are my complaints from the game-
1) The Raiders pass defense sucks. The few times we threatened them, it worked..(Long bomb to Terry Glenn). Peerless Price would have been ideal to play alot in that game, if for nothing more than to run the coverage away from the underneath so more passes could go to Jason Witten.
2) The offensive line flat out stunk right at the supposed strengths. Larry Allen and Flozell playing like they did is inexcusable.
3) Its stating the obvious, but the play calling was by far the worst i have seen in a long time. 3rd and short and we run Barber? You mean to tell me we cant complete one to Jason Witten there for a couple of yards?
4) I am very afraid that we inadvertently exposed a telling weakness to our defense. Its obvious our linebackers cant hold the edge at the point of attack. They were getting mashed on the edges all day long, and Jordan took advantage. I cant remember when we continually gave up 8-9 yards almost every time on first down.
5) Parcells has to throw more on running downs. The use of play action yesterday was pathetic.