Coffee drinkers?

What are your favorite k-cups? I like the Starbucks veranda blend and have been drinking a lot of green tea.

I have the 60 cup sampler that came with the machine that I need to start going through.
My favorites are the Donut House and Earl Grey Tea (great with some creamer)
I do coffee but I also do a lot of tea in mine. I tried to start drinking green tea for the supposed health benefits, and I like the really dark/strong english breakfast teas too. Cool thing to do is fill your glass with ice maybe with agave or honey at the bottom and run a tea into it, perfect iced tea or iced green tea like the Arizona teas.

Also I heard if it breaks they will usually replace it for free, I think it's one of those things like printers where they make the money off the ink/Kcups instead of the machine itself.
Yea, but who drinks black coffee? lol


You'd be surprised.
I know I do.
Fresh ground and black.
Sometimes I'll drop some cinnamon (great for you too) in there--which probably devalues my man card.
I do coffee but I also do a lot of tea in mine. I tried to start drinking green tea for the supposed health benefits, and I like the really dark/strong english breakfast teas too. Cool thing to do is fill your glass with ice maybe with agave or honey at the bottom and run a tea into it, perfect iced tea or iced green tea like the Arizona teas.

Also I heard if it breaks they will usually replace it for free, I think it's one of those things like printers where they make the money off the ink/Kcups instead of the machine itself.
That is true. In fact, the fonder of the K-cups thing made his fortune in EZ-Wide rolling papers. He sold his stake in the rolling paper thing and started Green Mountain coffee. I'm not sure if it's true now, but their machines were sold at a loss with the expectation they would make their money back in the kcup sales; just like printer ink.
What are your favorite k-cups? I like the Starbucks veranda blend and have been drinking a lot of green tea.

I have the 60 cup sampler that came with the machine that I need to start going through.

Believe it or not Folgers black Silk is one of my staples.
Green Mountain Double Black Diamond is also good
Green Mountain Black Magic
Coffee People - Jet Fuel.

And a newer coffee which I think currently has the title for strongest Coffee, Death Wish. Super bold flavor, but it also has I think 200% more caffeine than Starbucks standard roast.

I like coffee as Bold as it can be.

My GF gets all sorts of flavored kinds. She has like gingerbread, french toast, Vanilla biscotti. Do a search for K cup flavors online, there are countless.
Unsophisticated as I am, I buy green, unroasted coffee beans online from Dean's Beans and they have coffee beans from all over the world but my favorite is Peruvian. I roast them to my own preference and then grind my freshly roasted beans to the size I prefer and then percolate for a cup of coffee I can't duplicate anywhere. Sometimes I mix beans from different places or degrees of doneness for a unique treat. No artificial flavorings, just pure coffee.

I live in west central Texas, a huge minimum wage area and I doubt there is a Starbuck's within a 90 minute drive so you just have to do the best you can with what you have.

Unsophisticated?? Hardly!! You know how it's done, and kudos to you. almost makes me want to swing by while I'm in Texas the next couple of months for a cup o' joe!
I decided to send family members a gift assortment of beans from Dean and Deluca instead of the old standby HB Ham this year. So far, the Manhattan Blend is neck and neck with their Espresso Blend for all who got the beans. There is one other, I forget what blend it is, that nobody's tapped into yet. We had them sent from D&D in Manhattan when we were there in early December. They had to provide their own grinder:):)!
Got a nescafe coffee maker the cappuccinos are nice but strong hardly use any of the other pods. I think costa coffee is nicer than starbucks
Yea, but who drinks black coffee? lol

I do! Being a british fan a lot of the matches are on at 1:30am so just make some coffee and put it in a flask I don't generally drink it though otherwise ive heard it can upset your stomach if you drink it frequently
I'm really interested in getting one of these, but there seems to be a inordinate amount of 1, 2 and 3 star customer reviews on Amazon. Most echoing the same thing. "Used ___ times, and then just quit!"

Anyone experienced any of the similar problems?
for coffee, i like starbucks(their pike place roast is really good IMO). i also love earl grey tea.
We have a Keurig but I only use it for green tea. I love it because I can make green tea and microwave oatmeal at the same time. I also tried Keurig hot chocolate. Wasn't a fan of that.
I love them and my company has one so I get my fill. I will probably never buy one though and it is because of my snobbery. I used to have a Tassimo solely because they had Starbucks. I am a complete Starbucks snob and while I can apologize to the masses for my shortcomings it is simply never going to change. Well, Tassimo and Starbucks parted ways and I was left with a useless coffee maker that still sits under my cabinet collecting dust. Lesson learned is that those sweet disks of Xanadu can be ripped away from me at a moments notice should I corner myself into another maker. I envy the purchase because that thing is the bomb-diggity, but I can't get myself to pull the trigger on it because of my other experience.

Kaboom, outstanding coffee!
Yea, but who drinks black coffee? lol

I do, and can safely say that not once have I ever put sugar in my coffee. The only thing I ever put in my coffee is either milk or honey. Black coffee is healthy, and plenty of people drink it.
I'm really interested in getting one of these, but there seems to be a inordinate amount of 1, 2 and 3 star customer reviews on Amazon. Most echoing the same thing. "Used ___ times, and then just quit!"

Anyone experienced any of the similar problems?

I bought one of the cheap ones ($99 Keurig brand at Bed Bath & Beyond) about a year and a half ago and it's been great. Use it all the time.

The pump can quit on them, but I don't think it's a systemic thing. YMMV

Edit: This is the one I got
I'm really interested in getting one of these, but there seems to be a inordinate amount of 1, 2 and 3 star customer reviews on Amazon. Most echoing the same thing. "Used ___ times, and then just quit!"

Anyone experienced any of the similar problems?
As I mentioned earlier, I got my wife a Cuisinart Keurig machine 3 years ago. I'm on my 4th one. The first one I sent back to Cuisinart like an idiot because I spent about $20 S&H. The next couple of times I just took it to Bed Bath & Beyond and they replaced it free of charge (I didn't even buy the original one there). This one has lasted over a year with heavy daily use. I might have had bad luck because a couple of people I work with bought theirs when I got mine and they haven't a problem.

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